Stardust not long for this world?

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Dec 28, 2005.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Today's Question of the Day at Anthony Curtis' LVA:

    Q: Is it true that they are going to tear down the Stardust hotel and casino?

    Note that this link will only work today, Dec 28th. If you are signed up for an account at LVA, you can view the archives though.

    I'm sure that if the Stardust is imploded, it will be to mixed emotions among the tournament crowd. While the Stardust certainly was home to many great events over the years, there are an awful lot of us who have not been welcome there for quite some time.

    But there's also no doubt that for those who can still play there, losing the 'Dust will mean fewer opportunities per year.
  2. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    Good Bye & Good Riddance

    So sorry to the rest of my tournament brethren for the potential loss of the great and glorious STARDUST casino, but i for one will rejoice when that bastion of discrimination comes crashing to the ground... the first place i was ever barred from and, years later, the only place that still won't let me enter so much as a TOURNAMENT where my edge works only against other players & not the house at all. An outdated model from the old school that needs new management along with the planned new mega resort. Lets just hope that the 'new' SD that rises from the ashes is just a little bit more in tune with reality than the old one was...

    -holly d.
  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I'm with you HD. :gun: Bust the 'Dust.
  4. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    In defense of the Stardust

    I’ve been sitting on the sideline while periodic bursts of joy come from members hearing about the Stardust’s inevitable dismay. Well I need to put my 2 cents in now and defend the Stardust against a series of bum raps.

    I’ve only been playing in the Stardust’s BJ tournaments for the last 8 months or so. It is one of only a few strip casinos’ left that have good size prize money while not requiring excessive side action from the participants. Sure it’s old and needs renovation or dynamite but hay, there’s a certain comfort level at this joint and I WILL MISS THE JOINT.

    When not playing, I can go outside and take it easy on a bench, watch the people, enjoy the desert heat, or listen to the free outdoor bands. I can walk across to Walgreens where prices are a lot more reasonable than the hotel shops. Or I can take a leisurely stroll to the mega-resorts (Wynn, Mirage, TI, etc.) and watch the people who are not rich, pretend like they are - at the Stardust, few are "putting on the dog". Yes, I WILL MISS THE JOINT.

    When I am playing, it feels comfortable. If I’m loosing, I can easily find a $5 BJ table to pass the time. If I’m winning, I play with very little or no heat (OK, camouflage counts). I’ve met a lot of friendly people in the BJ tournaments. Some I’ve become better friends than others but that’s normal in any social setting. I WILL MISS THE JOINT.

    There are many who hate the Stardust because they’ve been banned from playing in their tournaments. We all understand their points of view but let’s look at it from the casino’s point of view. I, personally, dislike invitational tournaments but a casino is in the business to make money. Tournaments do not make money (especially when players demand positive equity or at the very least, return all entry fees as prize money). Now there’s a conflict – casinos’ want to make money but tournaments don’t make money. So what’s a casino to do:

    CHOICE #1: Don’t hold tournaments. That’s simple enough.​

    CHOICE #2: Hold open tournaments while our competitors’ have theirs. Let’s see now, the Frontier and Rivera has tournaments. If we have ours at the same time, then the players can play in 3 tournaments on one trip to LV. Wow, sounds good for the players but what about side action. Uh, there is none. Hum, let’s see, the casino holds the tournament but doesn’t make any money. No side action - Not a good choice.​

    CHOICE #3: Hold open tournaments and hope the players give a decent amount of side action. Let’s examine this. If the “banned” players are allowed to play in the tournament, they cannot give any side action because they are banned from the BJ tables. Those who are not banned will generally only enter the casino when it’s their time to play and leave as soon as the tournament ends. They will probably not even stay at the casino’s hotel. No side action - Not a good choice.​

    CHOICE #4: Hold invitational tournaments. Only invite players who have a history of playing at our casino. Need more be said?​

    Now I can’t afford the play requirement that exists at most of mega-resorts that hold BJ tournaments: play 10-12 hours at a $200 to $400 average hand. On the other hand, I don’t want to travel 2,000 miles to play in an open mini tournament. I can do that locally. That leaves only a few choices for me, and the Stardust is one of them. Yes, I WILL MISS THE JOINT.

    I can only hope that Boyd’s new casino on the south end of the strip will hold decent tournaments and the new mega-resort that rises from Stardust’s ashes will do the same. I hope they don’t discard the average Joe – but I think that is inevitable. Yeah, she’s an old girl, change is inevitable, and the bell will soon toll :sad: , but damn,
  5. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    Didn't know we had casino shills posting here now...

