St Kitts Update # 1

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by Joep, Oct 29, 2006.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    A few players arrived on Friday including myself Kenny E Russ Hamilton and Blair Rodman.

    The bulk of the players began arriving Saturday and all players were greeted with cold scented towels to cool off as it is pretty warm and humid here.

    UBT had a welcome table in the lobby which had the players room keys ready for them a welcome package that included a copy of Kenny E book " Play To Win" and a disposable camera a UBT Frisbee and suntan lotion and bottles of lotions and creams

    The players also received a free massage.............

    There was a welcome party last night by the pool for the players,at the party Russ Hamilton made a surprising announcement that the players who had the best record in the sit & go tournaments during the week will be awarded a 10,000 seat in the year end UBT Tournament Of Champions that is scheduled to be held at Barona.

    The player that finishes with the 2nd best record for the week will be awarded a 2700 seat in a UBT tournament that will be held in Las Vegas.So as you can see UBT is adding 12,700 in money to the pot a nice gesture by Russ and UBT.

    The point system is not finalized yet but the 2 places will earn points in the sit & go winner tournament for 12,700 in prizes.As soon as that has been determined I will report on it.

    After the party 1 group went to a bar here called the " Monkey Bar " where it is not uncommon for monkeys to appear on your outdoor table stealing a drink of you beer. The locals here told me that once they get a couple of beers in them their antics are hilarious.So as you can see we have our own "Monkeysystem" down here.

    The other group went to the casino where they have a decent 6 deck shoe game that has about a 75 % pen. DD on any 2 cards DD after split but no surrender.

    The UBT was informed by the casino that there were certain players that they would appreciate if they didnt play their shoe game but were welcome to play their CSM ..... How nice of them :laugh:

    A couple of us sat down at a 1-2 no Limit game with some unsuspecting locals and tourist and after 2 hours the tourist and locals were gone and so was their money Divided pretty much equally between Robert Blechman, Hollywood,Adriana Jade Previn M and myself ;)

    The casino manager sat down with us during the poker game and pretty much was open as to what they use to counter advantage play here.

    They use Griffin but do not report to them and they also use Biometrics.

    He even told Hollywood where is was last "tagged" by one of the casino overseas

    A nice guy who was frank with us and I'm sure really trying to discourage any of us from playing or attemting to play

    He even told us that they have backed off a player who was only winning $ 200 because he was playing the count perfect.Sad but true

    I hope you enjoyed this update an I will try to keep everyone posted as to the current happenings here....

  2. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Drinking Problem

    I wish I were there to drink with all my buddies! :laugh:
  3. Archie

    Archie New Member

    Over here, it's a cold rainy day. My wife shouting after me to get off the f***computer, fgk and I just played a third round qualifier and both missed (so did Rando).

    Dying with envy!!!

    Have a hell of a good time and good luck to everybody.
  4. gflan

    gflan New Member

    Living Vicariously again

    Thanks for the updates Joe...once again those of us on the sidelines have to live through the eyes of the real "players".

    I am now in the club with Sidekick, FGK, & Blackwood of having gotten so close (but yet so far) from the coveted UBT seat. I received my alternates e-mail for the Palms Casino final table seat and all I can say is iccubus, I at least hope you are a BJT member!

    If anyone was watching and has any critique that I could learn from, please don't hesitate to speak up. It was a heartbreaker for all 3 of us that made it to hand 30. Each of us had a chance to win...Dealer 6 up...I have the high with 17, iccubus the low (also 17) and 3rd place has 20. I win with dealer bust, iccubus wins with 17,20, 21, and 3rd place has 18,19. Dealer makes 21 with a draw. Congrats to iccubus.
  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I read my e-mail every day and keep praying for the others to have a business meeting in Japan or France! :laugh:

    Congratulations gflan and condolences at the same time.
  6. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Hey Joe be careful I hear those monkeys play pretty good after 1-2 drinks - it works for me! :joker:

    Attached Files:

  7. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    End Of Day 1 Report

    The end of day 1 report

    There were 21 one table tournaments run

    The 1 table tournament contest will be run with these following rules

    The 120 tables will earn the winner a seat into the 540 event plus 2 points in the overall top player contest.2nd place will earn 1 point

    The 540 tables winners earn a seat in the 2700 event and 3 points in the overall top player contest .2nd place earns 800 cash and 2 points

    The end of day 1 Standings

    1st Place Robert Blechman 7 Points

    2nd Place Tie Michael Castellano 5 Points

    2nd Place Tie John Blunt 5 Points

    4th Place Tie Kenny Einiger 4 Points

    Russ Hamilton 4 Points

    Blair Rodman 4 Points

    James Donovan 4 points

    Previn Mankodi 4 Points

    Kris Judkins 4 Points

    The Top 5 players for the week will win a 2700 seat into the Bet 21 Aruba Tournament that will take place in early 2007

    Points will also be rewarded in the three
    540 tournament also

    There will also be a calcutta for the Main Event that will consist of teams of 5 players plus a Field team that will be made up of the remaining players.

