Suggestion for CALENDAR

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by toolman1, Feb 24, 2008.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Up until a few days ago I held the opinion that members should be able to delete CALENDAR POSTS because of duplications and errors. I am now doing a 180 on this and believe only the Administrator should have that power.

    The reason for my position is quite simple. If a member has a chip on his shoulder or is just plain mean (as in a spammer), he/she could easily destroy the entire calendar base. I, and I know many others, look to the calendar for events to enter and losing it - well, I don't want to think about that.

    So Ken, if you are planning on making any program changes to the calendar, please keep the power to delete as an administrative task. I also think the administrator should have the power to approve all calendar updates before they get posted to prevent mass annihilation of the data base.
  2. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member


    There are a lot of outdated, multiple, and sometimes erroneous posts in the Calendar. I try to edit/update/cancel any I have put up or have specific knowledge about - but also try to be very careful -

    I would like to see some way of correlating new/existing tourneys, etc. - so we have a little cleaner Calendar - and don't have tourneys listed three times - maybe block new posts for the same tourney? but allow edits to existing posts, if someone has new info

    would also like to see more geographic areas - Southwest - covers a lot of territory - at least single out Vegas/Laughlin and Reno - maybe break off South Cal as well - break out Seattle from Northwest -


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