St. Ignace sign-up

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by LeftNut, Feb 2, 2012.

  1. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

  2. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    First one?

    I didn't ask, but I was possibly the first entrant when I called DeAnne and entered yesterday AM.
    I hope something can change on your front Lefty that would allow you to be there.

    Billy C
  3. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Thanks, Billy, but it isn't going to happen. There's a guy at my work who covers for me a lot when I'm gone for BJT's. This time, he is going to be on a cruise with his wife celebrating a milestone anniversary so I sure can't let him down. I owe him bigtime.
  4. MrPill

    MrPill Active Member

    Five from O H I O

    Five of us from Ohio have confirmed reservations with DeAnn.

    Lucky Jim is using his free entry won from one of the drawings last year.
  5. gronbog

    gronbog Top Member

    I would like to come, but am a bit worried about the driving conditions in northern MI in March. How flexible are the organizers with respect to cancellations due to weather?
  6. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    I've never had to cancel out of an event there but DeAnn has assured me that it wouldn't be a problem. Seems like 24 hours before the tourney is the cutoff but you should probably ask if anything has changed.
    Early March weather could be a problem for all that have to travel through the UP. I have 4WD but that isn't enough at times.
    Anyway, DeAnn knows the circumstances at the time and appears more than willing to help. That's the way I see it.

    Billy C
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2012
  7. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member


    Sunstar and I are confirmed.
  8. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member


    I talked with DeAnn a few minutes ago and she said she capped entries at 108 because that's all they could accommodate roomwise. It has filled.
    Gotta like that with a guaranteed purse!

    See ya there,
    Billy C
  9. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Excellent news. Good luck and great cards to all of my friends, and don't forget - we expect updates posted here!!!!!
  10. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Only one

    According to the event calendar, I'm the only person from here playing this event. But I think I know of at least 7 other BJT'ers that will be there.
    Sure hope Lefty can make the "Soo" event in June. He has an appointment on the karaoke stage. (Big Bopper!)

    Billy C
  11. gronbog

    gronbog Top Member

    Double vs Stand After Split Aces (Again!)

    Well, unfortunately, I can't make it this time, but hopefully I can contribute something.

    Last year when this tournament came up, I posted a strategy for doubling vs standing after split aces, which is part of the rules at Kewadin both at the tables and in the tournament. I'm going to post them again, in .html format for a couple of reasons:
    1. The version I posted last year was in a cryptic "C" code format, useful for my program but difficult for humans.
    2. The .html versions are easier to read and easier to print.
    3. The Wizard of Odds has the same strategy in his appendices, but he only mentions one critical threshold for double-for-less vs stand (soft 18 vs 10). My tables show all of the critical thresholds by hovering your mouse over a given table cell.
    4. My infinite deck results agree with the Wizard, however my 6 deck results (in use at Kewadin IIRC) differ slightly (double A,A and A,2 vs 3 for the full amount).

    Some notes about the tables:
    • When the recommendation is dls, you should double for the full amount or some amount above the critical threshold, otherwise stand.
    • When the recommendation is lds, you should double for as little as possible but can double for any amount
    • When the recommendation is ls, you should double for as little as possible and below the critical threshold, otherwise stand.
    • Hover your mouse over a given cell to see the critical threasholds for doubling and the EV of each action. This works best with Internet Explorer.
    In reality, for 6 decks you will only need to worry about 4 critical thresholds (3 if you bet less than $25). Only A,7 has critical fractions for a full double (and if the strategy says to double, you should always double for the full amount anyway). If the strategy says to double for less, you may run into problems depending on what the minimum double-for-less amount is relative to your original bet.
    • A,6 vs T: The critical threshold is 84.60% of you original bet. For a $10 bet, you must be able to double for $8 or less, otherwise stand.
    • A,6 vs A: The criitical threshild is 78.57%. For a $10 bet you must be able to double for $7 or less, otherwise stand.
    • A,7 vs 9: The critical threshold is 26.85%. For a $10 bet you must be able to double for $2 or less, otherwise stand.
    • A,7 vs T: The critical threshold is 4.36%. You would have to be betting $25 and able to double for $1 or less in order to make this double!
    For all other double for less recommendations, you can double for any amount, but should bet as little as possible.

    Best of luck to everyone!!!
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2012
    Monkeysystem and Billy C like this.
  12. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    For all of our BJT friends trekking to St. Ignace, please be careful today. It's snowing lightly right now, just enough to glaze the roads, and a stiff breeze is likely helping to blow previous accumulations over the roads. Take it easy out there - and good luck this weekend!
    Monkeysystem and Billy C like this.
  13. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Split Aces

    Sorry to learn that you won't attend but that helps my chances:laugh:!!!
    Not a big deal, but St. Ignace uses 4 deck shoe rather than the 6 deck you mentioned in your post.
    Hope to see you at other upcoming events.

    Billy C
  14. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    This is beautiful work, Gronbog. You're a wild man! Love it!!
  15. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Live Tables

    I thought they used 6D on the live tables..?
  16. gronbog

    gronbog Top Member

    I just checked my records and I have that they use 6 decks at the tables and 4 in the tournament. 4 deck strategy generation is now underway.

    Good luck to everyone this weekend!
  17. gronbog

    gronbog Top Member

    Last edited: Mar 11, 2012
    Billy C likes this.
  18. gronbog

    gronbog Top Member


    Well, what happened? Any notable finishes? Any hands worthy of discussion? Any memorable moments at the tables or otherwise? Cheers & Jeers?
  19. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    No luck

    Sunstar and me ended up on the same semifinal table (1 advance out of 4 to the final). We both played okay but were eliminated by a fellow that doubled down hard twelves (three or four times).
    He's probably an okay guy but it's frustrating to be beaten by someone that plays a losing game.

    Billy C
  20. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Alas, the Cheers & Jeers guy wasn't there this time. :(

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