So. Cal./AZ Players - check out Golden Acorn and Yuma tournamnents

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by RKuczek, May 26, 2006.

  1. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    If you live or travel in the border area of California/Arizona - who might want to check out the tournaments at the Golden Acorn (Campo, CA) and Paradise Casinos (Yuma) - the Golden Acorn tournament is now paying out a guaranteed $10,000, with buy-ins and re-buys, both, at $25.00 - the Paradise tournament pays out a guaranteed $5,000 with buy-ins at $25 and re-buys at $15 - both tournaments will handle a max of 126 players - I don't know about the Golden Acorn - as I will play for the first time this month - but the Paradise tournament fills up in the winter, which is snowbird season - but for the May tournament (played last night) - we had only 28 players - with 6 going through to the final table - the money is good for the buy-ins - and with player numbers down for the summer months - good odds of making it through to the final table -
  2. elyssez

    elyssez Member

    Are you sure there were only 28 players? I played that tourney last night as well, and there seemed to be alot more entrants then that.
  3. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    The first qualifier round was 4 tables of 7 players - that's 28 people - that was total first round buy-ins - I lost in the first round - 1st table - when I rebought - I was placed in the 2nd qualifier round everyone at my table was a rebuy - - there may have been a few players who came in and started play in the later rounds - but not very many - it was the same people recycling through - each of the qualifying rounds was only 4 tables - that was the 'cycle' they where running - and they were doing 6 people at many tables - it may have looked like more - as they run qualifiers, rebuys and semi rounds simultaneously - but I saw they were only playing four tables per round - results board showed that - each round was four tables - semis included tables from multiple rounds - we had only 6 at my semi table - I may be underestimating - but by any count very few players - I was told that last summer they canceled the tournaments because of lack of players - they definitely subsidized the prize pool pretty heavily both last month and this month - only 5 at final table last month - only six this month -

    I want to see this tournament work - as it is all we have in Yuma - Golden Acorn is the same format - it was set up by James - who is now the table games director at Paradise - it is $25 buyin and rebuy - and a $10,000 prize pool - I am giving it a try this month (17 June, Saturday) - and a couple other Yuma players may be there -
  4. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    I may drop in from Tucson for one of those.
  5. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    thinking through it - there probably was about one table of buy-ins in the 2nd qualifier round - (they didn't run a third qualifier) but I know I was assigned to the third table in the second round - and that table was all rebuys - as was table four - and enough players had signed in for rebuys before I did to make up at least one more table - so - anyway - 28-35 players - with six going through to the final - so good odds and good money for the buy-in cost - and we do want to keep the tournament going through the summer - do come on over and give it a try - Tucson raiders welcome - I have been thinking of trying some of the tournaments in Tucson area
  6. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Off the topic question


    I know this question has nothing to do with this thread, but I have to ask you a question. Your name sounds familiar. Did you by any chance play in the March, 2006, Stardust tournament?
  7. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    The only time I've seen any recently was the WSOB qualifiers that turned out not to be qualifiers. I keep asking about them getting more, but nothing so far.
  8. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    toolman1 - wasn't me - I live in Yuma - get up to Laughlin frequently - on business trips - but have only played one Vegas tournament - that was the Sahara just before Christmas - have managed two tournaments at the Edgewater in Laughlin - otherwise local area - one of our local casinos does a monthly $5,000 tourament - that's about it - not a lot of opportunity around here - if I travel to a tournament it pretty much needs to be a weekend event - and within a few hours drive -

    Kuczek is not a common name - but there are Chezch, Irish, Croatian, etc. names which are very close -

    Ace - I thought I saw on the tournament schedule a series of tournaments near Tucson - $7,500 events - but on a Tuesday - which rules them out for me -
  9. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    You're right

    You are correct, sir! I just checked and there is one coming up at Desert Diamond which is just south of Tucson. I never really go there because they have CSM's on a lot (not all) of their tables. I guess I'll make an exception for that one.

    Thanks for the heads up.

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