Surrender or not?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by SuckOutOnThis, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. SuckOutOnThis

    SuckOutOnThis New Member

    This, I am sure is pretty easy for you guys and I believe I know what is optimal.

    I have 13000 chips
    Op has 10500 chips

    this is the last hand and I am last to act.. I also want to reverse this and say I am first to act to see if there are any differences.

    Opponent bet 5000
    I bet ............3751

    Dealer shows a 10
    I have a 10 and 5
    Op has a 10 and 10

    I just stood and hoped for a bust or 21 for me to win....
    The dealer had a 10 under for a 20 which gave my op a push and me a loss

    I could have surrendered my hand giving up the high in case this push did happen is that the best move or not?

    Was my bet after my opponents bet optimal?

    Thanks guys.. this is my first post but I have lurked here for a few years now with not ever posting.

    Thanks again
  2. S. Yama

    S. Yama Active Member

    dealer outcomes

    Let's see if you can answer your questions yourself.
    When you stand on your 15, you advance when the dealer busts or makes 21.
    When you surrender your 15 you advance when the dealer makes 20 or 21.
    What are dealers chances for final hand 20, 21, and bust when the up-card is Ten (no bj)?

    S. Yama
  3. PlayHunter

    PlayHunter Active Member

    This is pretty easy yes. A surrender will give you about 37% winning chances while a stand will give you about 24.8% winning chances. In between is hit once.

    About the bet, seem to be a good one (?) but you did not specify the max bet limit. (which I believe to be 5000) And if you wold be last to act, still surrender.
  4. gronbog

    gronbog Top Member

    Your bet covers your opponent's win and you can double to cover his double. If the max is indeed 5000 and you had one more chip, you could have bet 5000 to cover his blackjack as well. As it is, a bet of 5000 would cover a tie with his blackjack and that still has value. If you could have bet more than 5000, then I think that a bet between 5001 and 5499 would be best.

    Welcome! I was a lurker for a while myself before I worked up the nerve to start posting. No one bit my head off, so I'm still here!
  5. PlayHunter

    PlayHunter Active Member

    So, if 5000 is the max bet, the best bet for BR1 (for both scenarios: acting first, and last) with the given bankrolls, would be 5000 instead of 3751 ?
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2012
  6. gronbog

    gronbog Top Member

    Yes, I think so. When betting first, betting 5000 covers your opponent's win, allows you to double to cover his double and still allows you to surrender vs his push. It seems to meet all of the criteria that we have discussed in other recent threads. It also covers a tie vs your opponent's winning blackjack.
    PlayHunter likes this.

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