Todays Global tournament

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Barney Stone, Jul 19, 2006.

  1. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I decided to hold off on todays weekly game because I have no idea of what the page layout is etc. They dont have a practice arena like as far as I know. I hope to be able to watch some play today, from what I gather I can enter thru the leaderboard page? Any other tips on giving me some hints as to how to use the layout etc much appreciated.

    btw, my program works OK running MSFT Pro on Virtual PC. A little slower than my Safari mac browser tho. I got the program too late to get in free roll game at Global, all seats taken Monday morning.

  2. gflan

    gflan New Member

    Global "Guest" games

    Barney, if you have been playing at you should have no trouble at Global. Use the guest game feature off the main global screen to become familiar with dragging your chips to the circle and remembering to press deal. If you decide to play, make sure you come to chat and anyone there will be glad to help you with any questions or problems you have. It's actually quite easy to navigate once you get the hang of it. From what I understand, we can come to the freeroll and will be given any "no show" seats 15 minutes after the start time. I expect that there will be several seats to be given away.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2006
  3. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    It's alright Barney, I'm probably not playing...

    ... so no need to worry;) !

    If you go to the practice area you do need to log out. When you start the software don't click on the Members Area, click on Guest then take your pick. Also you don't have to enter at the start - you can watch the start of the tourney and join a bit later. I have joined up to 1/2 an hour after the event has started in the past. Make sure you go into chat as well.


  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Thanks gflan and Reach

    I went and played a few hands of regular blackjack and then watched Joep and sweetea play some head to head games. On my puter the cards were floating out like little sail boats in a bath tub. Once sweetea got a built 21 and the dealers hand filled then her/his last card came out to fill the 21 after dealers hand was made! Maybe its my new virtual PC program but the way the program works is much better. Do y'all think the Global blackjack program works as well as

  5. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    I like them both

    But neither of them score top marks. The play window for Global is much smaller than's but I "trained" with Global so I'm used to it. They both can get confusing if you split and DAS. Having 3 bets out obscures the bet values and chip stack amounts so you can't see what you/your opponents have which can be a problem on the last round when players are getting their chips out. The look of the Global table is more "real" than blackjack21 but other than that I'd have to give blackjack21 the edge. Just!


  6. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Do you see the cards come out of the shoe out of order? Like my example, sweetea was drawing cards and got to 11, then she must have clicked stand, then the dealer filled its hand to 18 or 19, and then sweeteas 10 came out to give her 21!

  7. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    I asked the same question

    apparently there is a technical internet-related reason, something to do with packets or something. Has no bearing on the game or playing thereof so I'm told. It is a bit unnerving I know.


  8. jmbelders

    jmbelders Member

    Note received on Thursday's Freeroll

    Received today in email. Others most likely got this also, but others may not have. Here it is.


    Here are a few important notes for the players of our $1,100 freeroll
    tournament tomorrow.

    Please note that the seats for registered players will only be reserved
    for 15 minutes after the start of the tournament. After that time, new
    players will be allowed to register and play. Thank you for your
    understanding. This way, players who were not lucky enough to register
    in time will have a chance to play.

    If you qualify, you have to join the next round's table manually. We
    strongly suggest that you join our CHAT (click on PLAYER INFO, then in
    CHAT) and stay there during the whole tournament to get the latest
    info and live support.

    Have a great tournament and lots of fun,
    Your Global-Player Tournament Team

    Good luck to all playing Thursday.
  9. Scorcho

    Scorcho New Member

    I'm trying to go through late registration but the site is completly freaking out, anyone know what's going on or is currently in the chat room and can ask? I'd much appreciate it.
  10. kirbyk

    kirbyk New Member

    Looks like we crashed their servers
  11. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Global-Player Tournament.

    Because of server problems, the tournament is cancelled and all players get a $10 credit. A new free-roll will be announced within days.
  12. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    So can we use this 10 bucks in Aruba to but some Cominda ?

  13. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    You can use it to buy me that drink! :joker:

    Well complain all you want about UBT but I doubt that they'll have server problems in Aruba!
  14. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Thumbs up for Pumi!

    For those of you who don't know Pumi, he is the one who runs the Global-Player online tournaments. He does a wonderful job especially since it is online tournaments. He stays in the chat room during all the events so anyone can ask him questions and take care of any ones problems should one come up.

    Pumi also takes immediate care of any problems and compensates and all players who were effected by a problem.

    Well yesterday Global-Players severs crash for their big $1,100 free roll, over a 100 players were registered.

    Within twenty minutes of the problem, Pumi postphoned the event and awarded EVERY player with $10 in his or her account, (that is over $1,000 Global-Player just gave away to make things right). Plus Global is going to re-schedule this $1,100 free roll within the next couple of weeks so we can still get a free shot at $1,100 more of Global-Players money "FREE!"

    I understand that things happen, but it is how they are handled that concerns me, well Pumi (Global) handles them VERY WELL and that is why I play there and even have them host satellite events for my cruise tournaments.

    I hope that any new players that were signed up for yesterdays free roll gives them another chance, once they start playing at Global and chatting with the other players (a great group by the way) I think they will be hooked.

    Pumi sorry for the problems you had yesterday, but thanks for taking care of all the players in such a fast effect way (as normal).

    We'll see you for the re-scheduled "Free roll" and for next weeks $6,000 tournament if not before.

    Once again thanks for all you do for all the players.
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2006
  15. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    I think a lot of the problems during the free game at Global stemmed from a communication breakdown. When the chat didnt work Im sure it sent many of us, without a seat, into a frantic effort to get a seat. When I couldnt get any info on the seats I started clicking >PLAY< and then started clicking >REGISTER< and I mean a lot. Im sure I wasnt the only one, I hope LOL!

    Excited to play Sunday btw. These things happen with servers etc., The key is for Pumi and crew to learn and repair.

  16. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Ah-ha so it WAS YOU who crashed the system - I knew it Barney :laugh:

    Yesterday was interesting. During the freeze period the chat line was in a frenzy - actually I was drinking some wine and had a blast. Then when it unfroze my table continued just like normal.

    It was unfortunate that it crashed but hey these things happen in the cyber world. I hope they learn and don't let it happen again.

    As for me, I'll see you all Sunday!
  17. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    lessons learned from the CRASH

    I forgot that there were several great lessons to be learned from the crash at the Freeroll tourney:

    1. Never let wBill get the highlighter from tourbot
    2. Keep Barney away from the enter button when screens freeze
    3. Learn to read German curse words
    4. Learn speed reading for the chat feature
    5. Arrive 15 minutes early for any future tourney's

    and Finally.....

    Remember to thank Pumi for making things right and putting up with all the headaches.

    :joker: :joker: :joker: :joker:

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