St. Ignace

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by slim100_us, Feb 2, 2005.

  1. slim100_us

    slim100_us New Member

    Good luck to all who will be playing in St. Ignace this weekend :)

    Aces & Faces :)

  2. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member


    We will see you there! Do you happen to know if they have GSN available in the Ancor Bar for Friday night's WSOBJ2 episode?

    Good luck to you also, hope to meet up with you at the final table! :D

  3. slim100_us

    slim100_us New Member


    I think they do have GSN, I believe the cable network is Charter. This weeks episode has Regina, who played in St. Ignace back in November. I wonder if she will be there for this tournament?

    Talk to ya soon,

  4. DavidLillard

    DavidLillard New Member

    When I talked to the tournament director, Deanne, a few weeks ago, she didn't know if Regina was coming, or not.

    See you all at the Anchor Bar, on Friday.

    Have FUN, David.
  5. stevey1975

    stevey1975 New Member

    This weekend should be fun, all good luck to all of you. I am sure you will know me when you see me. And why is everyone so concerned with Regina? The real tournament this month is going to be at the grand in tunica. Ken I am sure I will c you there, as I see you at every other major tournament.

    Stevey, Chicago
  6. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Nope, not at the Grand this time

    Regrettably I have a schedule conflict with this month's Grand Tunica event. Good luck up there.
  7. slim100_us

    slim100_us New Member


    Good luck to you too, eh! :2nd:
  8. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member

    I Was Wondering....


    I was wondering if you were around this board. I'll see you later today, just getting ready to hit the road myself.

    Good luck to you and yours also. I know you have the skill.

  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Regina's a maybe

    I talked to Regina today and she is trying to go play the tournament, (if she can get in) the casino hasn't called her back yet to let her know.
  10. stevey1975

    stevey1975 New Member

    You can have skill, but there is luck too Dan. See you this weekend.

  11. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    This thread is starting to sound like JoeP and Hollywood! I wish I could come up and try these St Ignace tourneys. Sounds like fun!

    I hope you all make the final table to settle the bragging rights.
  12. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member

    It's Over for this weekend.


    If you would like to try out a nice relaxed tourney, this would be the one for you and a first prize of 15K is not too bad. We had 110 players and the casino does a great job with the tourney for being such a small place.

    First off, Regina took 3rd place for I think it was $5,400. First place was won buy one of the regular players who I might add also does not know how to use surrender at the regular tables.

    I had a couple of the worst rounds of my life, exspecially the re-buy round.

    It is a 42 hand round, $1000 starting bankroll with 50 - 500 betting. Only four at the table with two advancing! (sounded like a piece of cake :laugh: ). Everyone at the table was pretty much betting mins and by hand number 21 we all had only $400 +/- $50.

    Things then started getting better for everyone, except me. The others were now up to about $600 and I was down to about $300 at around hand 29. I decided at this time it would be best to take some chances before I was too far behind and bet $150.

    This resulted in me loosing half my bankroll. I then bet remaining $150 and won. By this time the rest of the players were around $700 (me at $300). I then bet $300 and the dealer turned a blackjack. I was out at around hand number 33.

    Couple of questions:
    1. Any suggestions on better plays for this dismal round for me?
    2. What would be the best plays when everyone is betting minimums such as this. Should one try and bet a little higher ($10 or $20) per hand in hopes to get a slight lead?


    BJ SWEETHEART New Member

    Reply to Dan

    Well Dan, I may not use surrender a great deal. I am known for using surrender in tournaments and have on rare ocassions used it at a bj table. However, is it possible that you may be surrendering too often and are you properly using it. If my memory serves me correctly, we played at a shoe game in December and you had a tendency to surrender 14s against a 10. Also, you left the table on a losing note. BJ tourneys have that element of luck. Sometimes you just can't get the cards. Having an idea of the count would help in determining your bets. St. Ignace used 4 decks, not making it impossible to keep a count.

    BJ SWEETHEART New Member

    Steve: I thought we were friends. It's possible that they were wondering if a good tournament player was coming to St Ignace.
  15. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member

    BJ Sweetheart

    Actually it was the DD game so you might have me confussed with someone else but yes, I would surrender a 14 vs 10 in certain situations in the DD game.

    Since my 15 year old son passed away last fall my perspective has changed in regards to a lot of things in life. I never leave the table or end the day on a loosing note. It is just one more day to enjoy and reflect on times gone by. At the last turney I was the one that made the statement about you being with your "friend" and you corrected me and said you brought your husband this time. I also had corrected your hand when Brenda told you that you had a 9. She meant 9 total and you thought it was a 9 as a second card. After you tucked your two card 9 (vs dealer 18) I corrected you. I was the one that introduced myself at the DD this weekend and said my wife was at 1st base. We only played a few hands together before you left.

    Yes, it does create certain situations at the regular table also, like that 14 vs 10 thingy.

    Take care, we can talk more next time. :)

  16. stevey1975

    stevey1975 New Member

    We are friends, I was just kidding around wondering what all the hype was about, I guess I didn't realize that you are a minor blackjack celebrity. I apologize if it came off the wrong way. Hopefully I will see you in Tunica, also congrats on 3rd place! 5,400 is not bad. Good luck at the Hilton this weekend too. My luck couldnt have been worse that weekend, no matter what I did I lost, all good counts too.

  17. slim100_us

    slim100_us New Member

    Hey guys,

    This was a fun tournament for me. I did not make the final table (poor cards on my catch up bet), but I did make round two without having to re-buy. That's just like winning $100.00. My wife made the semi-final table and that was exciting. She lost out right at the very end.

    My wife and I talked to Regina on Sunday morning at breakfast. I thought that was cool since I am a fan of hers from the first WSOBJ. Her and her husband are both very nice people. She gave us the rundown on her third place finish at this years WSOBJ. I found it amazing how she still had in her head everyone's chip counts and cards. (This was shot in November). I also asked her what she thought of Hollywood Dave. She had a nice things to say about the "Bad Boy of Blackjack".

    St. Ignace did not have GSN, so I am looking forward to watching, and taping it tonight at 10:00.

    It's kind of funny, not a lot of people know about the WSOBJ or even this website. This is good to me because I feel that it gives me an advantage. I was explaning to this guy on Sunday that Regina was in both WSOBJ tounrmants on GSN, and he can watch her play this Tuesday at 10:00. I told him that she said Stanford Wong took first and she got third. His expression was :eek: , He said "Stanford Wong, do you really know what he looks like?" I said "Sure I watched him last year on GSN." He said "I have to watch that, How did she get to that level." I said, "Why don't you go ask her " :)

    Blackjack tournaments, What a great game ;)


    P.S. Regina also said that we sould go to gsn's website to give them some feedback about the WSOBJ because it will help it continue on from year to year.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2005
  18. DavidLillard

    DavidLillard New Member

    Regina & St. Ignace

    Hope I don't come off sounding like a brown-nose, but, Regina is one of the nicest and most remarkable people I've ever met - and the fact that she's blind only adds to it. If you knew my *full* background, you'd understand how unusual this statement is. Suffice it to say that I've encountered MANY celebrities, 100s of "handicaped" people (of which *I* am considered one) and 1000s of "ordinary" people.

    The tournament *players* at St. Ignace is what makes it GREAT, for me. UNfortunately, I encountered some problems with the Kewadin Inn (the last TWO times) and the Casino that STILL haven't been resolved.

    Though I had to do a rebuy, I made it through to the second round. An almost unbroken sequence of BAD cards left me in 2nd at my table; but only the chip leader advanced. This is better than I did at the last St. Ignace tourney; but, less than I hope to do at the next one.

    Have FUN, David.

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