The disadvantage of betting first

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by darklord, Jan 10, 2006.

  1. darklord

    darklord New Member

    Betting first on the last hand is a huge disadvatage in my opinion even if one is a chip leader. My question is that assume I am a table chip leader (small lead) in a 7 players table with 3 advance to the next round and I must bet first without knowing how much the other players would bet, should I bet table minimum or maximum or somewhere in between?

    Another question is if I can figure out that I will be the first one to bet on the last hand, should I be more aggressive in my bets before the chip count and aim for at least a half max bet lead?
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2006
  2. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    Position is critical

    One of the biggest factors in determining how aggressive you need to be in the hands leading up to the final showdown is your betting position. You can almost afford to be in 2nd or 3rd place if you know you have later position (or if you're pretty confidant your opponents will not make the optimal bet), but if you're first to act you really need as close to a max bet lead as possible (definately over half a max) over the last bankroll position to advance. For instance, if BR1, BR2 and BR3 all advance, i'd concentrate on having at least a half max bet lead over BR3 -- and definately over BR4. Of course, there are so many other mitigating factors, such as the skill levels of the specific otehr opponents who are in those BR positions, as well as their relative betting position to you on the final hand.

    Bottom line is, you are absolutely right to realize early position on final hand=BAD! and consequently you must have the overabundance of chips to deal with that.

    -holly d.

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