Tahoe Millionaire Maker

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by twenty1, Apr 5, 2006.

  1. twenty1

    twenty1 New Member

    Is anyone going to Lake Tahoe for either the Apr 9th or May 7th Harrah's tournaments and won't be using your "Bring a friend". Being a rookie with no invitations, I am looking for new ways to lose my money. If you can help with my entry I might even share part of my winnings.
  2. krrussell

    krrussell Member

    Harrah's Tahoe tournament buy -in


    I read through some earlier posts and found out that not all invitationals are "pure" invitationals. I was very interested in the Tahoe qualifier, and decided to call Harrah's tournament booking department directly. I found out that there are some spots that can be purchased. The buy-in was $200. They had about 20 spots, and as of yesterday they still had some spots left. Some of the employees knew that there was a buy-in and others did not. I had no trouble buying-in, but my dad had to be very persistent with his Harrah's employee in order to be allowed the buy-in. Originally, his Harrah's employee said it was just an invitational, but after a few minutes and some arm twisting, the guy found the info in his computer which said there was a limited # of buy in spots. It never hurts to ask. Just by asking (and forking out some $$ too), my dad and I were able to enter the Harrah's Tahoe qualifier in May.

    If you are still trying to get to the Harrah's May 7th qualifier in Tahoe, and have not found a way in yet, try giving Harrah's a call. Ask for their tournament booking department. I have the number somewhere if you need it. Let me know.



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