The Reason For Blackjack Tournaments

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Phil Dunaway, Jul 29, 2005.

  1. Phil Dunaway

    Phil Dunaway Member

    I was reading all of the comments on the $10,000 buy in for the finals.It appears that most of the comments are in favor of the 10k buy in.I understand that the 10k will add additional $ to the prize pool,however,let's look at the real reason Blackjack Tournaments were created.We all know that Blackjack Tournaments Have been around for a long time.Casino's would sponsor the Tournaments with the understanding that when you weren't playing in the Tournament,you would give them side play.I believe that the majority of us do just that.Here's the deal,I believe that everyone should start at the beginning together,irregardless of who you are & what kind of money you have.It appears the biggest concern is the prize pool.if that is true then let's raise the buy in from $1,000 to something else.I know you guys are fighting to get these BIG Tournaments going again,& you should be commended for it,I was just hoping that everyone would have to face the same challenges from the prelim round to the finals.Well enough of this,whatever is decided,I'll sure support the Tournament.Thanks.

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