St Paddys Riverwind SOLD OUT

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Ikedog, Mar 9, 2010.

  1. Ikedog

    Ikedog New Member

    Just got home from Riverwind. The $550.00 buyins are sold out. The last drawing for seats is thur. @ 10 pm. There seem to be several people who plan to be there to try to buy seats from the drawing winners.My wife & I both got into the drawing tonight. Last year, a few seats were being sold on sat. morning but that may be a long shot this year. There will be hot seat drawings tue,&wed for the last drawing on thur. nite.
  2. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Might be a little tough to enter now, since it was held last weekend. :p
  3. Ikedog

    Ikedog New Member

    check the post date! if you don't want me to post, let me know
  4. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    My sincere apologies, Ikedog. I meant for my post to appear on an entirely different thread. How I managed to do that...... :confused:
  5. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    OK, now I think this was the right thread but a post which appeared right after Ikedog's original post is gone. It was from a newbie who was asking about entering the Riverwind event and certainly was after it had been concluded.

    Also gone is the person who made the post, evidently, as the name no longer appears in the alphabetical membership roster at all.
  6. noman

    noman Top Member

    Hey Left

    Don't worry bout it. That's the netherworld.
  7. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Sorry for the confusion. Those posts are indeed gone, and the poster banned. It was a more elaborate than usual attempt to spam the boards.

    At first, I assumed perhaps he was a legitimate visitor, but something about his posts seemed odd. When I looked closer, I saw that while he claimed to be from New York, he was actually posting from India. Even then I gave him the benefit of the doubt, until he made an identical post about "Underbetting your bankroll" over at BJInfo. Over there, the same India IP address was a different username claiming to be from another part of the US.

    I assume the eventual purpose was to add signature links in for spamming.
    Grrrr. Spammers.

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