Sounds like casino management...LOL

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Jul 23, 2006.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    MMMmmm after reading the following story it made me think of some of the casino management that I have dealt with over the years. Seems like even though you're trying to help and offer them a good deal to increase their business and offer a better tournaments for their players, they think they can do it better themselves. Most of the time they have simular results as beow...LOL

    Subject: Mayor Ray Nagin Does It Again...

    Brit Hume reported this on Fox News:

    Most of us know about the legendary New Orleans 'Katrina' Mayor Ray
    He's the one who tried to teach 1,200 buses to swim while his citizen's
    drowned. Once again, he has demonstrated his superior ability to deal
    hard realities.

    According to the New Orleans Times Picayune, there were 50,000 vehicles
    ruined in Katrina and abandoned by their owners.

    The largest auto crusher east of the Rockies, K&L Auto Crushers of
    Texas, offered to pay the City of New Orleans $100.00 per vehicle, 'as
    where is', an estimated $5 million NET to the city. They agreed to
    bring in
    5 to 10 portable crushers, work 6 days per week and complete the job in
    15 weeks.

    Of course, Mayor Nagin knew better how to do the job and refused the
    saying the city would do the job themselves. It seems that now it will
    the City of New Orleans $23 million to complete the job. The vehicles
    still there today, instead of being cleaned out 5 Months ago.

    Now, lets see if I have this correct. By doing it J&L's way the City
    of New
    Orleans would net $5 million. Doing it mayor Nagin's way costs the
    city $23
    million for a net cost to the City of New Orleans of $28,000,000.

    This is the same mayor that wants the United States taxpayers to give
    billion to New Orleans and let him rebuild a "Chocolate City" his way
    without any oversight or any control.

    Oh, well...... like Einstein said, "The only two things that are infinite are the universe and stupidity, and I'm not so sure about the universe
  2. It seems that the only Mayor in America that could give Nagin lessons in city management is a couple of hours north of him in our Capitol City.:p Jackson has been under a "state of emergency" declared by Frank Melton for weeks.
  3. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member


    As I was reading the last post, our local news said that the aldermen in our area raised their salary to $98,000 per year. Damn, that's $98,000 for doing nothing. That's it, I'm running for office. Future posts will be on a "as time permits". That means I'll have plenty of time to post. :joker:
  4. noman

    noman Top Member



    As I understood it, they were already at 98,000K. They comprimised on the raise and only went for between 2 per cent and 3 per cent for the next five years. The Mayor makes 218K and no word on his pay raise.

    Now, no word yet on Wal-Mart kick backs. Or a new hired truck program.

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