TBT point leaders after two events

Discussion in 'Tournament Blackjack Players Association' started by TXtourplayer, Jul 31, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    The TBT points are only awarded for advancement in TBT events. After the points are awarded they are averaged, the average is what the year end awards will be based on for "Player of the Year" and the point leader prizes.

    The top four point leaders at the end of the year will receive cash prizes; 1st = 50%, 2nd = 25%, 3rd = 15%, and 4th = 10%, based on 5% of the TBT end of the year fund (but not to exceed $10,000 for the 5%).

    Another words the maximum award for the end of the year point leader would be:

    1st = $5,000
    2nd = $2,500
    3rd = $1,500
    4th = $1,000

    *Note: above totals are based on $200,000 or more in the prize fund, after the May 2008 end of the year event.

    Here are the current leaders:

    1. #0037 – Bob Horinek------------------------- 6.4%
    1. #0070 – Lorena DesRosier----------------- 6.4%
    3. #0044 - Keith Wolf---------------------------- 5.6%
    4. #0013 - Bob Swanson------------------------ 5.5%
    5. #0003 - Stormy Martin----------------------- 4.0%
    5. #0014 - Henry Tamburin--------------------- 4.0%
    7. #0012 - Lowell Straite------------------------ 3.2%
    8. #0061 – Beth Kalvans------------------------ 2.8%
    9. #0002 – Larry Barker------------------------- 2.5%
    9. #0015 – Ken Smith---------------------------- 2.5%
    11. #0064 – Jimmy Haik------------------------- 2.4%
    12. #0004 – Chuck Easily----------------------- 1.6%
    12. #0050 – Paul Barnard----------------------- 1.6%
    12. #0008 – Darlene Merritt--------------------- 1.6%
    12. #0009 – John Merritt------------------------- 1.6%
    12. #0028 – Pat Nichols-------------------------- 1.6%
    17. #0005 – Tammy Edney---------------------- 1.0%
    18. #0001 – John Townsend--------------------- 0.8%
    18. #0011 – Rick Swogger----------------------- 0.8%
    18. #0051 – Richard Kuczek--------------------- 0.8%
    18. #0023 – Harry Fox---------------------------- 0.8%
    18. #0030 – Skip Samad------------------------- 0.8%
    18. #0046 – Sue Comgemi----------------------- 0.8%
    18. #0045 – Lou Comgemi----------------------- 0.8%
    18. #0047 – Tom Karll---------------------------- 0.8%
    18. #0054 – Larry Mayo-------------------------- 0.8%
    18. #0032 – Barb Townsend--------------------- 0.8%
    18. #0020 – David Page-------------------------- 0.8%
    18. #0041 – Lew Stokes-------------------------- 0.8%
    18. #0007 – Rick Fortin--------------------------- 0.8%
    18. #0039 – Fred Ihrer---------------------------- 0.8%
    18. #0063 – Juri Nou------------------------------ 0.8%
    18. #0060 – Sarah Taylor------------------------ 0.8%
    18. #0059 – Amy Sutton-------------------------- 0.8%
    18. #0068 – Mo Wright--------------------------- 0.8%
    18. #0074 – Regina Guzoir---------------------- 0.8%
    18. #0058 – Jason Sutton------------------------ 0.8%
    18. #0065 – Loyd Baggot------------------------ 0.8%
    18. #0066 – Rita Biggot-------------------------- 0.8%
    18. #0062 – Jo Nou------------------------------- 0.8%
    41. #0006 – Tammie Brown--------------------- 0.5%
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2007
  2. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    End of Year Prize Fund

    Without searching posts I seem to recall some dialog about the $50 player contribution not being taken out of $300 TBT tournaments prior to a confirmed date and location for the "End of Year" event, also I think information was to be forthcoming prior to any deduction concerning how/where the money would be held, security of the funds and precautions taken such as multiple signatures to withdraw the funds including the names of such parties.