    Be careful what you wish for, my friend. Many of us have fallen victim to this misguided idealism at the 'Dust. Their games may be wonderful, but their tolerance for AP action is anything but.

    And you forgot option #5 on your list --

    5. if the Stardust is going to run tournaments that barely make a profit (if at all) because of the loss of sideaction, even MORE of a reason to not prevent a single paying customer from paying the entry fee (along with the sometimes quite steep house vig) to recoup as much $$$ as possible for the house.

    No one is discounting the 'Dust's excellent games and tournaments -- the problem is, they are one of the most notorious casinos on the strip for tossing intelligent players out on their ass for doing little more than using their brains while playing cards.

    You wanna talk about unreasonable? I was thrown out years ago while sitting at a low-stakes table and actually DOWN HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS for the 30-minute session i was there. And since then not even 'allowed' to give them money to buy in to a tourney. You ever heard of a casino refusing to take someone's money? I'm not alone in this sentiment, either. Good Riddance i say, blow it up and maybe the second time around will be better for all of us...

    -hollywood dave.
  6. noman

    noman Top Member

    Stardust implosion:

    Hoy. Hoy. Hoy.

    I finally found my actual rung of the BJ world and tournament ladder, reading the posts on the "bust" Joep has been dising it forever, and from his point rightfully so. Kenny E raps it in his book. Rightfully so. Ken and Hollywood raps are legit from their perspective.

    But here I am, one of those over 40 white guys, who got my first full and expanded comps there. Enjoyed just the same things as tool did. I rather enjoy the middle strip, what with that the Frontier, the Riv.
    And I hear they're all going. Played my first tourney ever at the bust, learned in a hurry. Played some exciting side action over the last three years there and never got hassled by anybody, even winning. Maybe its the drunk act.

    For tool and I (and forgive me tool for bringing up the verboten site), but maybe it's because of the action he and I give their cousin, the Blue Chip.

    Anyway, whether eventually they would have done it to me, I think not. I say rung of the ladder and it must be first rung, cause I never caused them any concern.

    If you couldn't play there anymore, I can see the animosity. But when it and the Front and Riv go down for a trump extravaganza, then it's back downtown or to the off strip joints.

    Cause I can't stay sober long enough to impress anybody else on the strip.
  7. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Personal grudge notwithstanding, it'll be a shame to see their tournaments disappear. noman and tool both are examples of players for whom the Stardust was a good gamble. There are plenty more out there, and for many years I was among them.
  8. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    My two cents.

    Add me to the list of Stardust lovers. Casinos barring AP? Name me one that does not. Major tournaments that are opened only to players who will give non AP action? Not that many anymore. Come to think of it, what is so smart about getting barred at a casino that offers a great tournament schedule? The real AP guy is the one that keeps a low profile and manages to participate in "soft tournaments" by understanding the rules of the casino game. There are quite a few of them and they have had some impressive wins at the Stardust and at other casinos. The best tournament player still active today keeps a low profile, his ego in check and plays the Stardust quite successfully.
    For the record, I don't agree with "invite only" tournaments and wish that the LV Hilton $1M format would have survived and that all tournaments be open to all. However, we have what we have. Last year's GSN and UBT were by invitation to the "juiced in" and "connected". So what's the difference?

    Prosperous 2006 to all!:joker: :joker: :joker:
  9. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Not Only AP'S

    I hate to disagree with BJFAN4 about the StarBUST banning only advantage players.If this were true you position would be correct.But the "BUST" has banned friends of AP'S who are not skilled players.I for a fact know this first hand two good friends of mine who have never been backed off or flat bet anywhere in this country were both banned from playing anymore at the "Bust" after they was seen in my company after I won 100,000.This guilt by assocation seem to be used both by the "Bust" and Griffin Det Agency.One has been taken down by James Grosjean and the other one is scheduled to be blown up.Like we have said before 2006 will be a good year for Blackjack Tournamnet players.I would love to be the one who pushes the button to blow up the "BUST".I might even be willing to pay for that privilege and those who know me well know I don't pay for anything in a casino.But I will make that one time exception for this :)
  10. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Looks like it's final

    Just saw on BLOOMBERG FINANCIAL NEWS NETWORK (1-4-06 2:00pm-central) that Boyd Gaming will spent $4 Billion to rebuild the Stardust location. Looks like this finalizes all the speculation although no date has apparently been set for closing the Stardust.

