String bets - History question

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by toolman1, Jun 21, 2006.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    String betting in Poker Tournaments:
    Without announcing the amount of the bet, you can bet whatever you have in your hand and drop the chips as you please. A string bet comes into play when you try to go back to your bankroll to get more.

    String betting in Blackjack Tournaments:
    A string bet comes into play when one chip in a stack is not in contact with an adjacent chip at the moment the bottom chip in the stack makes contact with the felt.

    I have 2 questions:
    1) Since the term "string bet" originated in poker, why don't they use the same definition?
    2) When and/or why did blackjack get stuck with such a ridicules rule?
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    There is no such thing as a string bet in blackjack. :eek: Anyone that say's there is doesn't understand the term.

    You can ask Jimmy Wike, VP of casino operations at Ceasars LV and he'll tell you the same thing. For those of you who don't know Jimmy was the one who started the LV Hilton Million Dollar Blackjack Tournament.

    Or you can ask Joep, he'll also tell you the same thing.

    So many of these tournament directors try and act like they know what their doing and they screw everything

    Actually as long as it is their rule you need to follow it, but your right Toolman it makes no sense if you think about it, what harm does dropping chips in the betting area do? :confused:

    Another one that drives me crazy is betting in order? Yes I agree betting should go in order, but if a player throws their bet out in front of me it should stand. I hate it when a dealer pushes it back and tells them they have to wait their turn. :mad:

    If a player wants to show his/her bet early I love that as a player and it can only hurt that player. ;)
  3. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Still looking for an answer

    Agree 100%. That's one thing nice about the Stardust - in early rounds, the game moves along quicker when most everyone puts their bets "out of order" - but of course the Stardust will be dust very shortly.

    Along the same lines, if the casinos allowed a "bet out of sequence" policy, they would not have to impose a "10 second" betting and playing time limit. The game would move quicker and thus allow more time for decisions. But all of this is like "trying to change city hall".

    Getting back to "string bets", I understand that there is no such thing as a "string bet" in blackjack in the strict sense of the term but in the context that the casinos use the term, I would still like to know how/why the rule originated.
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Ask Joep how it started

    Joep may know how and when it started. I can only guess that it was an ex-poker room manager running a blackjack tournament and called a string bet on a player...LOL :D

    I can tell you this, they won't be called on the blackjack cruise nor will betting out of turn, and if I get my national rules approved by the host casinos for the TBJPA - Tour they won't be call in any of those tournaments either.

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