    I personally don't understand why it's being withheld as it seems to be only a "forced savings account" much like a bank Christmas fund but with the exception if you don't attend the bank's Christmas party you lose your funds.
    I'm sure there will be people who have contributed and for some reason or other won't be able to attend the "End of Year" event and will lose any chance of recovering the money they've contributed, for those individuals it will be a "forced loss of savings".
  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Im wondering

    about the points system. The cruise tournament had 21 players so that must be prelim, semi, and final. The first TBJPA at RP had qualifier, quarter 1, semi, and final. It appears the players in the event that was absent one round get same points. Maybe I have the terminology wrong but shouldnt the players in the events that have fewer rounds get fewer points?

    added, I see the points come in volume with final table. No matter how many players attend the event.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2007
  4. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    As I've mentioned probably too many times here, I bowled in a lot of high-level tournaments over about a 25-year span. Some of these were "club" tournaments hosted by the same organization on a monthly basis, traveling to different towns each time. For those events, there was a portion of each entry fee withheld all season long, to be added to the prize fund for the year-end Championship tournament. Nobody bitched because everyone knew about it. If you couldn't be there, that's the way it goes.

    One thing I don't recall seeing here that was applicable in those events was a minimum amount of participation required to be eligible for the championship. It prevented "cherry-pickers" from only showing up for the good ones.
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Prize pool builder

    Rookie, the purpose behind withholding the funds is to try and build a bigger end of the year event. This is simular to what the Las Vegas Hilton did with the Million Dollar tournament, but in a lot small way.

    Still with any luck I am hoping that the TBJPA can put back around $100,000 or more before the final event and after those entries and re-buys offer a $200,000 - $250,000 prize pool.

    I certainly hope everyone can play in the end of the year TBJPA event, but should something come up they will just have to miss out unfortunately.

    The difference with the TBJPA year end event, will be that the more TBJPA events a player plays in during the year the lower that players entry into the final event, (after all if that player has put more into the prize pool, they shouldn't have to pay the same as other players).

    And of course those who play in less of the TBJPA during the year will be charged more to play in this event.

    Now to answer Barney, the TBJPA point system does change from event to event based on the number of rounds played in a tournament.

    For each round a player wins they are awarded one point, up until they reach the final table. At the final table whatever the last amount prior to the finals was awarded will add two points for 6th place, add an extra 1/2 point for 5th, another 1/2 point for 4th, a full point for 3rd, another full point for 2nd, and finally 2 additional points for 1st place.

    Example: the 4 round River palms winner received 10 points, while the 3 round cruise tournament winner only received 8 points.
  6. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    Clarification LeftNut

    My prior post was a question not a "Bitch" as may or may not have been insinuated in your post, my "question" was posed due to my (maybe hazy) recollection of prior posts concerning this matter because the "End of Year" location and date were not then or now been determined to my knowledge. Actually the entry fee deduction for the "End of Year" event is skewed in favor of players that play the fewest events, you get a $750 credit for one event played towards entry in the final event and a $50 credit for each additional event played. This is how I interpreted the information at the TBJPA web site, Championship entry fee $1,500, after one event played $750, after two events $700 etc.

    I presume entry deductions for the year-end Championship of your "club" bowling league probably didn't include the possibility and expense of traveling 3,000 miles to participate at an unknown date or location. I agree if those facts are known in advance rather than after the fact and you can't be there that's the way it goes, you pay your money and take your chances but I'll bet your reference to that instance was not $50 contributed per event or line bowled for an unknown date and location.

    Disclaimer: This post is not in any way meant to discredit TBJPA events, I attended the first Laughlin event in May which was a great and enjoyable 4 days and have reservations for both the 2nd Laughlin event August and 1st Auburn, WA event September, I encourage all to attend, it may be the most fun you've had in public.
  7. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member


    Rookie, I didn't say you were bitching. I said that the competitors in the bowling tournaments didn't.

    Sometimes when one posts the written word, it is read differently than intended. Insinuation can be taken when not offered. For example, referring to those tournaments I was in as a "league" could be taken as an insult, but I'm sure it wasn't meant that way.

    A fleeting thought crossed my mind that I should stay out of discussions regarding TBJPA because I haven't participated yet. Now I wish that I had listened.
  8. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    I Understand


    I actually understand your reasoning without agreeing because the final event will eventually pay what the players determine to contribute at that time not what someone determines they should contribute in advance.

