St. Ignace Anyone??

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by slim100_us, Oct 3, 2007.

  1. slim100_us

    slim100_us New Member

    Is anyone going to the St. Ignace tournament coming up on October 19,20,21st? It's been awhile, but I am going to give it a try.

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2007
  2. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User


    Yes I am going and I am sure many more here are also. The new permanent casino is now open and it should be a very nice time.

    I hope the trees are still showing color, could be a very pretty drive up to Dah UP!

    I am sure Dan Mayo will be there and just hope you are not on his table! I get all nervouse just eating in the same restaurant as he does. :)

    Actually alot of good tourney players there and alot of good games to play there.

    Dig it.

    Creeping Panther.
  3. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    You can count on Dan Mayo and his lovely wife, plus Billy C, Gary B (the Internet guy from UBT's first show a couple of weeks ago), and many others. Monkeysystem usually shows up, too. Deb and I can't make this one due to a schedule conflict with an important event here, but we'll be wishing we were there!
  4. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User


    Sorry to hear that you will be absent. I was looking forward to meeting another BJ celebrity.

    Through the years I have played with some of the most famous and Infamous BJ celebritys of the world in this very area. That is, for real money on real tables. Alot of great memories, and some not so good.

    Creeping Panther.
  5. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Don't Procrastinate!

    I believe this tournament has filled up the last 2 or 3 times so if you're thinking about entering, do it Monday.
    I plan to be there and several people from the Fox River Valley area of WI will be. Surprisingly, several MN people have been driving over 600 miles to this event and many Ohio players as well.
    Monkey System is relocating, so he won't attend (a plus for other players because he's one of the toughest to beat).
    The fall color will be past its peak by then, unfortunately.
    If your luck is bad in the tournament and you feel the need to get drunk that can be accomplished for very little money if you wear your tourn. badge and/or any MI sports team is on TV. Another plus, I believe!!!
    Will miss seeing LeftNut and Deb this time, but looking forward to seeing many other regulars again.

    Billy C
  6. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member


    Being you indicated that you enjoyed Aug. event there, will you return for this one?

    Billy C
  7. slim100_us

    slim100_us New Member

    St. Ignace here we come.... Hopefully I can tell you I made the final table when I get back on Monday......

  8. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    A heartfelt GOOD LUCK and GOOD CARDS to all our friends from who are likely headed to St. Ignace as I write this, and wishing that Deb and I were on our way to meet you.

    We wll be anxiously awaiting results!!! :D
  9. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member

    Been Busy....


    This has been the first St. Ignace Tourney I've missed in a couple of years. Wife and I have had a very busy past couple of months. Building new house, barn, moved,trying to sell old house, started new job, preparing for a singing competition for next weekend and forming a consulting service.

    So, does anybody have any results/stories from this past weekend? Glad to hear that you made it back to St. Ignace Slim.

    How about dates for next year? Did they have those scheduled yet? They generaly have that available at the last tourney for the year.

    Things are starting slow down a little for me so I should be back around the board.

  10. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    I Was There

    You can find what happened to me in the quarterfinals in the "Power Chip Quiz" thread. I replaced the ten and the results weren't pretty. The next card out of the shoe was a three, which would've made my hand nineteen and sent me into the semifinals had I hit instead of replaced. The next two cards after that were 5, and something higher than seven. :eek:

    I still had a great time. The new venue is very nice. They have a lounge area with lounge chairs and a fireplace, tastefully decorated with a Native American theme and a view of the lake.

    They brought the full pay jacks dollar machines over from the old place and tucked them away like they were before. That's where I gave the casino my action.

    I don't know of any BJT'ers that got into the semifinals.
  11. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Next Tourn. in March

    The next BJ tournament at St. Ignace is in March (middle of the month). I think dates posted were 15th and 16th.
    Missed seeing Dan Mayo and his wife, LeftNut and Deb this time around. They didn't get to witness my forgetting that I had a power chip at my disposal to use on last hand of first round. Hate it when I screw up like that!
    DeAnn told me she stopped taking entries at 150 people. Peggy and Ernie did their usual good job and the new casino is nice.

    Billy C
  12. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Sorry to hear of your boo-boo, Billy. We had high hopes that someone from here would take down the whole thing!

    No tournament until March? Damn. :cry:

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