The Split - Winstar - Thackerville OK

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Buchanan, Jun 27, 2011.

  1. Buchanan

    Buchanan New Member

    Ok - I have no idea what kind of karmic joke this is but I got an invite.
    4 Qualifying Events for roughly 81K each one.

    Each Qualifier seats 60 by invitation only guests and 36 hot seat promotions.

    That said 1 in 96 doesn't sound horrible

    Any advice, outside of reading this site.. I've only played in one other tournament,.. that was the Hilton.. where ther was like a gizzillion players
  2. Buchanan

    Buchanan New Member

    I should have moved on.. at least to

    round two and more liekly to 3 .. but not 4

    .. Instead .. registration was at 10:30 .. and I drove in.. and sat and played until the tournament... my round started near 3pm.. so I was tired... and my blood sugar dropped about 1/2 through my round ..and I made a stupid error as I was trying to outchip the person in 1st chip count.. and I was close to 2/3 .. (top 3 moved on) .. instead my double down on a 10 to 9 .. cost me everything..and outsy I went.

    Had I played a little more conersatively and my blood sugar not dropped.. I wouldn't have played it that way..

    Lesson learned - get a room .. register and then relax:mad::mad::mad:
  3. Kyle P

    Kyle P New Member

    How do I get an invite?

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