This Weeks Guest

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Joep, Jan 17, 2006.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    This Thursday night at 6pm Pacific Time, Kenny and I will have one of the executive producers from the show Double Or Nothing on.The producer will be talking about what they are looking for and what you need to do to be on this show which will tape in Las Vegas real soon.So if you want to be on TV this will be a good chance to let it happen .Listen in and see if the rules work for you this should be a good show.One of the producers for this show is Kimberly Holtzman who was the talent producer for the WSOB 2004,2005 on GSN Network.

    Link to the show can be found on


    call in with comments or questions at

    Toll Free 1-866-820-5528
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Double or nothing

    I was not crazy about this format at first, but I have since found out it does have limits and is designed for a young single man. I was worried about someone blowing the family savings.

    If a single man wants to take the chance that is up to him, plus he should get a lot of pubilicity from the show either way. This sounds like a possible "Hollywood Dave" show!

    When I first heard Kimberly Holtzman was going to be the producer it didn't click, but then Joep told me it was Kim from WSOB. She is a sweetheart, her and her husband were both very nice at last years WSOB.

    As long as Kim is the person running it I would have to give the show a thumbs up just knowing she is in charge.
  3. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Catchphrase for JOEP

    Finally got to grips with SDP Multimedia (See an earlier post by Ken Smith) so I can record the radio show and listen in the next day.

    Joe did a great job last night and wasn’t a bit phased that he was on his own in the studio.

    Why hasn’t Joe got his a catchphrase of his own like some of the other players.

    Ken Einiger – Be In Action.
    Rick – Wishing you Aces and Faces always
    Ken – There’s always a bettor bet
    Meatwad – Master Shake told me to go in the freezer, because there was a carnival in there. There was no carnival, it was a damn freezer. I got freezer burn, and got mushed up against that chicken (Well yea you would do ???).

    Any suggestions for Joep’s own catchphrase…lol

    Andy (Hey I don’t have a catchphrase) 956
  4. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    Joe does have a phrase..

    "Just let me Play, please"
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    "Welcome to the house of Pain" is the first thing that comes to mind.
  6. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Can Of Worms

    Oh boy Andy have you opened up a " Can Of Worms " with this post.It will be interesting to see what some of the members think my catchphrase really shoud be.......:)
  7. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Can of Worms Catch Phrase for JOEP

    Well, I would like to be the first to "let some worms crawl out JOEP's can"

    I am torn between two "catch phrases" that come to mind...

    "I can tell you exactly how many chips you got" or,

    "Do I need to call the Nevada Gaming Commission?, It is on my speed dial!"

    Pehaps we can have Textourplayer hold a poll to see what catch phrase the public likes best for you!!

    Ho Ho

    Last edited: Jan 23, 2006
  8. 21playerBJ

    21playerBJ New Member

    Can 'o Worms

    How about the catch phrase "Can 'o Worms" for Joep
  9. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Radio Email Question

    I know Ken and Joe made a big thing about giving out the show’s telephone number last week but listeners may want to express their views via Email rather than call in personally. Many people may be shy of talking on the radio for various reasons but would still like to make a contribution.
    Most talk radio show formats tend to consist of presenters, studio guest, telephone callers and reading out of Emails/text messages.
    I may be wrong here but I can’t remember the guys giving out a dedicated Email address for the show.
    Love the show (I record it and listen in as soon as I return from work on Friday).
  10. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Excellent Point Andy

    Excellent point Andy.but one of the reasons we did that is we were getting many emails telling us that we wanted to call in and make a point or had a question but you guys never gave out the phone numbers.

    But we welcome all of our audience to communicate with us by what ever means they are comfortable with.You can reach Kenny or I here via private meassage or on or email me directly at

    Last but not least if you feel the need Thursday nights from 6 PM to 7 PM Pacific Time to call in here are the phone numbers

    Toll free 1-866-820-5528 or 702-228-8489

    If you just want to listen in here is the link

    Thanks everyone for making the show a sucess Kenny and I thank you :)
  11. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member


    Hey, you guys are veterans now. Lets have some prizes and contest (12th caller).

  12. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

    Radio Show Time

    The problem for Andy is that fact that it is 1:00 or 2:00 am. in England.
    The rest of us have no excuse, or at least no good excuse not to tune into the live show.
  13. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Swog is right

    No one has a good reason.

    Last week I had to put Swog on speaker phone so he could listen to the show from my computor...LOL
  14. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member


    Something went wrong when I recorded last nights show so missed it all.
    I would be grateful to any one who saved it on their computer to send it to me via Email on
    Come on chaps
  15. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Re-airs on Sunday 1 AM Pacific Time

    Andy if you cant get a copy the show it's scheduled to re-air on Sunday morning at 1 AM Pacific Time..I believe that would make it 10 am your time if my globe is correct.So dont stay up late Saturday night and you will hear it on early Sunday morning .You are 6 hours ahead of New York Time is that correct. ;)
  16. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    Good show..

    I was hoping he would have an answer for alternates.

    Anyway...lets get UBT rolling!!!

  17. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

  18. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member


    Thanks Ken and the guys for airing the show on this site as it sorted out my earlier post (You can still Email me if you wish to say hello etc).
    I still can’t believe that Ken Einiger asked that girl if she was a man (Joep came in like diplomat Henry Kissinger trying to sort it…lol).

    As Mama Cass once sung ITS GETTING BETTER EVERY DAY.
    PS In 1986 I once had a drink in Lincoln UK with the Mamas and Papas members John Phillips and Denny Doherty plus Scott McKenzie (San Francisco. Be sure to wear flowers in your hair).

    PPS (Question) What is the connection between the Mamas and Papas pop group and Hollywood Dave
    Rick Jensen might supply a prize for the correct answer (Only if you are booked on the cruise )
  19. noman

    noman Top Member

    Mamas and

    I'll take a guess and say mamma cass died with the ham sandwhich stuck in her mouth in the reclining position, before dave was born.
  20. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Help Help Me Noman

    Alright.It was a naff post by me and when I said that I had a drink with the Papa’s it wasn’t’ strictly true (They were at one side of the bar and I was at the other). They did wave over though.
    Anyway before the post sinks like a stone. I feel that I must I must give Noman a chance to win as he was the only one gracious enough to make a good humorous reply.
    Anyone else can join in though but don't send in too many
    Clue Brian Wilson Beach Boys.
    Andy :laugh:

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