Tie Breaker

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by little, Dec 7, 2006.

  1. little

    little New Member

    Hi All ,
    There are some more queries regarding the tie of the players :

    1. In a hand X of a round Z there are 3 players A, B, C participating and after that round we are advancing 2 players. after that hand situation is
    A - 1000 chips
    B - 250 chips
    C - 0 chips
    Minimum Bet - 500 chips

    so both B and C cant continue in further hands. so in this case should we advance A and B OR there should be a tie breaker round between B and C.

    2.On the final table of a tournament there are 5 players and we are giving payoff to top 5 players in that tournament. on that table in first hand 2 players get eliminated, how we will calculate their rank for 4th and 5th place. whether there would be a tie round between them or they will be assigned ranks according to their chips at beginning of the hand(or some other criterion) or they will tie for the 4th and 5th spot.

    3.In a round we are advancing two players. in that round much before the final hand only 1 player left on the table and 3 others get eliminated in the same hand. so do we advance only one player among them or there will be a tie round among the eliminated 3 for deciding the second advancing player.

    Thanks in Advance
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    In my opinion, B should advance here.

    Split the prize money for 4th and 5th places between them. Note that if there is a tie for 1st and 2nd, you should probably have a playoff, so you have just one champion.

    Have a playoff between the 3 players with $0 chips.
  3. little

    little New Member


    thnx ken for resolving my issues now i can continue with my further dev.
    thanks again

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