Team - It's about time!

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Reachy, Sep 23, 2006.

  1. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    As you all know I am now completely obsessed with TBJ and it's your fault! If it wasn't for such a friendly, helpful, informative and funny community such as this my evenings (and some of my working days ;) ) would be taken up with some other mundane activity and my wife wouldn't be giving me grief about always playing BJ. What, does she really think I'm going to watch Desperate Housewives with her? I know I'm not the only one either so don't try and pretend this isn't you.

    Anyway, my point. Several times recently I have been aware when playing online that there are "affiliated" players and the rest. This was bought home last night when myself and sabresport where playing against 2 others and there were some regulars watching and cheering us on. In fact their where cries of "come on Team BJT!" refering obviously to sabre and myself. This has happened before and so it struck me that there should indeed be a Team I don't mean along the lines of Team UBT with sponsorship and all that palava, more along the lines of an open club where members play under the Team banner. I'm not quite sure how it would work or whether anybody other than me would be interested (I have bought a polo shirt BTW :D ) but there is definitely a sense of community here and it'd be nice to make it more "official" especially when playing. Who knows, sometime in the future it might grow into something more.

    Anybody have any thoughts on this?



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  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I like the idea/concept - Better ask Ken first since it IS his site.

    I wanted to get everyone together at one of the multi-seat on but no one showed up last Wednesday - I know you were in bed at that time.

    I think it's a great idea personally! The Mrs on the other hand is not too keen on THAT idea. Lucky for me she's STILL packing for the trip. :laugh:

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