Sponsor your own BJ tournament...

Discussion in 'Tournament Blackjack Players Association' started by TXtourplayer, Jun 29, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Thats right, how would you like top sponsor your very own event? Just think your very own Blackjack Tournament, you name it or call it what you like (within reason).

    I was asked by a player the other day how much I'd charge to let him sponsor one of my TBJPA events like Ken and Henry did back in May for Blackjack tournaments.com and BJInsider.com.

    Well I thought about it and for $600, you can sponsor you very own blackjack tournament. That will include your personal plaque and a dozen personalized ball caps for your event, (6 for the finalist and an extra 6 for your friends). This is only for a TBJPA event and not a TBT event.

    You'll also have your picture in the paper and web site presenting the the winner their plaque as well. I will make up special table cards and even your very own surrender cards for the final table.

    Now this sponsorship will not allow you behind the tables (gaming regulations). Anyone interested in sponsoring one of these TBJPA event just PM me or e-mail me at Rick@TBJPA.com.

    I just thought it maybe a neat inexpensive idea for some of the players to have fun and braging rights...LOL

    All TBJPA rules and format will still be used for these events, only the changes will be the name.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2007
  2. noman

    noman Top Member

    Sponser Your own Tournament

    K41and a half. Go for it.

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