Suggestion to Rick and Joe

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by thrasht, Apr 12, 2007.

  1. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    Fact #1- Joe does not like Rick
    Fact #2- Rick does not like Joe
    Fact #3- Joe would love to see the TBJPA/TBT fail
    Fact #4- Rick would love to see Bet21/UBT fail

    When I joined this site almost two years ago the three people I looked up to the most were Ken, Rick and Joe. I learned alot from the three of you and my game has steadly improved over the last few years because of the help you have given me.

    When I play live tournaments with Rick and Joe (seperately or together) I always enjoy both of your company, I respect both of your play and I have alot of respect for both of you as people. Now over the last 6-9 months this site has gone downhill and some of the reason is your dislike for each other. Sometimes you guys can't see past your anger.

    My suggestion- When either Joe or Rick post to this site they agree to not post on the same thread. They also agree not to start a new thread just to react to the other one. Come on guys lets put this site back to the way it used to be. And yes I understand the first ammendment and your right to free speech. What do you say guys?
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    thrasht IS RIGHT ON​
    Now listen up guys. Please don't respond to this thread to say how wrong or right, in your opinion, thrasht is. Just stop the bickering now, this instant, for the benefit of all.
  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    I think its a little unfair to put Ricks name there as he has been trying to stay out of the Joep conflicts for most part. The problem is Joep brings on conflict clashes with many people. It is obvious how I feel about him. After the trash started flying yesterday I told myself its enough with this jerk bringing out the worst in me. A key to slowing, it will never end with Joep because he likes this stuff IMO, the slinging of mud is for me to not respond to Joep. All I can do is try.
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I'll agree to just ignore Joep's post

    I don't agree with Fact #2 or Fact #4.
    Fact #2, I actually like Joep when were just talking or kidding around. And as I have stated many times, I think he is a very good tournament BJ player.

    It just seems like since the UBT started anytime I asked any questions I was slammed. You can go back to when UBT first started and you'll see I was very pro UBT, then I started getting personnely attacked, so yes I did reply back.

    Even the "Tape" Joep played on air stated at first that I was trying to get along, but he wouldn't and that is why I just gave up.

    Fact #4, No I don't want or UBT to fail. Go back and check my posts on Global-Player, I got on to them also.

    Why would I want any blackjack tournaments canceled? The UBT on TV along with the WSOB will only help the TBJPA, as should the TBJPA help the UBT and WSOB, by getting new players interested in tournament blackjack.

    What I do want is what was promises and or guaranteed to us, to be honored.

    Fact is I answer every question that is asked of me on this site, by any member. Now if my answers are not what they like or want to hear, maybe they shouldn't ask.

    Now after saying my piece, I'll stay away from Joep's future posts as long as I am not attacked (or if Ken busts any personel attacks towards me). I think this is more then fair.
  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Hey Rick and Joe,

    Is this how you want people to think about you two? :cool:

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