Test your basic strategy

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Feb 6, 2006.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Here is a basic strategy tester from S-A-G-E.

    It is a nice little tool for beginners, you can set it for single and multiple deck games.

    Go to the site www.s-a-g-e.com , click blackjack info tab on the top of the main page. It will take you to another page and then go to the second paragraph and click test your knowledge of the basic strategy.

    Hope ya'll enjoy the test, it really is a good practice tool.
  2. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    The paid version

    The paid version has nice features such as allowing you to define a count system, including bet schedule and basic strategy deviations, and test your accuracy using it.

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