St Kitts Winners

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by Joep, Oct 7, 2006.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Congrats to



    Russ 6713

    They both won an all expensive paid trip to St Kitts and a seat on the Final Table at . This was all done via a freeroll

  2. I suppose there is almost zero chance of the altermates getting a seat in ST Kitts?
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Hang tight...

    They may not have a passport!
  4. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member


    :flame: I bugged Playubt for 2 weeks asking for disqualification for no reason at all.

    I feel your pain being an alternate!

    Last edited: Oct 7, 2006
  5. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Good news never seems to be mentioned

    You know sometimes in this world playing fair is a good thing.

    Not one person even the ones that have moaned and groaned about every thing that that can find wrong with UBT and Bet 21 even at times embellishing problems way beyond their severity has come on here to point out that UBT has now given away 4 seats right on to final tables in their first month of existence .

    Each seat is worth approx. 25,000 not including you all expenses paid for vacation.

    But not one word about it. Seems strange doesn't it

    If you are going to point out the bad don't forget to point out the GOOD also. Its not only playing fair, it's the right thing to do
  6. noman

    noman Top Member

    Joep and Credits:

    Norm! God knows, if I'd won one of those, I'd be hanging on their jock.
  7. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Sooo close!

    I've just looked at the results and see some familiar names. How frustrating for Kevin Blackwood just on the bubble, and TXtourplayer and ptaylorcpa just missing out on the final table. Well done but ouch! :sad: :sad: :sad:


  8. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Just FYI

    Don't need one for St Kitts...just your ID and birth certificate if you're American or Canadian.
  9. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Here would have been a great story

    I was really rooting for Tex to win......;)

    I had heard that UBT was providing him with a left over Cuban refugee boat found on the beach in Key West Fla. As his paid transportation to St Kitts . It would only be fair after all.

    Lets see who would he have as his crew

    PokerNUT ? :eek:

    Feel free to add shipmates for Rick on his boat ride to paradise :p

  10. noman

    noman Top Member

    Subterranean swamp marsh to Reachy on Mars:

    Where do you find these listings for finishers? Where is it ever listed the results of the tourneys? What is life? What is truth?
  11. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Flat Or Round


    No one pointed Christopher Columbus in the right direction yet he found his way . Now I know you are adventurous, considering you were willing to camp on the beach with cans of tuna fish and survive for the week in Aruba. Now you want help in locating a tournament list sounds a Little fishy to me.

    You may want to hop a ride on Ricks Cuban vessel the answer may be just floating in a bottle in the ocean for you to find...... :laugh:

  12. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Serious answer

    Log on to PLAYubt then go to Scheduled Tournaments, click on the Completed tab and look for the St Kitts Freeroll and there they are.



  13. Bubble

    It was very disappointing to finish on the bubble, but I certainly have no complaints about the tournament. It was easily the most lucrative freeroll I have ever seen and the entire event went very smoothly.

    My congratulations go out to the two winners. I am not sure who they are, but they both seemed to play very well.

    I seriously doubt there is any chance of getting the call-up as an alternate, but if anyone knows either of the first two finishers, I'd be interested in contacting them to see if they'd consider selling their seat for fair market value (actual EV) rather than risking the fluctuation.

    Anyway, thanks again to UBT for giving us all a free chance at such a nice payday.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2006
  14. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Is that Kevin Bla!!!!

    I watched Kevin Blackwood on British television last week.

    He was demonstrating how he strapped a computer on to his leg before going into the casino.

    I only caught the last few minutes of the show but should point out that Kevin did not do anything illegal.

  15. noman

    noman Top Member

    A double props to youse responders:

    Reachy: With heartfelt thanks to your guidance in tourney results.
    I can only imagine the knowledge and wisdom and humanity you
    will possess in 15 more years when you catch up in age to Norm.

    Norm: Nothing fishy. Just a series of misadventures. I missed my flight to
    playubt, due to connection issues.

    I planned to stow away on TX's vessel, even though what a land
    lubbin cowboy would know about sailing is still a mystery to me.
    But he floated away before I could hide away.

    So I set out for Aruba in my own little dingy, filled with canned
    Tuna fish, my tent and twinkies. But it wasn't long before I got
    caught between Scylla and Kharybdis.(or in modern parlance.....
    BET21 and UBT)

    I'm so busy fighting the inconsistant winds, the tumultuous seas
    and fickle tides, I don't know if I'll ever reach land again, let alone
    hunt and peck my way to a leaders/winners listing on any site.

    To make matters worse, the damn Albatross ate all my tuna and
    out of kindness I killed him with my crossbow before he got to
    the twinkees.

    "Ah wretch!"....."The bird to slay
    That make the breeze to blow!"

    So I may never know about or see St. Kit's or even the Bet21 or
    UBT winners for that. Unless come Monday I get "lucky" and
    then I'll give a double tip of my hand made Colombus' hat.
  16. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Joe is correct....

    Hip Hip Horay, Hip Hip Horay, Hip Hip Horay...the game is great...the specials have been pretty good... freerolls are perfect, fun , hard, valuable.

    and now the yang....

    Wheres my deposit bonus?

    I have complained about the rocky start of the internet game ..particulary Bet 21. I still have problem with the game working right. Im doing my best to help them solve these issues...

    When it is working for me is a joy! I dont have to be winning to say that either.

    I will say that I sure wish them the best of luck. This is a truely a blast.

    The level of play is ramping up can get a hell of a game now at even a 1 dollar sit and go.

    The yang again...the game runs slow on my becomes a bore waiting for cards to come out...unlike the Poker which is lightning fast! I hope someone is working on these things..actually Im relating player comments about speed...the poker players like the game...they want it to be a little faster though...

    I hope it takes off..500-1000 show up for free if we can get these folks in a 20 dollar multi table event..well thats the idea right.

    Slightly rocky start but making a good effort at making this thing go!

    The TV show ??? I forgot to watch it this SAT... I am getting older and forgetful...but geesh....maybe a little more promotion ..adverts etc...I wonder how the numbers are coming out. Good I hope! Can they buy some time during ESPN Poker events? Just a thought. For now Im tying a string around my ahem ...finger.

    I sure wish the folks doing this the best. Thanks for bringing the game to us. Now if I can just win...heck I'll be happy with the free roll winner tag.:)

    Again hip hip!!!!!!!!!!

    Its a blast chatting with kammy Lis like I did last night and then whipping her in the LA event actually didnt play at her table ...I had already won mine so I went to hers and talked all the smack I figured if it is a tool for HD I might just give it spin..

    I was actually rooting for her ..well sort of fun fun.......till daddy takes the T-Bird away............

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