To talk or not to talk - that is the question

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by fgk42, Jun 20, 2007.


With regard to talking during a BJ tournament do you...

Poll closed Jul 20, 2007.
  1. I don't care if other players talk

  2. I just can't shut my mouth

    0 vote(s)
  3. I enjoy casual banter with my fellow players

  4. I believe it is a vital piece of the game and strategic

  5. I think that talking should be prohibited while playing

  6. shut the heck up and play dammit before I stuff a sock in your mouth!

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    With some recent comments about talking/chatting at BJT, I was just wondering what the majority of players preferred and why?

    Also do you think that talking enhances or takes away from the experience?
  2. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Another Suggested Poll Response

    Another player's efforts to distract opponents helps my cause, amuses me, and adds to my enjoyment of the game.
  3. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I was at a final table where a friend was doing a lot of BSing and pulled me into the conversation - I had to do some rebuttal. This drew in a couple of other players. Had some good laughs in the process and it was JUST PLAIN FUN. After the play was over, one of the players said that was the most fun he ever had playing TBJ.

    At another casino, the rules specifically state "no talking between players". Ya, you guessed it, boooooooooooring as all hell.

    So I say talk it up. Make the game a little more fun. I hate to think that I may be traveling 500 to 2,000 miles to sit at a boring table at a BJ tournament with a bunch of fuddy duddies. If you call this cheating then I guess I don't know the definition of the word so please define.

    Some may use talking or talking smack as a distraction tactic. If they can do that and still keep track of what's going on then the more power to them. If you have a "tool" then use it.
  4. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    The problem might lie in drawing a line between good-natured banter and intentional distraction. A fine line that would be, too. What is considered distraction to me might be entirely different than it is to you.

    I very much enjoyed bantering with HD in Los Angeles. It was a riot, I had a blast, and I think he did as well. But there wasn't any yammering of random numbers in a brazen attempt to confuse an opponent.
  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    And therein lies the rub.

    What would you consider in a case where an opponent says, “Man you better go big on this hand because I’m gonna max bet my way into the lead and leave you in my dust?”


    “What? You’re not gonna split those 10’s with a dealer showing a 3? Are you nuts?”


    “A real man (or woman) would double down on that soft 18 – but I guess you just don’t have the guts do ya?”

    Amongst players who have known and played with each other in the past I would consider all of the above to be friendly taunts and acceptable. However, I played at an event where one of the above lines was said and a pit supervisor ran over to the table and said, “No talking strategy at the table. The next time you’ll be asked to leave!” And she was SERIOUS!

    How about asking someone if they want to surrender their 17 against a dealer face card? Teasing, friendly banter or strategy? These are fine lines that may, or may not be tolerated &/or acceptable.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2007
  6. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    We seem to have the same discussion going in two different threads! :laugh:

    Nothing that FGK outlined would be distracting to me. Actually, after years of bowling tournaments, sometimes in front of some fairly significant crowds, it would take a lot to break my concentration. I could change my name here from LeftNut to TunnelVision!

    My own opinion of FGK's suggested banter? It would all be OK. However, in a different recent thread, the question was posted about someone verbally rattling off sequences of numbers in an intentional attempt to prevent an opponent from calculating his next bet. While it wouldn't rattle me, I would consider that to be grossly unsportsmanlike and quite unacceptable. IMHO.
  7. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    would these be inappropriate?

    Just for fun, no harm intended! :p


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