    This is a slight change from what was talked about at the party last night.

    But 13,500 in UBT seats will be given away in addition to the Free-Roll with 50,000 for the Final Table players

    Until Tommorow Good Night

  8. happybunnytrix

    happybunnytrix New Member

    "There will also be a calcutta for the Main Event that will consist of teams of 5 players plus a Field team that will be made up of the remaining players."

    Ummm.......What exactly is a "calcutta"?
  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Calcuttas are good!

    It is a player auction, and a great idea! It allows everyone (even non-players) a chance to cash in on the action.

    I have always enjoyed any events that offered calcuttas, just make it fun even if you get knocked out of the event you still could have action on someone else.

    I also like the new point system, it is a great way to get players involved in all of the sit & goes while rewarding them at the same time.

    Two good ideas from a marketing and player stand point. I'll give two thumbs up for both those ideas! :D

    Congratulations to all the leaders, everybody else had better start catching up fast, Robert B. & Michael C. are not players that need a head start.
  10. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member


    The jerk chicken wings here rock my casbah!
  11. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Thanks for the update. WOW 21 120 SNG - you're way ahead of Aruba already.

    A point system in place with rewards is WAY COOL.

    What's this about Aruba and early 2007? Isn't that supposed to be 2008 or did another stop get added?

    James Donovan - is that our own AceDonovan there tied for 4th place?

    Joep come on man we wanna see your name on that list by the end of the week - stop feeding the monkeys at the bar!

    Keep up the good work guys!
  12. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    How many individual players participated in the 21 events? Total individuals?
  13. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Need eye candy

    I asked before and I'll ask again. Can we see some photos please!!!!!! Surely one of you guys must have taken a bloody camera with you. Let's see some snaps, put some names to faces. For all I know fgk looks like a bloody blue steam train ;) !



    PS. I know fgk isn't there but I've seen a picture of him as a train.
  14. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Reachy did it...LOL

    Great work Reachy, now you went and pissed them off and they didn't even post up date #2....LOL :eek:
  15. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Marriott did it!

    I think it probably has to do more with the fact that the Marriott is charging us $12 a day to have internet access, so you might not see too many posts.

    The results aren't posted until he next day, but I can say that the sit and go's kept on rolling along throughout the day again. I only played 4 today, had 2 second place finishes bringing me up to 6 points total. I was too hungover from the night before to do much more (Me, Hollywood and Previn were at the poker table until they shut it down at like 4 AM...even though I never play live poker).

    I know David Matthews was having a hell of a day. He was at 10 last time I remember but might even be up to 12 by now...I'll let Joe post the actual numbers when he gets them, but David M, Michael C, Ken Smith, and Robert Blechman are all doing pretty well.

    First $540 is tomorrow. I should be asleep, but all the damn jerk chicken killed my stomach so I'm stuck awake writing this (of course that's after I tried to walk it off a little and ended up donating $200 to the Previn fund in like 2 minutes of heads up action) :laugh:

    And Reachy, you're going to have to count on Hollywood, Ken or Joe. I don't have a camera.
  16. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Day 2 Report

    Another day in paradise !!!!

    How the hell would I know that I never even left the building today and its a good thing as if I could have gotten my hands on a Monkey any Monkey he would be deep in banana peels.

    I had one of the most frustrating days in my tournament life,now I know no one wants to hear any bad beat stories but I had some beats today that would make any sober Monkey drop from a tree.

    I will give you a few to chew on so that you can share my "PAIN" one will turn into a tournament teaser that I will post soon in the newbie section

    No tables are easy here as most players that are here have been around and are battle tested.

    So every table is fun yet brain power drainers

    Its no longer about the right bet here,its now about the bet that will not be easy for your competition to figure out.

