Stardust congratulation to...

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by TXtourplayer, Mar 29, 2006.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    1st place - Ron Fisher

    2nd place - Jimmy H.

    3rd place - Toolman

    It came down to the last hand of the tournament.

    Betting order and places for the last land play a big part of the out come.

    Seat #1/BR2 - Toolman
    (and the button for the last hand)
    $645 - bet $300

    Seat #2/BR4 - unknown
    $305 - bet $300

    Seat #3/BR1 - Jimmy H.
    $667.50 - bet $300

    Seat #4/BR3 - Ron
    $630.00 - bet $225

    Everybody had 17's - 18's and the dealer had 20 to give Ron first low and the win. :D
  2. mariad

    mariad New Member


    :celebrate Congratulations to Toolman and others.
  3. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Seat 2

    Nice to have you back Tex.
    How can our Ace News Hound Tournament reporter not tell us the name of the person in seat 2?
    Andy :)
  4. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Hot Diggty Dog

    Who bet first here Rick that not clear.? you say and the button but list him first

    Andy as far as Rick missing the player in seat two name my sources tell me that Rick had one of those foot long hot dogs in his mouth and his vision of seat 2 was impared by the hot dog :laugh:
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2006
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Button starts first Joep

    I'm sorry Joep, I forgot it has been so long since you have gotten to play in a blackjack tournament and even longer since you have gotten out of the first round of those you do get to play in. The button is always suppose to bet first (even past the first round).

    When I posted (and the button for the last hand) under Toolman's name and Seat #1 that meant that Toolman was on the button and had the first bet.

    I'll type slower for you next time Joep...LOL :D

    As far as the player in seat #2, I wasn't given that info. The Stardust didn't allow me to write down the final 5 hands or take pictures this time.

    I just knew the first three players.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2006
  6. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Fess Up

    A quote from Rick

    "The Stardust didn't allow me to write down the final 5 hands or take pictures this time".

    So are you telling us that the Starbust would not allow you to take notes in the casino.Wow are we in America here.This place cant be blown up quick enough.

    So if these numbers are based upon your wonderful memory there is reason to believe that they are incorrect.

    Let me remind you

    You call into the radio show to plug your cruise tournaments and we ask you your phone number so players could call you and you can not remember your own phone number

    You invite me to dinner for my birthday and then forget to call me to tell me when and where the dinner is

    I drive you to the airport to catch your flight home and your flight left 24 hours earlier

    Now you want us to believe that these bankrolls and bets are based upon your memory.Sorry Im not buying that

    Now as far as your comment that they wouldnt let you take pictures or take notes tell us the truth because I was told you were eating one of the foot long hot dogs had a bag of popcorn in the other hand and a coke balanced on your cowboy hat.This is why you didnt take pictures or write down the last 5 hands it would have thrown everything off balance.You didnt get this big passing up to many meals :laugh:
  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Is that the best you can come back with?

    Joep, I gave you more credit than that!

    Knowing the Stardust as you do, you should know that my comments were true about the notes and pictures.

    As far as the hot dog joke (pretty weak the first time) and even weaker the second time. We here expect better from you Joep, I guess everybody is entitled to an off night.

    I really hope your materal starts improving, you have really been slipping lately. If you really want everyone to laugh just let them see the pictures of you from you English TV video.

    By the way the video was good, Joep was one of the stars of the video titled "Greatest Gambling Scams"!

    This is all true, it was made for an English TV show!

    By the way, your face is suited better for the radio show...LOL. :D
  8. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Don't Give Up Your Day Job

    At least they showed my faced on British TV.I was getting tired of you walking around every casino with a napkin in front of your face making like me on American Casino.Now if thats what you consider funny then I dont mind your comments about me having a nite off, and not being funny.

    Come on tell me in 10 seconds or less what is your phone number

    is it 1-800-I For got it again :joker:
  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Last years news

    Come on Joep, we all expect more. That horse is dead! You need to stop beating it and come up with some new material...LOL! :D

    We know you just had a birthday, but you're not that old that you can't come up with something new, are you? :rolleyes:
  10. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Cowboy Off Please !!

    Rick the only horse that is dead is the horse that you use to ride. It died of a broken back . :joker:
  11. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Old jokes....

    Again? Joe, Joe, Joe! You got to get some new jokes, your using the same old lines you have for two years now. Plus what will you do if and when I lose wieght?

    You have to come up with some new jokes, you have been using these old ones for all most as long as it's been since you have won a tournament...LOL :D
  12. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    You Must Be Kidding

    Rick Rick Rick you should have stopped while you still had a leg to stand on. If we are going to talk about tournament wins past or present why don't you list the one that you have won I will even let you go back to 1905 .Now in my case its pretty hard to have recent tournament wins when my playing time is almost nil. Now in your case you play just in about every tournament held and I keep looking for your name as at least a finalist not even the winner.

    If we create a player rankings and it goes by % you will have to turn the standings upside down to have you name even appear to be close to the top. In the last 3 years I have played in a whopping 9 tournaments .My record in my last 9 tournaments is 1 win for 20K & 4 Semi -Finals .Not a bad record for someone who never plays anymore. Remember just making a final table 1 out 10 times is a great record. ;)

    I believe that the last time you won a tournament Lyndon B Johnson was in office you know the other guy from Texas with the cowboy hat. He at least had a horse to ride yours is in the Mayo Clinic having its back reinforced with steel rods so that you can be hoisted up by crane and put back on him to ride down to Burger King and get yourself one of them WHOPPERS :joker:
  13. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    It sure seem that long ago!

    Last one of any size was a few years back. The WSOB qualifier I won this year paid a WOPPING $250...LOL.
    Thank goodness for the WSOB 04", Global player tournaments and the run I had on the regular tables or 05" would have been nasty...LOL. :eek:
  14. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Be Honest

    A FEW years come on now RICK a FEW to you is a lifetime for others. Sometimes the truth hurts but that's OK. We know winning tournaments has never been your strong suit .Continue to do what you do best . I forgot what do you do best :joker:
  15. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    What do you mean...

    Hell with every tournament I lose, it feels like a life time since I have won...LOL. :(

    I'm not sure what I do best either Joep, but I do several things good...LOL. :rolleyes:
  16. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Seat 2

    Seat 2 was occupied by a man named Len. Don't want to mention his last name. As far as I know, he is not known on this site.

    There was some non flattering controversy surrounding this "gentleman" that I prefer not to get into. Suffice to say, I was definitely rooting for him to come in last. But at least I had the satisfaction of finishing ahead of him.

    Thanks to all for their "congrats" :D - both public and private.
  17. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    And, now that we've seemingly gotten this thread back on topic, I'll add mine...

    Congrats toolman1!

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