Tinker is coming to Chicago - Majestic Star Tourney 7/16 - IS IT WORTH IT

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Tinker, Jul 9, 2005.

  1. Tinker

    Tinker New Member

    :confused: Hi to all you Chicago-land BJ tourney players. What can you advise me about Majestic Star's tourney next Saturday? Are any of you playing in it? Please email me, quickly. I leave for New Orleans on Tues (assuming Hurricane Dennis cooperates) and then driving North..
    Hope to meet some of you there. :flame:

    /s/ Tinker
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Majestic Star is good and bad

    Majestic Star has this tournament every other month. I started playing it in Nov.,2004 (won 1st place). :D Competition is 90% "dumb lucky" players. The other 10% is fair to decent quality. No advantage players that I've seen.

    Great equity - $60 buy-in, 120 players (approx.), $10,000 GUARANTEED prize pool, $5,000 first place with a chance to win an additional $1,000 on one hand if you are the 1st place winner.

    Elimination format: 1st round - 3 advance, 2dn round - 1 advance, 3rd round (semi-final) - 2 advance. Start to finish takes about 7 hours.

    Downside - very disorganized, becomes frustrating trying to find out when you play next (assuming you advance) or when wild cards are drawn. But you do get free sub sandwiches. I eat all my meals there when I play, hay, its free.

    Downside - They usually fill up. If not pre-registered, start registering at 10:00AM (play starts at 12:00 - but they are usually late). Usually filled up by 11:00AM, sometimes earlier.

    Downside - Very bad neighborhood. You are OK if you use the right roads, if not you may find yourself dead or if they feel kind - they'll tie you up, beat the crap out of you, and steel all your stuff. :eek: If you decide to try, let me know, I'll give you directions to keep safe.

    I play in every tournament they have. In spit of the downside, equity is great, players poor, and all those free subs. :p How can a man resist.
  3. Tinker

    Tinker New Member


    If it looks like I'll make it, HOW CAN I PREREGISTER?
    Also. I have been to the casino before on more than one occasion. I don't remember the trip being THAT dangerous, but it was day light. I'll keep you posted on my progress. Thanks again.
  4. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Pre-registering at Majestic Star

    I believe the only way to pre-register is to do it in person. In 2004 I tried to do it over the phone and was not successful. This is one of their hooks.

    As far of the dangers, I was only trying to emphasize the importance of not getting lost. As I said - stay on the right roads and you'll be alright. On my first trip there I did get lost and believe me, I ended up in areas where you are taking your life in your own hands every time you stop at a stop sign.

    Good luck. Maybe I'll see you there on the 15th.
  5. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member

    Another Downside

    Is that they allow "all in" bets on the last hand! I got smoked a time or two due to all in bets on the last hand and the lucky one getting a blackjack.

    I think the all in bet gives more "lucky" players a chance against the skilled ones. I don't like the all in bet.

  6. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    "all in" bets

    I overlooked that point. Good catch.

    The Blue Chip (Michigan City, IN) is worse. You can go "all in" at any time. But their tournaments seem to be dying. Hum, I wonder why?
  7. cherub44

    cherub44 New Member


    Yes the Michigan City tournament is all about dumb luck. I quit going to their tourneys a couple months ago for that reason. I hope that the numbers fall low enough for them to rethink their rules, but I doubt it. Those kind of tourneys favor the local bad players and they don't want to lose them.
  8. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Bad players leaving too!

    I estimate the Blue Chip (Michigan City, IN) is loosing 10% to 25% of it's tournament players per month. I think (could be wrong) that the most recent tournament in June, 2005 had only 60 some odd players. First prize was about $3,100. Compare that to March, 2005 - first place was about $5,200 and they were full - few or no re-buys. In June, 2005 I asked a suit why they were only scheduling 2 (instead of 3) sessions for the first round. He said "I wish someone whould have told me". DA - Right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing.

    So I think that even the bad players are leaving in large numbers. They didn't have that many good players to begin with. If all of the good players left and all of the bad players stayed, their numbers would be much higher.

    The sad part is they'll blame "lack of interest" for the tournament failure. DA - HELLO, IS ANYONE HOME.
  9. noman

    noman Top Member

    In tourney's. Maj & blue chip

    Come on ya'll. I've sucked at the blue chip, but it's not all dumb luck. I've seen some playas there who know what they're doin. the hardest part is gettinbythe first table of seven with only one advancing to the semi's. two from each of the three semis make it to the final, with a wild card for 5,500. Not bad for a 100 buy in.

    Thinkin about majestic myself, after seeing it posted on the site and come on the great blue waves of lake Mich, won't molest you. It's pretty and safe around the casinos. Youcant't get lost if you stay on 912, or follow the signs. No different than in tunica. I mean, I'd hate to get lost somewhere out on the bayou without a paddle, if they hold up through the hurricane season

    Blue chip is mon the 25th. 100 buy in, if you loseearly enooug, therebuy is 60 and I believe the mag. star is the 16th/

    But, I appreciate the note about buyingin before 1100 am.

    Hey, all the good chicago playas moved to vegas
  10. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Just keeping safe

    Just trying to keep fellow members safe. Many (if not most) casinos in the Mid-west are located in economically depressed areas. They do this to help bring up the economy in those areas. The Majestic Star is a classic example. I don't know about today, but a few years back the city was the muder capital of the country. :eek: If you are very brave and have several armed escorts, take a ride through. It's an experience you will never forget. If you decide to walk, chances are you will not live to tell about it. But again, stay on the main recommended roads and you will be alright (you will not go into the heart of the city).

    Now the Blue Chip. Unlike the Majestic Star, the prize pool is not guaranteed. It may reach the $5,500 if if the tourmanent is full and all the re-buys taken. In reality this only happened in March, 2005 (the first tournament of the 2005 season). Like I said before, June, 2005 only had 60 some odd players and first prize was only about $3,100.
  11. noman

    noman Top Member

    IN tourney's in the slums

    Geez toolman1: You must be from Oakbrook.

    I will agree to disagree.(Lightheartedly).

    Atlantic city when it first opened was not a safe or asthetically agreeable place. the parking lots and distance between casinos made it look and feel like a war zone. Those grand monuments in the middle of rumble.

    None of the Lake Michigan Casinos in IN are like that. there are signs and major roads directly into each of the 4 in Gary and their location on the lake is, well, pretty.

    And Michigan City is like any Midwestern small town. Or small southern town, for that matter. There's a lot to look down your nose at, but it's harmless.

    And as an occassional visitor to Detroit, I thought for years it was a major waste land, downtown, even after the RenCen was built some over 15 years ago. The old Tiger stadium was an island in an abyss and seeming danger lurked evrywhere.

    But was up to the new Comerica, earlier in June and was surprised by the activity and ambience all around the park and the casinos there. Everything east of I-75 to the river is like wrigleyville. It hops till 4am or sunlight and starts over. Not bad for a former bombed out war zone/

    One could get in trouble in Vegas, in the wrong location. But for tourism sake, they's try to keep it quiet.

    They're not so subtle in the Midwest. They are proactive and patroling. Hell, there were times, I couldn't get on a boat, cause they didn't like my looks or the smell on my breath.

    And I disagree on the Mich City payouts. Made March, May,June and hopefully July and I couldn't get a rebuy. Shows you my caliber of play.

    If you go in July, where your toolbelt, I'll have my goat chin and I'll buy you a beverage. Be interesting to meet a site member so close.

    Best to ya

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