
Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Barney Stone, Sep 21, 2006.

  1. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Are you having any luck hooking up with one of the BJT online sites for your tour? Would you consider offering 1/4-1/3 of the games online?

  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Done deal

    The online sites are already a done deal, and hopefully we may get to add some more sites. They were easy to get to work with for satellites events, by offering them a chance to host the satellite it helps both the TBT and their sites out.

    I am just waiting on contracts with the land-based casino and I can get the ball rolling on these TBT tournaments.

    Please note these tournaments (TBT both land based and online) will not have the types of numbers being seen at playUBT, Bet21, or UB. Our TBT tour is just old fashion regular elimination style blackjack tournaments without all the poker players. Now I have no problem with the poker players and would love for them to try our OLD SCHOOL style tournaments, (boy would we have an edge on them there...LOL).

    My wishes are that even though the two formats are different that they still compliment each other and help build even more of a BJ tournament following. I have no problem offering a monthly winner a seat at one of the UBT events, of course the $2,700 will be coming out of their position of their win. That will be up to the players to vote on.

    I think we cannot only have both tours, but that by having the options of either format we only help BJ tournaments grow bigger, (I hope anyway).

  3. bahoozle

    bahoozle Member

    Excellent! I don't mind playing online, but I look forward to actually sitting at a table in a casino with folks that (hopefully) know how to play TBJ.
  4. noman

    noman Top Member

    Texas Cattle Feeders:

    .........I have no problem offering a monthly winner a seat at one of the UBT events, of course the $2,700 will be coming out of their position of their win. That will be up to the players to vote on. //quote.

    You used to offer satelites, subqualifiers for the Hilton, I'm not sure what you're saying about a UBT qualifiing site coming out of the players position win.
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Off the top

    Noman here is an example:

    Lets say the 1st place for one of the TBT monthly events was $20,000 (this is only a guess).

    Now the players decide they wanted a UBT seat as part of the 1st place prize. The winner would receive $17,300 + the UBT seat (the $2,700 for the seat would come out of their winnings).
  6. noman

    noman Top Member

    No dealin Seconds:

    Ah Tex:

    I love your efforts for the average Joe. I sincerely do. And I know where you come from on many levels. I've learned some stuff from you, and a lot of times in the face of adversity, I agree with you. And as I said before, I got your back in a bar, but not in a bet.

    I respect your efforts and hard work, BUT, my friend, I think now you're finding yourself in the same position as THE CASINOS.

    If an event is promoted as a tour stop with the entries, prize money, expenses and recognized vig to the promoter and defineable held out money for championship event, that's one thing. But, unless you're willing to gamble on an overlay as Global or some land based sites, don't muddle the waters with a "UBT" seat.

    It only follows that if one wins a monthly worth say $20,000 they'd already have the option for their own UBT buy in.
  7. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    I agree with Norm: "If an event is promoted as a tour stop with the entries, prize money, expenses and recognized vig to the promoter and defineable held out money for championship event, that's one thing. But, unless you're willing to gamble on an overlay as Global or some land based sites, don't muddle the waters with a "UBT" seat."
    In the past the WSOP circuit events award a seat at the WSOP main event for all event winners but the $10,000 does not come from the prize money, it comes from the promoters entry fees not the buy-in, it just decreases the promoters profit.
    Don't muddy the waters with car salesmen tactics.
  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I perfer it that way.

    Just like on the cruise tournaments we had on Global-Player, I offered cash prizes. That way if the winner wanted to go on the cruise they had the money, if not they had the money...LOL.

    I was just making a suggestion about the UBT seat, if the players may want to try it.

    Sounds like I'm just going to have to give away damn old money...LOL
  9. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    Oh you can always give away a UBT seat just pay for from the entry fees like the WSOP circuit events, no one would complain about that and one of the best ways to start a tour is to give away a prize. A new tour needs something to draw another example, the Bluff Mag. online poker tour a total of 17 evants with $10+1 entrys :
    The BPT Points Champion: The person at the end of the tour that has accumulated the most BPT points through the entire season will be awarded the grand prize of a Carribean Poker Classic Lite Package. The details of the package are listed below.

    Caribbean Poker Classic Super Lite Package
    Airfare from Miami or London
    9 nights at the St. Kitt’s Marriott
    All inclusive meal plan
    $900 in tournament vouchers & cash
    If the winner is married, we will pay for her/his airline ticket
    Dates: Nov 25-Dec 3rd!


    The BPT Second Chance Freeroll Winner: After the season has completed there will be a freeroll for all participating BPT members. Starting chipstacks will be staggered in accordance to each BPT member's season ending points. The winner of the freeroll will win the Second Chance prize of a entry into a $1,000 heads up match with one of our professionals, the details of which can be found below. The BPT Points Champion is elligible to win both the Grand Prize and the Second Chance Prize.

    $2,000 Heads Up Live @ the Bike
    Airfare from Continental U.S. or Canada to Los Angeles, CA
    3 days - 2 nights Accomodations
    Entry into a $2,000 Heads up versus a Bluff Pro
    Will be broadcast on Live at the Bike.

    So at the end of your tour you could give away a seat to the overall winner.
  10. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    "Sounds like I'm just going to have to give away damn old money...LOL"

    I hate it when casinos say they are giving away $xxxxx away unless they are garanteeing it they are giving nothing away, it comes from the players prize pool.
  11. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Already planned

    I am way ahead of you pokernut, that is why I posted about my point system (no I am not opening this can of worms again).

    The TBT rankings will allow the top three players at the end of the year to win cash prizes and the top player will win "Player of the Year" honors as well.

    Now these rankings will only be for the players who particapate in the monthly and championship TBT "OPEN" events throughout the year.

    Having the same (or at least simular) formats and rules at all the host properties I believe will make it easier for ranking the players along with being open to "ALL" players.
  12. noman

    noman Top Member

    Round em up and get them WWF wrestlers:

    Funny Tex, since you and I agree on a lot, that I get someone else to agree with me (against) no harm, no foul, YOU. I know the tournies on Global and that was understood. Show me the money. I'll take the money anytime. BUT, now we are into the symantics that you disect so ardently.

    If you're going to offer a seat, make it above everything else. Or stay away from it and just go with your deal. No one could, would, should have a problem with your tour as stated. It's self contained and understandable and you've made every effort to make it fair. Open and readable.

    But so ancient casino's, land based, on-line, etc. ad in finitem have offered the overlay into events. If it's a thing of the past. So Be it. We don''t need yet one more confusing format.

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