"The Art of Backing Out Of A Deal"

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by toolman1, Jul 14, 2005.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Paid a visit to a life long friend yesterday. In the course of discussing many subjects (we always try to change the world but never succeed), the subject of Trump Casino (Gary, IN) came up. A little background information first.

    Sereral years ago (maybe 8-10 years, I don't know for sure), Trump Casino and Majestic Star (owened by Fitzgerald) entered into an agreement to share a common dock for their 2 respective riverboat casinos in Gary, IN. They agreeded to share expenses of the common "docking area" - this includes walkways, restaurants, small shops, etc.

    Now, according to my friend's local newspapers, Trump is refusing to to contribute his fair share of expenses to maintain and renovate the "docking area". Because of this, the Majestic Star wants to move its boat but is having trouble convincing the Indiana Gaming Commission. Trump claims that the recent bankruptcy relieves him for being forced to make any contributions for improvements. I don't know the details of either side of the argument.

    All this gave me an idea. I am now thinking of publishing a new book. The title would be "The Art Of Backing Out Of A Deal". It would only contain 1 page as follows:

    Try your best to screw your business friends and investors. This can be accomplished in 6 easy steps:
    1) Set up a separate corporation for the venture.
    2) Get as many suckers as possible to loan money to the corporation.
    3) Get a few business partners to contribute knowledge and money.
    4) Cook the books. Don't do anything illegal but make it look like the corporation is in financial trouble.
    5) Declare bankruptcy and make sure the judge sees it your way.
    6) Stop paying interest to bond holders and back out of every contract you can that will cost money.

    Oops. I just revealed the whole book. I don't thing anyoue will buy it now. Damn!!!

    I guess a lot of people want to learn the details of successful dealing. After reading my book, what more does anyone need. :flame:
  2. noman

    noman Top Member


    You hit it on the head, only the wrong side of the nail. It's Trump the dump.

    The head of the tx mafia, says he only gets out of paying interest on his banckruptcies, but as you said, he finds ways to get out of a lot more, too bad he can't buy a decent tupe(ee)

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