    Here is a great example

    4 players left Elimination Hand #16

    Ken Smith 35 K Betting first Secret Bets 21K
    Joe " Annie Dukes" Boyfriend 35.5 K Bets 25 K
    Joe Pane (Me) 35 K Secret Bets 22 K
    Hollywood Dave 27 K Secret Bets 16 K

    Here is where the Secret Bets has changed the whole outlook on The Right Bet" in UBT Format tournaments

    I cant speak for Ken here but after the bets were turned over we both looked at each other and winked as we had both had the same exact mind set of what Hollywood would think we would bet and if I may tap my self on the shoulder pretty much had Kenny's bet figured out and bet 1K more than i thought he would bet to take the lead on Kenny.Because if I had lost the hand that extra 1 K would not come into play but it would have great value if we both won as on the next elimination hand Kenny would again have to bet in front of me with no secret bet.

    So when Dave sees Annie's Joe bet 25 K out in the open he KNOWS that Ken and I would never bet more than our leads over him,he bets enough to pass us .Well he thinks he does and bets enough to hold back the low on Joe's open 25 K bet.

    He swears he has 2nd High and 3rd low

    He actually wound up with no High and 3rd low

    Dave got dealt a Blackjack and the dealer busted and Dave was gone

    He wasn't a Happy Camper as the so called "Old Guard" left the Wong book in the room and played the hand on what we thought Dave would think and bet.

    This is no knock on Dave tournament ability as he can bring it but this format forces you to move to a new level of thinking and Dave didn't give Kenny and I any credit for adjustments to our game that blend with the UBT format.

    This sit and go wound up with Kenny and I heads up and no secret bets so it was back to old style play and that's what great about all of this you need to change gears according to the current conditions .

    The last hand had me betting first with 44 K and Kenny having last bet with 63 K .

    I bet 22 K and Kenny match bets with me and this is where I will leave you with,as I will be making this my next tournament teaser.

    Its a good one and hope you will enjoy it

    The rest of the day was one bad beat story after another but 1 comes to mind I have Adriana Jade to me right and a lead on her going into an Elimination hand and she is dealt a 13 and I receive a 20 .Then its discovered that the dealer dealt to the Button that was in seat #2 as opposed to first base and the head is declared dead and a new hand is dealt out. Adriana is dealt a Blackjack and i receive a stiff and I lose while she wins and that's just a small sample of what happened to me today .

    I played in 8 tournaments and only cashed in one of them. A very frustrating day for me.

    The UBT gave out small footballs that are for indoor use and I made full use of it by smacking it against the wall numerous times today as I received one horrible beat after another.You may think I pumping this up so i hope someone who was here will verify my coming unglued.I was not someone you wanted to be having dinner with tonight.

    Here are the new top 5 players in the Sit & Go Contest

    Robert Blechman still leads with 10 points

    David Matthews tore the tables up today earning 8 points to tie Robert with the lead

    John Blunt remained near the top with 9 Points

    Ken Smith also had a strong day and now has 9 points

    Mike Castellano has 8 points

    Adriana Jade has 8 points

    I have 3 Points and a ton of practice throwing my UBT Football across the tournament room in many brief moments of ANGER

    There were again 21 Sit & Go's played bring the 2 day total to 42 way ahead of how many were played in Aruba.

    Until Day 3 take care and I hope you enjoyed this report

  17. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    PANEfuel day

    You forgot about when you threw your chair after the dealer pulled at 21 against your big bet 20. :joker:

    In all seriousness....he did have some bad beats today.
  18. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Not Joep

    Joep threw a chair what wrong with him ????

    You would think with all his police training about how to deal with and surpress anger he wouldn't do that stuff.........

    Choke a Monkey yes

    Smack a football against the wall Ok

    Give Hollywood a noogie and a fond farewell after his no win snapper on Hand 16 .Yep

    But did he really throw a chair ?

    Boys will be Boys :laugh:

  19. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Ok, Ok

    How about this:

    You not so gently knocked it over?

    That's a little bit better.
  20. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Excellent stuff guys!

    Clearly HD is spending far too much time at the poker tables instead of concentrating on the BJ. He must be right royally p****d off after the hand you just discussed.

    Joep - I can clearly see why HD bet what he did. He assumed that you and Ken would take the low on him so he bet to win if you all won. What I'm curious about is how you knew exactly what Ken was going to bet. Of course this may be a professional secret and you may not want to reveal your special powers but a bet of 20K would have given either of you the high over HD's all-in win; why did you have Ken down for 21K? Was it a double bluff? You thought he thought you'd bet 20K so he decided to bet 21K to get the high over you so you then bet 22K because you knew he'd do that?

    Have you got a camera Joep?



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