Smoking at tourney table

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by mica, Jun 22, 2011.

  1. mica

    mica New Member

    I wish all tournaments would enforce a nonsmoking policy! At the final (crowded) table at a local tournament last night..,, a woman in seat 5 lit up a smoke and blew it in everyone's faces. Its been over a decade since I've smoked..but I can remember how nice a smoke was when in a stressful situation. With 8 other non smokers at the table...was her smoking rude? When she first took out the pack and a lighter and indicated she was going to smoke...,a couple players asked her to wait until the tourney was over ....but she said we were in one if the few places that smoking was allowed....the rest if us could go almost anywhere we wanted that was smoke free.!

    I'm curious what others ...smokers and not...think?

  2. maxwell

    maxwell Member

    no smoking

    I am a smoker and I believe that the non-smoking rules should apply during a tournament not that I am not biting at the bit to have a smoke during a tournament but a round in a tournament is about 30 minutes. Yes I think this is rude of her to blow smoke in everybodys face during a tournament. My guess is that she is a older women or asian female. I try really hard not to blow smoke towards anybody at the blackjack table in normal play. I just try to respect the non smoking players and dealers. On the other hand some of the non smokers are very rude also and treat smokers like a criminal not just in a casino but anywhere.
    mica likes this.
  3. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Mica, you are in the Great Northwest and that is a well-known area for a very few local BJT players who will stop at nothing to win, even cheating. Blowing smoke isn't cheating but it might knock down your concentration.

    First, if I were you, I'd approach the tournament directors outside of the event itself and point out how rude it is and how it could cost them players. Second, I'd work on my own mindset so that stuff like that doesn't affect you.

    I used to do rotten little things early in my bowling tournament career to distract my opponents. Nothing rude like blowing smoke - stuff like wearing a wrist support on the non-bowling hand or wearing shoes that were obviously from two different (and horribly ugly) pairs. Affecting their concentration was paramount.
    mica likes this.
  4. mociferous

    mociferous Member


    I agree with Leftnut. There are those who will do anything to sidetrack your thinking. At a local tourney, some of the poker players would "take a break" from poker and come play the bjt. They were obnoxious, loud, rude, and would smoke cigars to annoy us. They were finally banned from playing since they started "borrowing" chips from a round where they had dominated the table (like making 23,000 chips from 1000) and didn't need them to win their table (2nd highest would be like 3,000) and taking those chips (extra 3-4000!) to the final table...slipping them into play without anyone noticing! Making tournament tables non-smoking is very reasonable.:eek:
  5. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Another Angle

    Regulars in Wisconsin all know of one player whose table antics distract and anger other players and the dealer. Those of us who are familiar with him love it. I've played against him many, many times. I just sit back and watch it like a movie, enjoying the show.

    He does my work for me, distracting my opponents and keeping the attention of the suits off me. I love it!
  6. leilahay

    leilahay Member

    Most of the northwest tournaments are in card rooms which are non-smoking anyway. Only in the rare tournaments at a tribal casino would that be an issue. Palming chips on the other hand .....

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