TBJPA - tournament fees, tournament dues, and Championship funds.

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, May 6, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Hello all, I have had a few players contact me about what the TBJPA fees will be for next week's Laughlin events.

    First of all, you have the TBJPA event dues of $40.00, these dues entitle every member to any and all discounts the TBJPA can and has gotten for it's members.

    Discounts for the River Palms events May 10th - 14th included; $20.00 per night room rate (for four nights, that would be a savings of $120.00. Just this alone is saving 4 times the cost of the TBJPA dues.

    Besides the hotel savings, the TBJPA members receive a 5% discount on American Airlines, and up to 25% off on Avis rental cars. And last, for every $40.00 event dues you pay for a TBJPA event throughout the year, you will receive $50.00 off the TBT Championship event fee.

    Example, if you play in 4 TBT events and pay in $160.00 in dues over the year, you'll receive $200.00 off your Championship entry fee, so unless you just don't play in the championship event you're making $10.00 on each TBJPA dues paid throughout the year.

    The 10% casino fee, is just that. It will be no more than 10% of whatever the entry fee is for the event. This is an upfront fee to cover the casino's expenses.
    Please note that the maximum amount any casino will charge for any TBJPA event will be $50.00 per player, regardless of how much the entry may be (over $500). Anymore than a $50.00 fee per player is way too much vig for blackjack players to have to pay in my opinion.

    Last, the TBT Championship event funding. Simply, out of every $300.00 TBT event entry fee, we will be taking out $50.00 to fund the year end championship event. We will also be withholding $25.00 out of every $150.00 re-buy for funding the championship event.

    Please note that money withheld is ONLY out of the "TBT" events, not out of every TBJPA sanctioned events.

    It is my hope to collect well over $100,000.00 for the Championship prize pool. That, along with 100% of all the championship entry fees and re-buys will hopefully make for over a $250,000.00 prize pool, which everyone may play in.

    The TBT Championship location has not been set for next May 2008 yet. I am hoping to set a location within the next two months. (I don't want to post a location until it is final for the championship).

    I will also be posting the names of the members who will be over seeing the Championship funds (I believe once everyone sees who I selected to over see the championship funds there will be no worries).

    And the TBJPA rules committee, I had at least 21 players help me with the proper wording and context of the rules so that hopefully they will not only cover every situation, but will be easily understood by all.

    I will announce who is on the rules committee once I have their permission, but what I can do is post players who have helped me with setting these rules over the past year.

    Ken Smith
    Dr. Bass
    Norm Sylliaasen
    John Ressman
    Richard McKelvey
    Richard Rockwell
    David Page
    Last edited: May 6, 2007
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Taking money from the event for the championship game is an incentive builder. It gives incentive for those paying into the game to actually show up. Incentive for others to see a prize structure and want to play. This is much like a lotto pool getting big and lines forming at the store. For me its a bit of a bitter pill to bite, but I understand its value and support it.
  3. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    I see no reason to force everyone to pay $50 for an event that is not even been scheduled to play anywhere and what if is was scheduled but there was a conflict and you can not play, do you get your $50 back or is it just a donation to build the pot for everyone else. I can just see the World Poker Tour or World Series Of Poker circuits holding $50 out of their tourneys and then telling you it will be applied to the year end championship event entry. That would fly like a lead balloon. If Barney Stone (Tex Jr.) or Tex wants to increase the pot for their championship tourney for bragging rights just add to it out of their own pockets not other peoples. I see as an incentive not to enter if you can not play in the final event as it makes the VIG too high and how does one know if they are available to play in it when it has not been scheduled, if they can afford the entry fee (Is it $1500, $2500, $10,000 who knows), just too many open questions.
  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I agree that more information needs to be available about a championship event, prior to the first event where money is held out. Particularly dates and entry fees. Location likely won't be a factor, but date and entry fees will.

    There's certainly plenty of precedent for holding out money in this fashion. The first to do it was the Las Vegas Hilton Million Dollar tournament, where the vast majority of the prize pool was carried forward instead of paid out in the monthly events.

    Similarly, all the UBT events have held out $10K from the first place winners to be an entry into the championship.
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I'll try to explain

    Once again it is up to the players if they want to play in the events held during the year or not. Ask far as the championship entry fees they have been listed on this site as well as over at www.TBJPA.com web site.

    The difference is the WPT and WSOP award one winner an entry into their championship events and that along with any other entries build their prize pool.

    The TBJPA / TBT prize pool is going to be built by all the players through out the year, little by little. And no one person will win their entry into the championship event, (the TBJPA will not withhold an entry into the championship event out of the players winnings like they do).

    Bottom line is I feel this is the best and least expensive way to build a championship prize pool for the players, it for the players and I believe should be funded by the players, but I am open to suggestion on how to improve on my ideas.
  6. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    Agree with Ken...


