Strategy card in tourney

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by ChainReaction, Jul 9, 2005.

  1. ChainReaction

    ChainReaction New Member

    Hi there. I've been to Vegas once since I've turned 21, and the time I went all I played was blackjack. I was using a small card called "A Basic Strategy for Blackjack" which I'm sure many of you have seen, and I'm sure you all have your own opinions on them. In any case, I left Vegas $200 richer from playing blackjack, playing like the card said (for the most part). I find it is useful in situations where I'm not exactly sure what to isn't like I use it on every hand or anything. Anyway...

    I will be visiting Vegas again in late August, and I thought I might try my hand at one of the daily tournaments. Can I use one of these strategy cards in a blackjack tournament?

    Also, if anyone can give me a good argument against not ever using the strategy card (like in regular table play) I'd like to hear it because I want to know all sides of the "issue". Thanks everyone!
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    You'll probably find that you won't be allowed to use the strategy card during the tournament. Even if the rules don't specifically rule out written materials, it is likely to be addressed by the tournament personnel if you pull a card out during play.

    As for using them at the regular table, I'm all for it. It's a great tool for players who may be unsure of a few decisions for basic strategy. For the players who are willing to use them, they save lots of money.
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Ken is probally right

    In most tournaments you won't be allowed to use your card, but double check with the casino you'll be playing at. I saw a player allowed to use theirs during at weekly tournament at Green Valley Ranch (when they were still hosting them).

    What made me remember was the newbie with the card was winning the table and he was playing right next to Anthony Curtis. Just goes to show you anyone can win in a blackjack tournament and even a expert like Anthony can't win if your not catching the cards.
  4. richgarcia

    richgarcia New Member

    Ask. You may be surprised

    I recently played in a BJ tourney. In the semi-finals, a player asked if
    he could use a strategy card. The dealer said, "Yes". I complained and
    called the assistant tourney director who confirmed the card use and
    said, "No problem". Still unconvinced, I called the tourney director who
    assured me that the use of a card, "Is not cheating".

    So, bring a card. Ask if you can use it. You may be surprised.
  5. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    We should all be so lucky!

    A player who needs to hide behind a basic strategy card is all but guarenteed to miss the optimal & often unconventional plays needed in blackjack tournaments that deviate from basic strategy -- especially the final few hands! Not to mention, they will most likely have no clue as to how to bet their hands. So i say, let people use BS cards -- because ultimately it will hurt them much more than help them...

    -holly d.
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Comes down to luck!

    Like I meationed in my earlier post, the man using the BS card was beating Anthony. Now I'll take my chances and even back Anthony in tournaments against that man over and over again and come out way ahead, but anyone at anytime can beat anyone else in a Blackjack tournament. It has happened to all of us more times then I care to remember.
  7. All for the basic strategy cards

    I can understand what Hollywood is saying, however, as one newbie to another, if you are not comfortable knowing how to play a hand the basic strategy cards seem to come in very handy. So, as far as I am concerned if you are allowed to use the card, do it! ;)

  8. ChainReaction

    ChainReaction New Member

    Thanks for your responses everyone. I'll have it with me anyway, so I'll ask before I sign up.
  9. ChainReaction

    ChainReaction New Member

    Not to toot my own horn.....

    I signed up at Global-Player last night, and today I played my first four "tournaments" ever (you know, the sit-and-go type), and I got first place on two of the sit-and-go's, and second place on a third sit-and-go, and I didn't place in one. I was using some strategy I learned from Stanford Wong's book, and also betting how I felt I should. Anyway....would success in sit-and-go tournaments on Global-Player possibly transfer to success in an actual land based tournament, or do peple play much differently online?
  10. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Big Difference

    I will tell you this playing on Global is great practice for working on your tournament play,but in a land base casino it's another world with no help as how much your opponet has held back or how much the big stack that is in the betting circle is.On line its all laid out there for you in big bold letters.

    In a land based tournament there is no paper and pencil at the table like there is on your computer desk.I myself have some concerns that playing to much on line will actually hurt my game as there is no need to count chips or calculate bets.Practice real game conditions is always a good excerise,playing on line makes things just to easy
  11. noman

    noman Top Member

    Gp vs land based

    Man did Joep, hit it on the head again.

    Gp is good practice of a sort, but regardless what HD wants to change, the biggest ingredient is knowing your oppents chip count, all by you self.

    Do everything else, read smith's special tips, pick up Jensens rap. S. Yama, Mckelvey, wong, I don't care who you read or follow. If you are not going to get the chips right, you can't do any of theother

    And Joep is 1000 per cent right. on gp is'tall right in front of you for simple addition or subtraction Sit at a land based site, with people all around you, worrying, whether someone is communicating illegally, or knowing your turn, or not making and unintentionall string bet, or any of the myraid stuff that can happen, including dealer error, table talk,conversation stress, whatall and then makeyour chip count accurate to all five people still in the game.

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