Three'ers in Fitz finals

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Jun 14, 2009.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Congratulations to Counserloree, Eastxpro, and Swog who all made the final table at the Fitz tournament in Tunica today.

    Swog just called and told me the good news, good luck to all of them, hope they sweep the finals 1st, 2nd, and 3rd!

    The finals are a couple of hours away, I'll post the final results as soon as Swog calls me with them.

    Again congratulations to all three and good luck in the finals.
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Counserlorlee got 2nd place for $8,000, Swog took 3rd place for $6,000 and Eastxpro came in 7th for $1,000.

    SOOZZIEC New Member


    congrat's to Lee, Swog and Harry!!!! Wish we could of been there.

    Sooz & Lou
  4. mociferous

    mociferous Member


    Congratulations, everyone! It makes us BJTers look like we might know what we're doing!:p
  5. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member


    Looks like bjt hit a grand slam!
  6. sweetteabird

    sweetteabird New Member

    Congrats :)

    =) NICE NICE NICE! Congrats to all 3 that made the final...GOOO LEE!! :) I love the Fitz Tunica! Another Bjt member S.Yama was out early at Fitz, but did make the final at another casino this weekend, finished 3rd for 25K :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2009
  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Way to go S. Yama, $25K isn't a bad weekend at all. I tried calling you a couple of times today, call me when you read this or get my messages.
  8. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Nice going for all four of you!
    I head out to Vegas for a week and you guys come clean up in Mississippi!
    Well done.
  9. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Love this kind of news

    Wow! Awesome weekend for friends! Congrats to Counserloree, Eastxpro, and Swog for an excellent tournament at the Fitz, and also to SYama for a great tournament (and fine paycheck!).
    Good Job, Everyone! :cheers:
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2009
  10. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member


    ...from the BJT.comers and the 3 Ark-La-Tex Eliminators at the Fitz final table for all of your congratulatory words and hugs. :D It was great getting to see and visit with so many of our BJT buds, but missed being with those of you who didn't make the trip. :sad: Hope to meet and greet at the next Fitz tourney in mid-September.

  11. eastexaspro

    eastexaspro Member

    We need to support fitz

    To all of my friends thanks for the great wishes.harry
  12. Congratulations to all of y'all for your nice accomplishments. I wish I had made the drive down from the Horseshoe and seen some of you.

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