    One thing I don't understand:
    A number of members will rejoice in this news because they've been banned from the Stardust. But how will this make things better for them? I don't think the new casino that will rise from the ashes will welcome them. The real losers are Noman, BJFAN4, myself and others because we will temporarily have one less place to play. From our point of view, that's all blowing up the Stardust will accomplish. Are the banned players saying "If I can't play there, then nobody should be able to play". I hope not. I thought this site was a community that had good will toward all members. Just food for thought.
  11. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    toolman is right. While the Stardust's policies may not have always made sense, at least they were still offering tournaments. After they rebuild, I bet we won't see any tournaments at all.
  12. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Future tournaments

    After rebuilding, I think Ken is right on the money. With a new mega resort, the only real possibility for tournaments will probably be for the high rollers - $200 to $400 average bet for 10-12 hours - way out of my league.

    Well, I'll just play until they blow it up. Maybe I can win their last tournament.:laugh:
  13. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Stardust Update

    20 FEB 06 Update:

    I received a mailing from the Stardust today extolling their new Echelon Place - a multibillion-dollar resort complex that will be built on the site of the Stardust Resort & Casino. Also included was the wording:

    "But don't worry, the Stardust will remain open throughout 2006, and your special offers will continue in the year ahead."

    Just wanted to let you all know there was still a bit of life in the old girl.

  14. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    She was a fun old gal

    If you never got to play in the old Stardust tournaments some 7 or so years back you missed out on my favorite tournaments.

    I use to call it the Stardust week, about 4 or 5 tournaments maybe more back to back and sometimes later in the evening.

    I remember playing Sunset Station in Henderson, driving down to Jean to play the Gold Strike and or Nevada Landing, back up to Stardust, Riviera, New Frontier, IP and Excalibur.

    It was a wonderful time and ALL the players were still allowed to play in the tournaments.

    Anyone that hasn't played and would like to before they implode it just PM (Private Message) me and I'll see if I can get you in on one of their final blackjack tournaments.

    This will be your last chance this year to say you played in one of the Stardust tournaments.
  15. Will miss her.

    Stardust was the very first Casino I stayed at in Vegas many years ago and since has kind of been my home away from home. The comps from rooms to hard to get tickets have always been there. I have never had any problems there. The rooms were never as plush as other places I've stayed at out there but I didn't mind. Was asking how they would handle the offers in the future and they assured me that they would transfer me to another of their properties out there. Do feel for some of the staff who do not know what their future holds. I was told last visit out that some have already been transfered and others are just waiting to hear. I really do hate seeing some of the older Casino's go out there, I enjoy the feel and history behind them. The mega Casino's are just not the same. Just my opinion.

    Take Care
  16. Chips.

    I received my info from the Stardust today and was looking thru the brochure. They did state the offers would keep coming and I am not too familar with all the other properties. Just from looking I would say Barbary Coast, Orleans, or Fremont may be some of my options. Looking at the new look and it won't compare to the Stardust at all. More plush and elegant is the impression I got.

    Take Care
  17. Joep

    Joep Active Member


    Here is what the brochure should really look like

    Boom Boom Boom :celebrate

    :gun: Tournament Director's Office :bomb:

    After all the smoke clears.......... :cheers:
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2006
  18. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    i love you, joe

    ...i really do, man...

  19. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Update/conclusion Stardust closing date

    Just wanted to pass this on to folks. Although (some) customers received a letter from the Dust saying they would be open through the "end of the year", the Dust has added a tourney (slot) during October to their event calendar with makes one conclude that they will be open through then or they would not have gone to that effort at this time. However, they are not taking any bookings after 31 OCT 06 now and it is my understanding that those who had booked after that date have been "moved" to other Boyd properties. Thus an end of OCT closure is concluded.

  20. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Final Blackjack Tournament

    I just opened my mail. Got a mailing from the Stardust announcing their blackjack tournament titled "Final Stardust Blackjack Tournament" on Sept. 4 to 6, 2006. Looks like it's official: No more BJ tournaments at the Stardust after this one.:( Well, at least they are going out in style: $100,000 prize pool with $50,000 for first (based on 180 players). I said it before and I'll say it again: I will miss the joint!!

    OK Joep and Hollywood, get it out of your system, let's hear the rejoicing but keep in mind that you do not speak for everyone.

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