Storming Vegas:

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by noman, Apr 12, 2008.

  1. noman

    noman Top Member

    Hey, hey:

    In the world of "Believe It Or Not," and comparisons of the Movie "21" to the book "Bringing Down The House," and the REAL exploits of the various MIT Teams how's this for an illusion, the book, "Storming Vegas."

    Huddall, or Hudnal, (sorry I forgot) the author was on the O'Riely factor, interviewed by Laura Ingram.

    He spins a story that a Cuban born "thug," trained by the highest levels of US covert operations, to fight the commies, turned bad, organized the most terrorizing gang in all of history to knock down the Bellagio, the Mirage and two or three others and an armored car with death.

    Revealed for the first time yesterday. How about that? Or a two for one coupon good for half a play.
  2. DER145

    DER145 New Member


    Spin? What are you talking about? The book "Storming Las Vegas" by John Huddy, just released in a short time ago, is a great read. Its the true story of Cuban born Jose Vigoa who terrorized Vegas casinos and armored cars in the late 90's. Along the way Vigoa and his "gang" stole millions, killed two guards, wounded others and put a fear into the casinos never seen before. The book is well written and researched.
  3. noman

    noman Top Member

    Thanks Der:

    Just never heard an inkling of it before the O'Rielly segment. I know how Vegas keeps secrets, but cabbies and strippers even talked for weeks about the NBA All Star Fiasco.

    Here's a case where Oceans 11 outweighs 21.

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