Splitting Tens

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by KIRK004, Mar 13, 2006.

  1. KIRK004

    KIRK004 New Member

    I notice playing Global $15/$1 online tournaments that quite a lot of players split 10's early in the rounds against 5's and 6's wheras I tend to stick to the basic stratergy of standing on my 20.

    Any comments!! Am I missing something.
  2. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Listen In And Play It Right

    This is a subject that was covered on our weekly radio show a few weeks back. There is a growing number of players who are splitting tens against dealers up cards of 5 and 6 early in the round this is a recipe for disaster. Splitting tens is tournament play that may be useful on the final hands when more money is needed or to protect against a opponents double down. But to use this play early in a round is not only the wrong play but it shows a weakness in your game .

    The radio show that I referred to can be heard live on Thursday nights at 6 PM Pacific Time on KLAV 1230 on the AM Dial here in Las Vegas or you may access the show through these two links on your computer




    Kenny Smith has also been putting the replays of the show up on this site a short time after they air on Thursday nights.Kenny E and I thank him for making our show available to many of the players who could not get to it live when it airs.

    Kenny E. and I often talk about different tournament stragety on the show and also give out weekly blackjack tips for tournaments and live blackjack play.So tune in and call in with your questions or comments.

    Phone numbers for ths show

    Toll free 1-866-820-5528
  3. KIRK004

    KIRK004 New Member

    Thanks Joep

    Will try the links for the internet as I live in the Highlands of Scotland many miles from Las Vegas. Thanks for the information I have not as yet split tens early and now will continue not to do so.

  4. topgun232001

    topgun232001 New Member

    speaking of splitting tens...

    Yeaterday I entered my first tourney, it was a mini-tourney qualifier for the millionaire-maker. It was 20 hands per round but only the winner of the table advanced, which was expected in such a small tournament. Right ou of the gate my 4 opponents made big bets and i made my minimum $25 bet. After about 5 hands it was obvious who my competition was. The woman sitting right next to me. We were close up to the 10th hand, I was 275 down with a max bet of 500, so i was pretty confident. The thing I noticed is that she would ALWAYS split tens, no matter what the dealer upcard was, which put a big smile on my face. The only problem was that she was catching more tens 75% of the time. She would end up with 4 hands and 3 of them would still be 20's. I let it slide but it kept going and with about 5 hands left I had no choice but to try to catch up hoping she would catch a bad hand, but instead I did. I was down 650 with 3 hands left and i put out a max bet and she put out 100. She splits 20 again and ends up with two more 20's. She splits again and gets a 16 and a 20, so she has 20 20 20 and 16. I had a 13 against a 3 but i had to do something as it was my last chance to act before her. I doubled and pulled a 4 for 17. I was happy for about a second and then watched the dealer flip over a 10 and draw a 5 for 18. :( I knew after that there was no way to cath back up. I may have acted a little too boldly but she was pulling good cards all night and there isnt much you can do against that. I did learn alot and am playing in a bigger tournament today. I am a little more confident going into this one knowing what to expect a little more. I did realize that it is alot harder than it sounds to keep track of your opponents chips, let alone your own stack, but I think I will continue to improve. I will let you know how today goes...wish me luck!


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