St. Ignace - Roll Call

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by DanMayo, Apr 13, 2007.

  1. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member

    St. Ignace tourney is only two weeks out. Any one else going?


    Hope to see you all there, at the final table of course! :D

  2. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Not Looking Good

    I've had to curtail my tournament activity for the next few months. Buying and selling homes and moving to another state will do that to any hobby.
  3. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Love to, but.....

    It's only a 5 hour drive from my place. But I can't get ANY info outta them about format, rules - anything!!!!
  4. DER145

    DER145 New Member

    I signed up over a week ago and she told me they already had over 100 signed up.
  5. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    format rules

    Qualifying rounds two of five or six advance, quarterfinal two of five advance, semifinal one of four advance.

    42 hands, 2:1 BJ's, no insurance, early surrender against ace only, either two deck pitch or 4 deck open depending on which tourney. Face down DD cards even in 4 deck game. Starting BR 1,500. Bet range 50-500 in increments of 5.

    It's an awesome deal. Wish I could go.
  6. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    My summer job during college was flippin fudge on Mackinac Island...I lived on the island but we had to come off once a week to shop etc...St Ignace back then had nothing

    Now they have casinos and good tournaments...beatuiful area thats for sure...

    With no airports and a 12 plus hour drive its out for me....but I will get there sometime again....lets see....its been...10,15,20 plus years ago ....

    Where did the time go???sigh

    Go there and see some beautiful country the tournamnet and then hop on the ferry and spend a few nights on Mackinac Island ...stay at the GRAND cars....just horse and buggy and bikes and walking...truely beautiful.
  7. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    I'll never in my life forget watching the full moonrise over the lake last October during the tournament. The fall colors were in full bloom and it was a beautiful clear evening about 60 degrees and the lightest of breezes.

    God is the most talented artist of all... :)
  8. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Mackinac is beautiful, indeed

    Monkey, thanks for the info. Now if I can only get them to call or email back......

    The fall season is visually the most awesome time of the year in Mackinac, but the island is gorgeous in any season.
  9. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I won't be there. If anyone is thinking about the island, better check first. It's still cold up there and the island may not be open to visitors yet and if it is, bring a winter coat and maybe a snow shovel. :p
  10. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Thats true...

    Summer last 2 weeks....usually in July...
  11. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Stressfull time

    Where are you moving too Monkey?

    Good luck on your move.

  12. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member

    Where you coming from?

    It is also 5 hours for us too.

    This is a very good deal for a tourney. They usually have any where from 70 to 120 players. I have been forturnate to get to the final table 3 out of 9 times. (1st, 4th and 6th).

    Maybe we will see you up there.

  13. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    North Carolina

    Thank you for the well wishes Andy. North Carolina is a beautiful place but with no casinos except for one slot house near the western border. I'll be living about eight hours from Atlantic City, so I'm told. That's about an hour longer than it takes me to drive to St. Ignace. We've got an offer in on a house about a half hour south of Raleigh.

    Dan, Leftnut, you'll have to post on this thread how things go at St. Ignace.
  14. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member

    Not a 3-peat

    Just returned last night from the St. Ignace tourney.

    There was a total of 149 entrants this time, which was the most that I have seen there before. Previous high was 127 entrants. (fewest was about 80)

    Got a chance to stay in the new hotel and the rooms were very nice and comfortable.

    One change in format was that each round included a "Power Chip" for each player. You could use this card to "throw away" one card and draw a new one. Only restriction was that it could not be used on one of your 1st two cards. This did add another tool to the bag and I kinda liked it.

    Made it through the first round without having to use the re-buy but found myself in a bad way by hand 25 of second round.

    $2000 BR, 50-500 bets, 42 hands, S17, 4D face up, DAS, DSA, No Insurance availble, could surrender only to dealer Ace.

    2nd round 2 advance, 6 at the table.

    On hand 25 found myself at $1400 and BR2 at $2600 and BR1 at $2900. BR1 and BR2 starting to make small bets, button just passed me. Decided to make max bets to catch up but failed.

    Had a $500 bet 7,4 and doubled against dealer 4. Caught a 4 and used my power chip to draw again for a 5. Dealer made a hand from her 4. Just was not my round.

    Thoughts? I sometimes wonder if I try to catch up too early? My thoughts on this are I'm down over 2 max bets and that it will be a whole lot easier to catch up before everyone is max betting in the final hands.

    Next event is scheduled for August and is highly recomended. This was the first tourney in a new area and they need to work out some details but was still a well run event with a great payout.

    My wife made it into the third round and missed the money table on the last few hands. We'll be back!

  15. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Having an idea of the mentality of the people playing that tournament, I think you did the right thing. Your thought processes were right on as far as I'm concerned. You just drew bad cards.

    The important thing is that you had a good time and that's the main reason most of us play this game that sucks at times. :D

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