St Kitts Main Event Super Qualifiers

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by pokernut, Oct 4, 2006.

  1. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    Why are Team UBT members and Russ Hamilton playing in these qualifiers? They are already going and are paid to do it.
  2. Prospect

    Prospect Member

    I am guessing that if you "win more than one package", you get the cash.
  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Get A Life

    Poker NUT are you asking these questions while drinking ?

    Now you want to curtail who plays and who doesn't play

    Now I know you live in your own little world and there was a time that you only picked on Rick so with all these new targets that you now have get some sleep before you post these off the wall questions and comments.

    Here is an example that you may use to break your analysis down

    If I own a Jaguar and a casino is giving away another Jaguar for as little as $5 a chance, are you suggesting that I should not enter into the contest because I already own one :joker: .

    How about this one I'm a sponsored Ultimate poker player who has their entry fee paid for by Ultimate into the main event. In consideration for public appearances and branding the product for them. If win another seat into the main event I will receive the cash,should I not be permitted to play because I already have one seat.

    I commend the players that already are sponsored into the St Kitts event and still support the UBT by playing in these tournaments it makes for a bigger prize pool for all of us even the UBT critics like you and Tex.

    One other note I didn't put any words in your mouth or twist the point you were "TRYING" to make.

    Who complains of a bigger prize pool only........:joker:

    Last edited: Oct 4, 2006
  4. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    On most sites if you already have a seat you can only be paid in tournament dollars not real cash. And that is the rules for everybody else on ultimate bet also so I guess you and others fall into a privileged group.
  5. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    nothing privileged about it. anyone who has already bought their way in or won a previous seat will be given the cash equivalent instead. only thing this doesn't apply to is if you DON'T already have a seat, then you don't get the option of cash, you have to take the package as is. not sure how ultimatebet does it, but despite the benefits of sharing a larger player pool and licensed software, Bet21 is a completely separate company from UB.

    Last edited: Oct 5, 2006
  6. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Gotta agree with JOEP on this long as someone puts up the money...its fine by me....without these guys last night this tournament would have been a washout.

    Tonights played as well....a few less players but still enough to award two good prizes...and all from the comfort of my home.

    Im still only going for the free rolls but as soon as I can get this game working reliably ...Im all in!!!!

    I will say that I am getting improvement ...less drops....what have you...still no luck with CS ..but I suppose they are too busy still.

    Its a pity really....but Im hoping !!!
  7. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    More Mis information

    No privileged group here .If you win a seat you get the package if you already have a seat you get the cash plain and simple.

    This is common practice most everywhere except in the back woods of Tunica I guess ;)

    Just post the facts


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