
Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by TXtourplayer, Apr 20, 2005.


What entry do you perfer for the "Super-Mini's"?

Poll closed May 10, 2005.
  1. $300 entry + $40 fee?

  2. $500 entry + $40 fee?

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I am sorry everyone the casino hasn't commented to me yet, allowing me to host my Super-Mini's. I can't tell you which casino it is yet, but I can tell you it won't be the same as last year. I am trying to set-up three of them and at a closer location to the LV Hilton & Stardust.

    The Super-Mini's are limited to the first 54 players to sign-up (per tournament). They are only three rounds with six players per table, two advancing from each table through out the tournament. Only 24 hands are played (giving each player the puck a possible 4 times).

    The entry is $500 + ($40 fee to cover expences and lease the casino). 100% of the entries are paid back to the finalist.

    I had a few players ask me about lowering the entry to $300, but the fee would still have to remain at $40 to cover the expence's. I will put up a poll to see which way the majority wants to go, $300 or $500?

    NOTE: This may all be for not if the casino doesn't allow us to hold them.
  2. cmonseven

    cmonseven New Member


    I can't afford $500 three times, but $300 three times sounds better.
  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    No More Than 10% Fee

    There should be no more than a 10% fee collected so if you were to lower the price to $300 the fee should be $30.What expenses are there? other than dealer cost.54 x 30 = $1620 which should be more than enough to cover labor cost....
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Joe, you know

    The one casino at $2,160 (54 X $40) hasn't accepted yet. I am trying to get us some tournaments, but the ball is in their court (as always)!
  5. Opus21

    Opus21 New Member

    Prize money apportionment, etc.


    I hope you can cut a deal with one of the casinos.

    1. Have you decided (%) money payout to 1-6 place finishers???
    2. How do you plan (provisionally) to schedule the 3 super minis?
    Will they all take place in one or two days???
    3. Perhaps you would consider making one of the 3 super minis
    a $500 entry fee for those who would like to play for a bigger purse.
  6. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    How About This

    If we can find the new 2 Million Dollar Tournament a home before you run these super-minis,how about having them at the new host property with the prize structure being

    1st Place 9,000 + 1000 seat in the monthly qualifer
    2nd Place 4,000 + 1000 seat " " " "
    3rd Place 3,000 + 1000 seat " " " "
    4th Place 2,500 + 1000 seat " " " "
    5th Place 2,000 + 1000 seat " " " "
    6th Place 500 + 1000 seat " " " "

    Maybe if the host casino see's that they will be filling up the seats for their Tournament they might not take a $40 fee which adds up to $2,160 which could be divided equally among the Semi-Finalist which comes out to $180

    Just a thought,
  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    I have no problem with hosting the Super- Mini's as satellites for a new Million Dollar tournament as long as all agree. The only problem I have is I can't play in them since I am hosting them (Damm it!

    As far as the semifinalist getting the $2,160 I doubt it only because I am having a hard enought time getting a casino to host them when their getting paid so I really doubt I can get one to host them for free!

    Proposed dates are:
    Friday, May 13 after first day of the LV Hilton.
    Sunday, May 15 day after the LV Hilton finals.
    Monday, May 16 after first day of the Stardust.

    Last I saw the poll was showing more $300 entry fees were wanted then the $500. Opus21 may have the right idea, run two at $300 and one at $500.

    Once again we need to get a casino lock down first.
  8. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    No Host Needed

    My thinking is that if I cant get the host casino of the new 2 Million Dollar Tournament to put these on, you can play in them and I may be able to get them to waive the 40 fee which we can return to the semi-finalist.Just my idea that this might actually work.
  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I can Play?

    MMM this is sounding better and better Joe! Let me know ASAP, I told the other location that I need to know by the end of the week either yea or nay!

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