This may be a GOOD SHOW

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Joep, Oct 12, 2006.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Do It!

    Go on Rando, call the show, it'll be fun!


  3. elyssez

    elyssez Member

    Hope he has the ***** to call in. But if he doesn't, what will the show be about this week?
  4. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Dr. as a back up Guest

    If he doesn't call in we have a well respected Dr from Las Vegas who will talk about the side affect of men losing their ............well you know what

    His name is Dr. Tes Ticles

    He is board certified ;)

  5. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    If Rando doesn't call in I propose the topic of discussion should be "The life and works of Ravi Shankar".

    Or "Zen and the Art of Tournament Blackjack"

    Or "Swimming in Lake me"

    Or "What the hell are you looking at?"


  6. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Sorry wont be calling KenE radio show just yet....

    Firstly...I dont have any gripe with either of these two has beens...unless of course we find out later that either of the two "PROS" really might have something to do with the ownership of Bet 21...

    My problem with Bet 21 is well documented in emails to their Customer service department....I have explained most of the problem here and I also offered that the result from Bet 21 is to simply ignore the customer. Why would I bother discussing this with Joe P??? Whos he really???

    All JoeP is is a talking head who puts his mouth in gear with out ever starting his brain...And I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed man.

    When all this shakes out and if I find that perhaps Joe is actually a paid staff member of Bet 21 then I will be glad to discuss the problem I have with this buggy program with him ...I will also discuss the deposit bonus offer with him and the non existant free roll offer with him...but frankly at this point he remains nothing but a mouth with internet access....what would be the point??

    He has had weeks to explain the missing deposit bonus....has he explained it at all??? why should I call his little AM radio show...Whats in it for me???

    Ive laid out the exact problem to the important people already...the company...I have briefly explained the problem and lack of effort by this company to resolve the matter here on this site and other sites where there may be an interest in this game.

    Im not interested in starting a campaign against this particular site...rather it was only ever my desire to bring attenteion to a problem I was having and a problem I saw every day that others were having ....I played hundreds if not thousands of games on this site...unlike the resident mouth, who rarely plays, and I saw that I was not the only one having a problem...

    SO I made an effort to study the problem ...and to document when it happened and what game and what hand....WHY???? So that they could tweak a pretty good program and make it that later I could play a trouble free smooth running game on a dead honest truth telling internet gambling site located off shore...

    Now what the hell Joe Pane has to do with this ???I dont really know..All I know about him is that he talks an awful lot without saying much really. To me he feels like that nosey annoying neighbor who knows everything about everything and all you have to do is wait and he will tell you...yet when called on the carpet to answer for some of his crazy statements ...he retreats to name calling and avoidance of the real issue....thats why none of you still knows about a signup bonus promise...If Mr Pane really knew anything like he pretends to then we would maybe have an answer...but the truth be told...hes less than the flea on the dogs a$$......less becasue you dont have to listen to a flea...;)

    So no ...tonight I wont be calling in to the little dog and poney show...but not becasue Im afraid...rather there is no if I ever get a reply or a solution or even a flat out screw you there is no problem from Bet 21 rather than just silence then I will be glad to discuss what the result is....or perhaps these two superstars want to fly me out to appear on the show..I do my best talking right there in person ..right in the chubby little tubs face...then we will see who puts the dress on

    Hes never seen me yet...he doesnt have a still thinks hes riding his bike patrolling the streets of Brooklyn with a gun straped on his

    I freely roam any area of NYC without fear and without weapons ....I chew up and spit out sawed off little tubs of lard like JoeP for breakfast and then I leave a little brown pile of the smoking turd on the sidewalk so that the never ending sound of his droaning ..wwaaa, waaa, waaaa , waaaa, waaaa is stomped out underfoot of the real Americans...!:cool:

    As far as Joe Pane??? Im just glad he s not speaking for my company...LOL
  7. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    Maybe KenE and Joep own bet21 and that is why joep gets so mad when someone criticise bet21.
  8. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Knew It

    Just another tough guy on his keyboard.........Knew you didnt have what it takes to call in

    Showing up is something you would never do that is a GIVEN. Even if we sent a cargo plane to pick your fat ass up

    Last edited: Oct 12, 2006
  9. noman

    noman Top Member

    Radio Show: Oct 12/2006

    RANDO! RANDO! RANDO! RANDO!, etc. etc.
  10. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member


    I threw away my AM radio in 1974....along with my 8 track.tape player...

    Joe....I have nothing else to say to your 68 loyal fans knows the truth simply from reading it here and they can judge it by your non answers..what do you call that???? Tough question avoidance chatter???

    Be real man.....get yourself a respectable FM radio show and I will gladly spar with you one has AM radio anymore....wait I think they still give the 6am farm report on am....maybe not ...dont know dont care...

    But be dont answer any real questions here....what would be any different ???

    You actually offer me nothing...Ive already pointed out my issues and they have nothing to do with you nor can you affect anything why bother ..huh??? So other than how ridulicous I think you are and also what a bad representive I think you are for this game and this site.....what else is there??? What part of that cant you understand???

    Ive been asking you for news about a deposit bonus and also why you think its ok for this site to falsely advertize one....have you ever answered ??? No....and I only ask you because you certainly pipe off as if you really were something to this company and to this game..but reality proves you are just its loud mouth embarassing brother-in law...

    So what will change at your little dog and pony show??? Nothing...

    I asked you who you know at Bet 21 that allows you to intercede for certain customers while ignoring certain others????huh huh huh????lol

    Again nothing...are you telling me you would give honest answers on your AM radio show...heard by all 69 listeners???

    I know the answer by your example here...

    Heres a statement Id have hit you with it so you can give a half way intelligent answer...ok???

    I hear that the real reason you were thrown out of every decent casino in Vegas was not because of your game skill...rather it was because you were annoying the paying customers...given your example here I would bet the latter is the correct answer...:cool:

    Even Bet 21 took away your chat had to change your name and account to be able to chat thats funny...and true.

    The fat ass thing is really funny.....Im 6'2" 235 lbs....still a lean mean fighting machine....what ya gonna do ???Kick me in the shins???? You'll need to get up on a stool...:D

    Actually Joe Ive never listened to your radio show....I read Kens book and I got tired of reading to how great he thinks he is ....why listen to it too???

    BTW there is a new World Champion BJ player now right????Or is that a life long title??? But if so then what does the guy who won last year call himself???...LOL

    Sorry I couldnt lower myself to appear in your circus...your clown act drowns out any attempt at intelligent discourse.

    Talking to you would be like trying to have a conversation with an endlessly barking rat terrier....yip ..yip yip...nothing!
  11. happybunnytrix

    happybunnytrix New Member

    6'2", 235 lbs. Rando, have you even met Joep?....... He's not exactly a 98Lb. weakling.

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