    Looking forward to next week! I'm sure that all of your hard work and due diligence will pay huge dividends for all of us who enjoy playing "Tournaments"! Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help, in addition to taking everyone's money next week! LOL

    I agree with Ken that before you start taking the money from the players for the Championship Event, everything needs to be pretty much set in stone. There are many, one of whom isn't me, who are somewhat worried that this "fee" could turn into some ugly situation, that I'm sure no one wants to have to deal with later.

    When I was serving as a Captain in the Marine Corps, I had a phrase that I tried to live by with my Marines; Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance (PPPPPP). If you make a consious effort to "plan properly", then all will fall into place for you, and this thing will reap huge rewards for all of us. Just dot all the "I"s and cross tour "T"s, and all will be fine, my friend.

    My recommendation is to put this on hold, as far as taking funds from each player, until you have FINALIZED the Championship Event. I don't really think that it will have such a negative impact for you to wait a while longer.

    Finally, I trust you fully, so I will go along with whatever you ultimately decide, and will support you in your efforts to grow this Club into something we can all be proud of.

    My thanks for your efforts on our behalf...

    The "Real Bad Boy of Blackjack" here, ready to TALK TO THE CARDS on my way to victory this coming week. Bring it on everyone...

    Skipper aka UBTerminator aka Dreamer aka The "Real" Bad Boy of Blackjack
  7. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Great to hear

    Skip you will be in Laughlin. I was worried you would be tilted to the "dark side" in LV;) I hope this means RnR and Jamie will be at River Palms as well. FGK has billed this River Palms event as ""World's toughest BJT" being held in Laughlin" and it sure sounds to be true. Nice to hear you arent sitting in LV trying to take advantage of a bunch of "newbie" invites!
    ;) :D
  8. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Here Is The Differencee

    Ken you are correct about these 2 tournaments UBT Tournament of Champions/Hilton Million Dollar Tournament withholding funds for a future tournament. The big difference is both of these organizations have actual dates and locations for these events not to mention a guaranteed prize pool.​

    Last edited: May 6, 2007
  9. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    Tex said: Actually the WPT and WSOP circuit events do take out the entry fees for the winners into the main event. WPT I believe is $25,000 and the WSOP is a $10,000 entry which is included in the win. However it is still taken out and that is only for the one winner Get your facts straight the WPT and the WSOP circuits events only hold out an entry into the championship or main event from their circuit main event which have either a $5,000 or a $10,000 entry fee and the prize pool is usually over 2 million in these events, they do not hold anything out of the smaller $175, $300, $500, $1,000, $1500or $2500 events for any year end tourney. You are holding $ from all of your events. And the seat you win can be sold if you can not play in it or just would rather have the money. The TBJPA / TBT prize pool is going to be built by all the players through out the year, little by little. And no one person will win their entry into the championship event, (the TBJPA will not withhold an entry into the championship event out of the players winnings like they do). When you win $600,000 to $1+ million you don't mind a $10,000 or $25.000 entry witheld but in any case the entry can be sold.
  10. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    The events I have seen are different?

    When I see WSOP events held in Shreveport/Bossier City, the winners always won a seat in the main event as part of the prize. Unless they changed this, so I call to confirm and I was told that winners from their events do include a seat in the finals. So the money is indeed held out for the winners entry fee.

    However please notice that even though you have stated several times on this site you don't even play blackjack tournaments anymore (at least any major events) I still take the time to reply to any of your questions.

    I'm sorry you may disagree with how the TBJPA is structured, but as I told you in my last post I am more then happy to listen to any suggestions on improving the TBJPA /TBT system.

    As far as not having a championship location set, I am shopping for the best deal. I have a few casinos who are interested in hosting the TBT championship event and may add additional money to the championship prize pool. This is the reason for the delay in posting the exact location and dates of the TBJPA/TBT championship finals.
    Last edited: May 6, 2007
  11. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    I never said I don't play in BJ events I just don't travel for them only. if I'm in a location and a BJ tourney is available I will enter, as a matter of fact I have to go and register at 5pm for the Goldstrike tourney in Tunica. A great bargain $50 entry for a $50,000 event, a great overlay.
  12. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    Give it a rest...


    Why don't you just give Rick a break, get off his back, and stay with Poker and we'll catch you later next year when you have somewhat of an "open heart" and "open mind" to what's about to start up...

    Geez already...:mad:
  13. dreamer

    dreamer New Member


    I look forward to seeing you Barney, and taking some of your "Tournament Money" off your hands! (LOL) I may also travel back to the Venetian and try to take advantage of some of the "newbie invites"...

    Ready to have some fun in Laughlin :celebrate :celebrate while I'm "Talkin to the Cards" and "Workin 'em" too. Hope that everyone brings their earplugs with them. Got a couple "new" hats too....
  14. oneeyedjacks

    oneeyedjacks New Member

    Comparisions and Barriers

    That $20 a night is a good deal for the Mother's Day weekend for Laughlin virgins. If I remember correctly we could do a fifth Wednesday night too.

