"String" betting: how harshly enforced in other games?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by masteff, Jun 25, 2007.

  1. masteff

    masteff New Member

    Just wondering how strict people have found other casinos/tournaments are about "string" betting?

    I'd not heard the term before starting to go to my local tourney. For anyone wondering, it refers to putting some chips on the betting circle and then putting more out. This tourney's rule is put all your bet in the betting circle in one stack at one time.

    The harshest was when I had reds in one hand and greens in the other, had the stacks touching as I lifted them out to the circle using both hands at once, and the dealer pushed my reds back because "can't string bet". I've now learned, even if the stack is 30+ chips tall, to put it in one stack and let the dealer clean it up if/when it falls over. (They do let you call out "max bet" or "all-in" beforehand and, as long as they hear you, then it can be put out in parts.)

    So what are other tourneys like? Is this a common rule and, if so, how is it enforced in other places?
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2007
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    String bets

    String bets are really something in poker. However if the host casino has this listed as a rule, you have to follow it.

    You ask how harsh they can be over this? Some very much so, some players really get into calling this. It doesn't really have any effect on the hand as long as you put your bet in the circle before the next player, what harm is it dropping chips on top of one another, as long as it's done in a matter of seconds? As long as a player get their bet in within the required time and before the next player it shouldn't matter how they put in their chips.

    However to avoid problems, I suggest you set you bet outside the betting circle and then in one motion slide your entire bet into the circle.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2007
  3. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Real Strict

    I once had the button after a hand I had just won. The single chip I bet was still in the circle and the chip I was paid was next to the circle, as always. Players are not allowed to touch their chips until the dealer has picked up their cards. As soon as the dealer picked up my cards I scooped up both chips and then dropped one of them in the circle before pulling my hand away. They told me that was a string bet and made me bet the other chip too. If I had pulled both chips back and then bet one of them that would've been okay. If I had not had the button and made that bet out of turn the dealer would've pushed the bet back to me.

    That's really anal but I prefer that to loose rule enforcement.
  4. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    String Betting

    I have yet to play in a live BJ tournament but hope to do so in the near future.

    I read about string betting on this site some time ago and knew that this was a rule that could see me penalised in tournament play (stacking the denominations in the playing box etc).

    In order to remind me not to forget about string betting I was thinking about writing SB on the back of my left hand along with a couple of other things so that I don’t mess up.

    Would this be seen as bad BJ etiquette or possibly cheating?

  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    Can someone please explain WHY string betting is such a no no?
  6. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I think it's just an overreaction to the fundamental idea that once a bet is placed, it can't be changed. I think any reasonable person would agree that as long as a player is not attempting to deceive an opponent in some way, it shouldn't matter whether their bet arrives in the circle in one hand, two hands, or multiple trips to their chip stack.

    Unfortunately, this rule in some casinos is ridiculously strict. I learned long ago to not worry about it. I just always set my bet up outside the circle and push it in. My advice is to just comply, don't ask why.
  7. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    When I first started playing tournaments, I thought the "string" betting rule was ridiculous - and I still do. However, I learned that there are so many other bad rules and administration that need my attention so that the "string" bet rules are really of no importance - just live with it and let the casinos play their rule - whatever they devise - because it makes no difference to me. Ken Smith said it best:
    Just "STACK AND SLIDE" (Toolman's law #6). This way you can disregard the "string" bet rule. There's more important things to think about in a tournament.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2007
  8. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Worst enforcement of rule

    I think the worst enforcement of the rule happened once to me at a local tourney in Tunica which was played at Sam's town on Sunday nights. I got called for string betting my double down and only got to bet one chip. I lost the hand, so I didn't complain as loud, but I thought that was the stupidest enforcement ever since I announced I was doubling and had the proper bet in my hand, I just dropped it next to my stack instead of sliding it in.

  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    String bet story

    Worst rule ever about betting was at the Old Harrah's in Shrevport, LA (now Sam's Town).

    I was in a tournament and on the final hand the player in seat 4 made his bet, I was in seat 5 and made my bet (enough to win the table should we both win or where I could surrender if need be).

    Now player 6 is thinking about what he is going to bet when player 4 adds more chips to his stack. They had in the written rules that a player could add or subtract from their bet as long as the dealer hasn't started dealing.

    Now I questioned this action and then simply added more chips myself. Player 4 then added additional and this when back and front until we both ended up pulling back both of our bets.

    By this time over 5 minutes had gone by, the chess game started again, I'd bet enough to cover him and he would add more. By this time every other table had finished (this was the semifinal round by the way).

    Now we are well over 10 minutes and still changing bets on the same hand. Finally one of the floor personel tells me that I have to put a bet out and leave it. I called the Tournament Director over and explained that I was 2nd to play behind the player in seat 4 and that I will gladly make my bet and leave it once he makes his FIRST!

    That players was one of their high rollers, but betting in order was another of the written rules, so it was ruled that he had to make his bet first.

    As it ended up I won the table, and the player in seat 4 wasn't a happy camper, what was worst is the floor personel was up set with me because I didn't let this other player have his way, (no one needs to put up with a bully).

    *Note: the rule was changed for the next tournament, that once a bet is placed in the circle it has to stand.
  10. tgun

    tgun Member

    harsh string bet rule

    At Stl Ameristar's bj tournament if the dealer hears your chips click together, all but your bottom chip is pushed back to you. When in doubt slide it out.

  11. masteff

    masteff New Member

    Wow, I thought it was an insane rule before, but now I really know it is! Oh well, nothing to do but live with it. Stack and slide it is.
  12. Stretch

    Stretch New Member

    Once in a while

    you can use the "stack it" before you slide it as a bluff. If you consistently get the bet out early and slide it in quickly when it is your turn, someone betting earlier than you may buy that you are going to bet that amount, and of course you can change it before you slide it:

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