Technical Glitches--Part of the Gig!

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by sabrejack, Sep 14, 2006.

  1. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    OK--this is just venting... pure and simple. I was just eliminated from the Bet21 10 pm EDT $20 tourney because I chose a bet but it did not take it, thus it auto-bet the min. instead. Result: Elimination round one!

    I guess I must factor in technical glitches into my FT rate... Sometimes, it just happens. My only wish is there were more "higher stakes" multiplayer tourneys per day on these sites. Currently only one $20! Let's hope the plan for a group from this site to get something going Wednesdays or whatever happens--I'll be there!

    Yours truly, Zapped (but going back for more... of course)

    Good cards--Sabresport (AKA Sabrejack)
  2. cherub44

    cherub44 New Member

    There was someone at my first round table that was having that problem. He was showing absent and couldn't get it to let him "sit in". I'm not sure how much was his error and how much was a software glitch. He ended up getting booted for "missing" 5 hands.

    I am thankful I haven't had any problems with the software as of yet. Well, aside from UB not letting a large portion of BJ players into the tourneys for a few days.
  3. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    UBT Technical Problems

    I've played quite a few UBT tournaments and have had many technical glitches, some that cost me advancing or wins. I have corresponded with their technical support group and have received no help. They assert that the problem is with my computer - and refuse refunds. I own multiple computers and have had problems with all but one. I can not isolate what it is about that computer that is different from the rest. All I can assume is that something in the UBT software interfaces differently with certain computers - just hope they can get it worked out. Their customer service needs some real attenton.
  4. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member


    ...for the commiseration and input guys.

    When I'm honest, I must say my own personal experience with both tech and customer support there has been very good. It's just that getting a refund of even the entry fee doesn't make up for potential FT money lost!
  5. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    When I tried to play at UB

    There was about a 40%+ absent rate on the tables. Im sure real $ games must be near 0% right?
  6. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member

    UB slow to accept bets

    I've had a couple of problems on UB where it seemingly didn't accept my bet or a hit/stand choice - the timer kept going down like I hadn't done anything - then at the last minute - it showed the correct bet/decision - but once I tried clicking a second time - when it didn't seem to respond - and it gave me two hits - without further input - also have had UB say I was 'absent' for no reason - no excuse for these problems -
  7. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    win 98 problems

    I know I can not use my desktop which runs on windows98. It knocks me off as being absent, won't do anything. My laptop runs okay, it has windowsxp.
  8. Venture

    Venture Member

    Not only Win 98

    I am running a solid XP machine and have had problems at Bet21.

    Showing me absent when my internet connection is solid.

    Another time telling me to reconnect 1 minute before a round started. All the while the internet connection was again solid. Fortunately it was a freeroll.

    Some of these folks have kinks to work out, but their support people are no help.
  9. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    This is the problem I have been complaining about since day one...Im running XP PRO and a very fast and solid DSL connection....Poker at Bet 21 is lightning fast...and problem after the 10th time of CS blaming my end and refusing to do anything...Ive stopped trying to help them....and Ive suspended real money play..except for the specials...

    Its their obligation to offer a fair and level playing field...thats what we pay the rake for....they are failing now and they are arguing that there is a final reply to them was it is their business to lose, not mine.

    Im done offering suggestions, help ...anything...

    I love this game ....I hope its gets fixed soon....if they can offer a troublefree poker game they should be able to fix these glitches...but first they need admit they have a problem...cant fix anything if you dont think anything is wrong.

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