Tip: Beating the in and out players

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Mar 3, 2005.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    This tip is for the new players. Have you ever been playing a hot table and someone jumps in for one hand and then leaves, but changes your run of cards?

    Well three of us took the in and out players out of the picture this week while in Shreveport, LA. The four of us sat at a 7 spot table and started with three of us playing two spots and the other only one. After the first hand we cut back to one hand each. This table had a "No mid-shoe entry" so we lock everyone else out of the game.

    Now don't think that this will assure you of winning, but sure takes away that aggravation. As far as the four of us only one lost (very small) and that was because she only bet from 1 to 2 units. We bet from 1 to 10 units and cleaned up.
  2. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    No voodoo nonsense please

    What is this, Mr. World Series blackjack player? Voodoo?

    I just gotta add my 2 cents for all the newbies who will relate to this line of thought -- there is NO SUCH THING as "changing your run of cards" -- that is statistically impossible and complete malarkey. Someone who Wongs in/Smiths out has the exact same chance of HELPING you as HURTING you. Same is true for someone on 3rd base who improperly hits & "takes the dealer's bust card" -- once again, the same chance as helping OR hurting you. its just always so much more memorable when you see negative results & why the stigma exists. In fact, a true professional blackjack player actually welcomes seeing the additional cards -- because it gives him/her a more accurate count of the remaining deck.

    Don't mean to jump down your throat, Rick -- just want to make sure one of our "Executive Members" is not advocating superstition at the tables!

    -holly d.
  3. mikeaber

    mikeaber New Member


    I agree with HD, however I do find it annoying. The casinos at which I play frequently in Missouri, require "player's cards" to be presented at the time of buy in at a table so they can track your losses (not your winnings!) Each time someone comes in in mid-shoe, the action is halted while the dealer swipes the card and waits on the computer to verify that the player has not lost $500 (if so, the player has to wait 2 hours to buy into another game.) They they have to accept the player's cash and count out chips. While this is taking place, if the new player looks to be 50 years of age or less, a photo ID is required and the dealer has to check this out as well to be sure they are of legal age to play. If this happens very often during a shoe, it can take up a significant amount of time that could have been used in play. To be fair though, in a lot of instances I can recall, the new player will first ask the other players if they mind if he sits in and then will volunteer to wait until the end of the shoe to buy in. Only once have "I" been asked to wait and that was in a one-on-one confrontation where a lady was apparently on a lucky streak and asked me if I would mind waiting....most times, the table will just say "come on in...maybe you WILL change the luck!"
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Good Attitude

    I made two such post's about not wanting to play with either the player(s) that jump on and off of a table or the players that "don't play by the book" (I hate that phaze).

    Those that know me or that have played on a table with me know that I don't and won't tell anyone how to play thier money. If asked I may suggest what I would do in their situation, but that is all.

    My comments were made honestly about how I feel when playing on a regular table. I'm not mad at anyone for disagreeing with me, if they like players coming in and out or hitting 12 - 16 with a dealer showing a 5 up that is up to them to play at that table. I just prefer not to sit a table like that.

    I know several others that prefer not to sit at a table like that as well. My post was to show them how they can lock out players off of a table to avoid those types of players.

    I enjoy playing with a good attitude and all though it might not make a difference in the cards how someone play's at the table, I still get a bad attitude when someone hit's a 14 vs dealers 5 and busts and then the dealer flips a 10 and draws a 6. Yes, I have played many times were the player catches the 6 and then the dealer catches the 10 to bust, but I still perfer not to play at those tables.

    Hollywood, I don't disagree with you about the cards, I just prefer not to get upset if I lose because of someone else's play. And I would never tell or say that somebody "Didn't know what the F--- they were doing".....LOL sorry had to bust your balls a little.
  5. Missouri BlackJack.

    The place I play at in Missouri and the table limit has no mid-entry allowed. If your playing one-on-one against the dealer, the players wanting to get in have to wait til the shuffle. I play a DD, $25 table in St. Louis. But I do believe you can jump in on the shoes, but I never play those.

    Take Care...
  6. hollister

    hollister New Member

    Two factors for me on this issue- it's rude & can cost me money

    First of all it is rude to jump into a game without asking the other players if it is ok. Especially when they want to jump in just while the dealer is shuffling at their own table. In these cases I first ask if they mind waiting until the end of the shoe and promise I won't try to jump onto their table while my dealer is shuffling. If they insist they are going to play anyway, I have become very good at insulting the player and making it very unpleasant for the player as long as they are at the table. They usually quickly return to their own table or attempt jumping into other games. (yeah, I have agreed to meet them outside too).

    Second, if they are wonging in only after backcounting, they are costing me money. In these cases I try to quietly let the player know I know what he is doing. In most cases they wont try it a second time . If they don't take the hint and wong in a second time on me, I put a spot light on them and their play and that usually prevents third time.
  7. Rich Garcia

    Rich Garcia New Member

    Kick The Dog Reaction

    Rick's ploy has merit from the point of view that "less is better". You can get more hands played/hour and (hopefully) increase your winnings with three rather than 7 players at a table. For example, 100 hands/hr (3 players) vs 50 hands/hr (7 player).

    The notion that "the idiot to my left/right shoulda taken or not taken a hit"-and the impact it has on me and/or the dealer has been debunked many many times by virtually all the BJ experts. I lose the hand. But, I have a whipping boy to blame. I see this reaction every time I go to the casino (which is more than I care to admit). I see these guys unload on the dolt who hits the dice and the shooter sevens out. I never saw anyone complain when that same jackass hits the dice and the shooter makes his point. The same scenario unfolds at the BJ tables.

    Rick's gambit keeps the table to a small number of players. I don't pretend to offer advice to a real pro like Rick. But, 3 players rather than 4 players would be more profitable for the group. LOL
  8. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Real Pro

    You consider Rick a " REAL PRO " :eek:
  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Shhhhhh Joep

    They haven seen me play on World Series of Blackjack yet....LOL. Hell even GSN pre-emitted my show last week. Well at least I will be out of town this week during the show.

    I just need to place higher then Joep did or I'll never hear the end of it....LOL
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2005

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