    But I would have to discount that prevailing RP quoted $200, the going e-mail/internet rates are down to $19/$45 since this is what could be booked at Aquarius/Edgewater/Colorado Belle...if signed-up just through their web pages.

    That $40 cover charge is going to get in my way, as a Laughlin low-roller. I get comped in several joints. It might help if I knew the Grand-Finale was going to at least be in southern Nevada.

    So has it been determined how much of this overhead commission is going to the dealers? All of it...none of it?
  15. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    If you travel back up to Venetian it will put a damper on the LV group. In a way they will all be "newbies" in comparison to you. :laugh:

    This will be my first "real" BJT as I have never played a game that had 3:2 BJ or surrender. If the cards fall my way perhaps I will see you at a final table. If not- you may recognize this quote

    "Remember that failure is an event, not a person."

    At which time I hope to see you at Pioneer June 2.....:cool:
  16. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Clarifying the TBJPA and TBT

    I'd like to try and clarify a few possible uncertainties that keep being brought up:

    1. I have a few casinos interested in hosting the TBJPA Championship final event in May of 2008. At this time I am trying to negotiate the best deal for the players as to where this tournament is hosted and try to get some extra perks (like added money to the prize pool by the hosting casino.) As far as posting an exact date for the finals, I prefer to hold off until I have a signed contract with whichever casino the TBJPA decides to sign with. I just don't want to make promises or post schedules which don't happen.

    2. At this time I can give you my personal guarantee that I will be holding all the monies collected for the TBT Championship in its own separate bank account and will post the current amount on the TBJPA web site after each TBT events for all TBJPA members to see. I am also working to create a legal structure, involving some known and trustworthy players, who will help oversee the collected TBT funds until its release at the championship final.

    3. These $50 and $25 withheld funds will only be from the TBT events. All other sanctioned TBJPA events will be a true 100% return of both the entry and re-buy fees at the conclusion of the event.

    4. However should an unforeseen catastrophic event occur, all the contributing players will be contacted as soon as possible and their full contribution returned from any of the $50.00 entry and $25.00 re-buys from all TBT events.

    5. The Tournament Blackjack Players Association (TBJPA) and the Tournament Blackjack Tour (TBT) are not the same thing. The TBJPA is trying to set a standard format and set of rules for blackjack tournaments as well as get as many events open to all players as possible.

    The TBT is actually a series of blackjack tournaments, which I am hoping will be hosted by casinos throughout the country all using the TBJPA format and rules.

    6. Guys and Gals, you want more tournaments, that is what I am trying to make happen. Based on my experience and knowledge of people in the gaming industry, I am trying to shape a series of tournament to your liking, and make them fun, fair, and open to all.

    7. I do hope that this event in time will grow big and offer great opportunities for the players. At this stage of the TBJPA enterprise I incurred substantial expenses but that was expected. I don't have any hidden agendas and I am trying to make business operations accessible to everybody and be forthcoming about them. I will treat everybody equally and make an effort to be flexible to accommodate most of tournament blackjack enthusiasts.

    8. I can only hope that the members here will want to be part of this new and exciting adventure. Let's build up the TBJPA together.

    I hope this helps you understand the TBJPA and TBT.

    Rick Jensen
    Last edited: May 7, 2007
  17. TheLegend

    TheLegend Member

    well said


    Your efforts to launch such an association are to be applauded. I say when you can no longer trust the corporate casinos such as the Las Vegas Hilton to live up to their word, it is time to place trust in individuals.

    There has been some concern over the monies collected for your future events. Much in the same way bowling leagues are run all over this country, league treasurers and secretarys open bank accounts in the name of the league and require two signatures for withdrawals. Yes, there have been league secretarys that have embezzled, there are also the Enron and Tyco fiascos as well.

    I say full steam ahead. The pundits will be proven wrong should you be successfull.

    Good Luck and see you in Laughlin
  18. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I don't want any uncertainty

    After going back and reading the concerns from members I feel the best thing I can do is not withhold any of the Championship funds for this Saturdays "Tournament Blackjack Tour" (TBT).

    The TBJPA wants to try and help the players get the best possible tournaments and if there is any concern about withholding any money for the TBT championship fund until a location and date has been set, then we just won't do it.

    I understand the players concerns with all the other broken promises and false guarantees that have been made by others recently and I want to try to alleviate any and all of the players concerns.

    As I have posted many times, the TBJPA is for the players and we'll listen when you speak. Hopefully together we can make the TBJPA into something we'll all be proud to be a part of.

    *Note: Saturdays TBT event will still have a $300 + $30 entry fee with two guaranteed re-buys at $150 each, however, No money will be held out for funding the TBT championship event.
    Last edited: May 7, 2007
  19. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Tex, you know a vast majority of us appreciate you and your unselfish work. Thank you.
    Last edited: May 7, 2007
  20. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I think this is the best decision at the moment. Nicely handled.

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