    As far as referencing the LVH $1,000,000 tournament that seems a bad call, it was a bust eventually and thus discontinued, the current LVH $1,000,000 tournament is a complete farce with little participation (less than 25 per month I believe) in their monthly qualification events, other than Penn and Teller the LVH $1,000,000 tournament seems to be getting the most laughs in town.
  9. noman

    noman Top Member

    Tbjpa Final





    But now I'm corn fused. As Rookie, I've recollected posts about the TBJPA final event, without taking the time to track down old posts.

    My recollection and understanding was a player entered in any monthly event, in addition to whatever fees associated with that event and the players membership fee PAID extra towards the FINAL. All the extra monies with all the accepted accounting practices for the FINAL were to be held in a kind of escrow for that final EVENT, the total Prize pool determined by how much, how many of the additional fees for the event were collected over the 12 months? The players who qualified for the final or bought their way into the final were playing for whatever that FINAL prize fund and distribution were. If a buy-in for the FINAL were of an equitable amount for no prior participation, (read equity fairness) there should be no problem.

    And Left Nut: If you want to talk shenanigans, let's talk HOINKE.(And no derogatory inference intended at all about your post or statements) Just HOINKE was, is and shall be one of those mega bucks events suseptible to coniving.

    BIG TEX: Take a minute and re post the entry rules and requirements for the satisfaction of the reasonable folks here, who appreciate your efforts. And don't mind someone making a buck for their efforts. As long as it's esplained.
  10. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Totally agreed!!! Although the Hoinke in Cincinnati isn't one of the "club"-style tournaments to which I was referring, some of the suspicious shenanigans that happened there were legendary. The High Roller at the Showboat (Vegas) was even worse.

    Rookie, the $50 held back for the TBJPA final event is close, percentage-wise, to the amount in those long-ago bowling events. Sometimes we did know where that season-ending event would be held right from the start, sometimes we didn't because location and contracts hadn't been finalized when the season began.

    TX, Noman's got a good suggestion there about re-posting some of the rules, requirements, etc. Might be a good time to do that.
  11. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    No problem,

    The TBJPA takes out $50 out of every TBT entry fee and $25 out of every TBT re-buy to fund the end of the year (season) big tournament (in May).

    For every TBT event a player plays in he or she will receive $50 off the entry of the end of the season event.

    I feel that the players who add more to the final prize pool shouldn't have to pay as much entry for the final event as a player who has only played in one TBT event and only added $50 total to the prize pool.

    The final event entry fees as of now will be: Hopefully we will have around $200,000 or more total prize pool for this event.

    $1,500 for not playing in any TBT events for the season.
    $750 - for playing one TBT event in the same season.
    $700 - playing 2 events "
    $650 - 3 events
    $600 - 4 "
    $550 - 5 "
    $500 - 6 "
    $450 - 7 "
    $400 - 8 "
    $350 - 9 "
    $300 - 10 "
    $250 - 11 "
    $200 - 12 "
    $150 - 13 "
    $100 - 14 "
    $ 50 - 15 "
    $ 0 - 16 or more events played during one season.

    I am hoping to add more and more TBJPA locations to the make the Tournament Blackjack Tour (TBT) even bigger. I want to expand into as many states as possible allowing more and more player to find the joys of tournament blackjack as well as providing tournaments closer to all the players without as much travel.
  12. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Dates and location for May? I thought this was all worked out now.
    It would also be good to discuss the escrow situation.
  13. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I've been cc'd on a couple of emails about this. The information about funds, date and location of the final event needs to be made public. Before Laughlin.
  14. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Everything will be disclosed

    I was asked about the TBT final event funding and answered the player and that is why I also sent you a CC of my reply to make you aware of what was going on.

    The parties in charge of holding funds in the escrow account are currently out of pocket until next week.

    As for the location and date, there was a management change at the casino I had planned to hold it at and has not yet been re-confirmed by the new management.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2007
  15. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    1. Does it matter if they are out of pocket, all you have to do is give their names and the bank account info so it can be verified.
    2. How can a change in management void a contract?
  16. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    TBJPA memebers are welcome to that information

    I never said they voided a contract, all we had was a verbal agreement and before we got a signed contract they had a management change. I'm not saying that we still won't have a deal with them, all I posted was that I haven't comfirmed it yet.

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