Tales from a First Time Sit & Go

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Coz123, Apr 17, 2007.

  1. Coz123

    Coz123 New Member

    I have been playing blackjack with some success at UBT for a while and I’m pretty confident I have basic strategy covered. This trip to Las Vegas it was my intention to watch and/or play in a tournament. Conveniently, a few days before I left I came across a thread on this site about the Friday night S&G at the Venetian.

    I was thrilled to be able to play something I was relatively familiar with in terms of the format but I felt a bit deflated and intimated after reading some of the regulars who were playing. There is a cable channel I get that is running a documentary called “Beyond the Felt” which highlights and interviews pro players, as well as the WSOB and UBT. So not only do I know how good these people are, but I’ve seen some of their intimidation and distraction tactics as well as see them win some obscene amounts of money. When I posted my hesitation in another thread I received great encouragement to give it a try and the advice about accurate chip count and a huge adrenaline rush were both needed.

    I was up about $500 in my first two days so was okay with the $100 buy-in. Normally, that would be half of my daily bankroll lol. We had walked through the Venetian the day before so I knew where to head right away. No word of a lie, the first person I see as we approach the table is Adriana Jade :eek: . I had to walk two laps around the casino before I could approach the table again. I’m happy to report that she was playing craps while I was playing BJ so it wasn’t quite a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    I watched a few hands and then noticed an empty $100 table with a friendly looking official person and she gave me the rules and some advice. She suggested I watch the table that was still playing; once people started dropping out of that game they would be coming over to get in on the second game. This was the case and within minutes I had decided to give it a try. My first game was a complete blur because I was so nervous. I really appreciated having the chip count done out loud before and after each elimination hand. And chips having to be stacked no higher than 10 was also helpful. But even with all that help my mind blanked out when it came time to do the math. I’ve known for a while that the elimination hand would be my weakest point and it really proved to be my downfall in the second game I played. After dropping out third I wandered back over to the other table, just as there were two seats left before a new game started. Another female player struck up a conversation with me and it seemed I just automatically sat down at the table when she did. And so it began again.

    I was playing well and getting good cards and I made it to final three. Going in to the elimination hand I had the lowest chip count and I bet last. Of course the first two made a secret bet. So many if/or combinations were doing cartwheels in my brain that I blanked and put out 7500. The dealer showed a 4 and the first two players busted. Now please be kind when you read this part. I KNOW I made a huge mistake. I will never make this mistake again. I will read everything I can about betting strategy before I play in another live tournament. Okay; deep breath. I had a pair of 2’s. And I surrendered. And when the chips were counted, I was out. I had done that because I thought BR2 would have made a large bet, particularly when he had also done a secret action card. I thought surrender was the smart thing to do but it turned out he had bet really low, 1500, and then doubled for less. It was a lesson learned and I one I won’t soon forget. Who knows how that final hand would have played out if I had split those 2’s? So close to the money on my first tournament so I’m quite proud of myself and I will do it again as soon as I can. Thanks to everyone who told me to go for it. Everyone I spoke to at the tournament was helpful and friendly, although I did not see anyone in a purple Barney shirt or I would have said hello to Joe.
  2. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Glad you had a good time and the experience I'm sure will go long in your future tournament adventures and how to play the dreaded elimination hands.PURPLE SHIRT never in a million years :laugh: .I'm sorry we didn't actually meet.

  3. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    WOW Coz...

    Great story...

    The nerve factor at key points can certainly get in the way of the math....heck I count on my fingers and toes sometimes...Im a guy so i can get up to 21...hee...opps sorry ....:)

    Anywhoooooo lol...your first experience sounds quite good really ...you beat out several players and came ever so close to the money......

    Its always easy to Monday quarter back your play and in fact you should ....in fact here if you can remember the hands ...then lay the cards and bets out in the newbie section and you will get the math geniuses to help you with the exact right play...its instructive to everyone here plus it like a cocaine for some here to just consider a good senerio...and come up with the best answer.

    Ya....I hate those sneeky weaseley guys that pretend to do one thing in a secret bet situation and then pull some sneaky stunt just to trick you...BJ tournament is full of these weasels...lol Just when you think they have done one thing ...they go and do another and act out some drama to throw you off track....weasels...there're all weasels!!!!

    Anyway...great story....soon Im sure we will read about your first big win ....then look out!!!

    Good luck.
  4. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Great Story

    Not always. Once in awhile they're monkeys!:laugh:

    Seriously though, good game, Coz. You became a much better player for having gotten that experience playing live against good players. There's no substitute for it. Try to get that kind of experience as much as you can afford. Before long you'll be the one making some newbie nervous.
  5. maxwell

    maxwell Member

    monkeys and weasels

    Oh Yea The First Few Live Events Can Be Extremely Nerve Wrecking After You Play 5 Or More Live Events You Will Become More Relaxed And Positive About Your Play And Able To Learn From Your Mistakes And Other Players Mistakes And You Will Learn From The Players That You Are Playing
    Just Ask For Advice And You Will Get The Advice
    The Newbie Corner Is A Great Place To Begin To Ask Questions And Learn
    If You Love Blackjack You Have Come To The Right Place Not Only For Tournaments But Also For Your Table Play And Here From Interesting People That You Will Sooner Or Later Meet
    Looking Forward To Hearing That You Have Won A Tournament And Post It Here(the First Win Is The Best Win And Will Keep You Coming Back For More):d :d

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