St. Kitts qualifiers

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by TXtourplayer, Sep 22, 2006.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Does anyone know what happens on the off chance someone should win both the UBT and the Bet21/UB satellite events?

    UBT awards a airfare, hotel and a seat into the finals if you finish 1st or 2nd and Bet21/UB awards $6,000 package to St.Kitts Air, hotel, and $2,700 entry into the main event.

    My question is if I or someone won both could we take the UBT award and just take the $6,000 for the Bet21/UB prize? If not could we sell it or let another play it for us?

    I have sent in this question last week to customer service but they have yet to reply to me. :confused:
  2. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    I read through the policies on winning your way in and paying your way in and they say that if you pay ahead of time and then win your seat, you'll get the money. I would imagine it would be somewhat similar, but who knows. I doubt that's a situation anyone's planned for cosidering the field numbers.
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Just simply post a ruling, either way is fine!

    I think your right Ace, after seeing what else has happened I agree with your above quote. However stranger things have happened and they need to have a plan just in case.

    How would you like to be the player that gets 2nd place at Bet21/UB and the player who beats you out just came in either 1st or 2nd at UBT for one of the two seats in the finals.

    Reguardless how slim of a chance there is for this to happen they need to let us know just in case. Why waist your time on the 2nd tournament if you can't win again.

    I don't care how they handle it, I would just like to know the rule before hand and not afterwards. Why leave anything to chance as a possible problem.

    Also can players win more than one seat at either event? If not why are they still allowed to play in the qualifiers? Just food for thought.
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    If you win two I strongly suggest you give one to your best friend, not that swog guy but Barney!

  5. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    If you win both...

    enter the LOTTERY the same day

    I'm hopiung ROUND one with have 2 going versus one.:joker:


    BJMAILMAN Member

    St Kitts Qualifiers

    I see there are several people from BJT qualified for Oct 7 (UBT). If you get one of the two seats, you go to a final table? What kind of prize money will this table get?
  7. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    Priceless (almost)

    In my opinion, making it to the final two is for Fame & Fortune. Seriously, this puts you on the MAP early with the EJB Tour!

    Sidekick :mad:
  8. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Good question...

    Im certainly planing on winning both!

    (See nearby addicition post):D
  9. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    It depends on St Kitts attendance, but the rumors here in Aruba are that the St Kitts casino is putting in 60 players. Add in the few hardy blackjack souls brave or foolish enough to travel down, and we should have at least 80 players. That would be a prize pool of $200K, or $100K on each of the two final tables.

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