That old chestnut!

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by Reachy, Sep 7, 2006.

  1. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    I've been holding back on posting this but I can't wait any longer. I know it has been discussed before but I think it's about time it was resurrected now that elimination BJ is online and quite a few of us have experience of it.

    Here goes...

    "Does Elimination-style TBJ require a higher element of chance/luck than the more traditional style of TBJ?

    I'm undecided at present but the use of secret bets probably does favour the lower BRs on elimination/final hands as if used correctly it can swing the odds back in their favour. I'm also not sure how a "minimum bettor" would really fair - At the moment I tend not to minimum bet anyway and I haven't seen much of it at UB but my gut feeling is that the subtle change in game dynamic bought about by "low man out" hands demands a different strategy which is slightly more aggressive and can lead to more flux for all concerned.

    The flipside of this is that new skills are required to take account of these differences. But do they balance out the different luck elements of ETBJ?

    I'm tempted to say "who cares!" at the moment because I'm having a lot of fun and winning a good number of games. Long may it continue.



    Ps. Was going to do a poll but there has been a few lately and I thought people might get "poll fatigue"
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    You mentioned "poll fatigue" I was wondering if many players are going to be havingonline tournament fatigue? I have noticed since UB started not only are the participants at and Global Player down, but signed in participants here at as well. Could a UB burnout syndrome be in the near future? We do know oh so well poker has not burned out. So the answer, addiction will likely rule the roost.

    BTW, does anyone know why the logged in users here on were so high that one day, in the 300s, March 2005 I believe?

  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I believe that was the day that I posted a notice about the death of Michael Tata, who was featured on the TV show about Green Valley Ranch.

    This site ranked well for searches on his name, and that day, there were a lot of Google searches for his name. You just never know what may draw visitors in.
  4. noman

    noman Top Member

    Ghouls All

    300 and growing for the Halloweeen ball.

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