Surrender card?

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Jun 18, 2006.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I have noticed that several dealers seem to mess up when players give the surrender signal. The standard surrender signal is simply placing your finger about half way between your chip and your bet and pulling it side ways.

    The problem in most case's is that the dealers react to the players first action, (they assume) just seeing them point their finger towards the table as if asking for a hit. :eek:

    I saw one casino change their surrender signal to a closed fist hitting the table next to the players bet. This didn't seem to work very well either as the dealer took it as hit four time in that round. :eek:

    We all know verbal commands are no good because some players at the table don't hear or the dealer may mis-understand.

    I thought about a simple solution, what if we were given a small card that has "SURRENDER" on it. Just something the size of a business card that the player could simple place next to their bet letting both the dealer and other players that they are surrendering their bet? :rolleyes:

    It would be simple to have the dealer just pass out the surrender card with the players chips.

    Give me some feedback?

    I think I'll try this on the blackjack cruise tournaments this year. ;)
  2. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Tex, one question.....would the "surrender for less" business card be smaller than the regular surrender card??!!

  3. Opus21

    Opus21 New Member

    Why not a flag?

    Everyone is distributed a flag (generally white or "Old Glory) which could
    be waved when using the surrender option. Hands held high or assuming the
    prone position are possible alternatives.

    I've never seen any casino advertise the surrender option. If you don't ask
    you'd never know-unless someone at the table initiated the act.

    On second thought, perhaps a "Lone Star" flag would be appropriate for those
    who have not yet joined the Union:laugh:
  4. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    I believe that there is one casino that uses a .... hand placed palm up with your fingers waggling in a 'gimme' motion ...... as a surrender signal - this seems pretty plain - and wouldn't be confused with anything else -
  5. Jackaroo

    Jackaroo New Member

    No Hand Signal

    I think the problem is caused by the hand signals. Because the surrender rule is not universal there is no standard and players and dealers alike are not familiar with it.

    What’s wrong with no hand signal at all? If you make no motions with your hand, what’s to misinterpret? If verbal commands are good enough (even mandatory) for “double” and “split” why not for “surrender”?

    Especially in a tournament situation where there are written rules and usually verbal instructions by an official at the start of a round. I know in the Hilton Million Les Thacker made it very clear at the start: Verbal command only. If you give a hand signal for surrender, the dealer will take it to mean a hit.:eek:

  6. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Straight Line

    The other widely used surrender signal is drawing a straight line behind your bet almost like cutting it in half .Which is what you are really doing.


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