Slim's Basement

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by slim100_us, Jan 24, 2005.

  1. slim100_us

    slim100_us New Member

    I had a practice tournament in my basement over the weekend. I would like to get some advice and thoughts on how the last hand went.

    The bet spread was $50.00 to $500.00. No surrender unless the dealer shows an Ace. DOA, DAS. No Insurance. Pete has the Button.

    Players: Bank: Bet: Cards hit/stand

    Pete $2,100.00 bet $500.00 10,5 hit a 4

    Holly OUT

    Scott $2,500.00 bet $390.00 10,3 hit a 8

    Shannon $1,000.00 bet $500.00 10,7 doubled & busted

    Terry $1,150.00 bet $500.00 10,5 doubled & busted

    Dealer showes a 9, then draws a 2, then a 3, then a 10 for a bust. Scott wins and Pete gets second.

    A couple questions. Should have Pete Doubled?, Was Scott's $390.00 bet the best bet?


    Last edited: Jan 24, 2005
  2. Moses

    Moses Active Member

    Pete Should Double

    If Pete hits, he should double.

    The $390 was a very good bet.
  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I agree. Double.

    I like a double for $300 here.

    If this is a final table with decreasing value for each place, a loss of $800 still beats a possible push by Terry, so a $300 double is preferable to a $500 double.

    Moses says Pete should double if he's going to hit. I don't see standing here accomplishing much. He already has second low, whether he busts or not. Either doubling or hitting is preferable, with doubling the best. A push is a possible outcome as well, and it has considerable value.

    As for the other question, yes, I like Scott's $390 bet.
  4. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member

    I like the Bet!


    Looks like you had a good practice session for St. Ignace. We got in a couple of interesting final hands at ours as well. My wife made a betting error on the final hand that cost her first place and ended in second.

    I would have made the same bet as you!

    Hope to see you at the final table in a couple of weeks! :D

    Take Care,
  5. Walt

    Walt New Member

    Scott's Bet

    I like a bet of $345 for Scott. It does everything that 390 does, plus he can lose the hand and keep the high on a successful double down by Terry.
  6. But $345 wouldn't cover a BJ for Pete. $360 would be just as good as $390, I believe.

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