St. Ignace Roll Call for August

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by MrPill, Aug 12, 2009.

  1. MrPill

    MrPill Active Member

    Ok, I'm seeing various names in various threads, whose in?

    Dan and Judy will be there.
    Jim and Peggy (she's still trying to talk her way in) will be there.
    Doug and Tracey

    Sounds like it will be a good turn out. :cheers:

  2. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Sometimes it helps to include "names" from this forum......... :p

    Obviously, I will be there with Deb (Angelrun5) and our good friend Bruce (Drslyr) who is fresh off his first-ever live final table and BJT payday.
  3. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Attendance Roster

    Add Monkeysystem and MrsMonkey to the list.
  4. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Ditto for Billy C, solo.
  5. doug olson

    doug olson New Member

    Doug olson and wife Diane will be there
  6. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member

    :p back at you Brian.......Dan = MrPill, none of the others come here. :eek: Jim and Peg are my brother and sister in law, he has cashed a couple of times. I work with Doug and they are still searching for that final table, they came close a few times!

  7. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Now just how the heck was I supposed to know that??? :laugh:

    Glad to see that you and your Better Half will make it. We'll be looking froward to seeing you and your "posse" there!
    As well as the Monkeys, Doug & Diane, and Billy C "solo" (although we'll see how long that lasts).
    Panther had told me some time back that he was attending, too.

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