The First Annual Halloween Blackjack Ball and "21.Com" Grudge Match

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Viktor Nacht, Mar 24, 2005.

  1. Viktor Nacht

    Viktor Nacht New Member

    Yes, this announcement is almost exactly 9 months too early. But rather than make this a surprise 6 months later when my plans start to show, I want to share the joy of conception with all of you. Video will be shown at the party.

    For about two years now, I've wanted to have an egalitarian blackjack party that everyone could safely attend and celebrate our mutual love of the game. No elitism, no vitriol, no disdain for the "common" counter, and no blacklists based on petty personal jealousies. In other words, this party is for EVERYONE: Winged Monkeys, Moonies, City Government Officials, everyone. This isn't RGE's party for "our" people, but my personal effort to start a new tradition with everyone in the community that also coincides with my favorite holiday.

    As such, please consider making plans to join us in Las Vegas on Saturday, October 29th, for the First Annual Halloween Blackjack Ball and "21.Com" Grudge Match. Time and location TBA. There will be a nominal door charge to cover the cost of the space, food, soft drinks, and entertainment. This is a not-for-profit event. 18 and older only, please, as I hope to book some vintage, cabaret-style entertainment...

    Given the season, the crucial element of anonymity, and the fact that some of you are just plain ugly, costumes or disguises will be REQUIRED. To reward you for your efforts, there will be a contest for best costume... and worst disguise. Hint: If you're going for the worst disguise prize, take a look at a few episodes of the "World Series of Blackjack"...

    And now the part you've been wondering about, the Halloween Blackjack Ball will also host the first annual "21.Com" Grudge Match, where teams from all of the major blackjack websites represented will be invited to compete in various blackjack and card manipulation skill tests to see which site will reign supreme as the "21.Com" Grudge Match Champions for the coming year. All losers will be required to link to the winner's site with the text "We got our butts whipped by..." I'm just kidding of course, since we all know doesn't link to other sites. :) But we will make sure there is impartial judging (perhaps one judge from each site), and that this will be a fun and fair competition.

    Finally, crass commercialism will not only be allowed, but is highly encouraged, at this event. Authors should bring copies of their products to sign, sell, and promote, and everyone is encouraged to pimp their favorite site or product in whatever manner they choose.

    So please, if you love blackjack and want to spend a fun evening with a bunch of other people who love blackjack... and who also spend WAY too much time on the Internet, make plans to be in Vegas on Halloween weekend. We'll post more details and ideas as the months progress.

    Good Cards,

  2. justlsuteddy

    justlsuteddy Member

    Sounds like fun. Count me in!

    If you need help assembling a video, let me know, I'm a professional editor. teddysmith at gmail dot com
  3. tgun

    tgun Member

    Sounds good

    Hi Viktor,

    Your idea sounds really good. But won't it conflict with Rick's BJ Cruise?
    I hope not, let me know!

  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Party on Oct 29th

    Though his post here doesn't say so, I think Viktor's post about this at his site mentioned a date of October 29th, two days before actual Halloween. For players from the Eastern US, this might make a good stopover in Vegas before the cruise departs on Oct 31st.
  5. instagator

    instagator New Member

    Halloween Cruise

    Hey Rick, How about a Costume party at the tables. Some of the players could come as they are and win.

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