Tournament Blackjack Tour (TBT)

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Sep 13, 2006.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I am still searching for casinos and will keep everyone infomed once I have any information. I don't want to promise any starting dates until everything is a done deal.

    I am also trying to modify the point system I originally came up with so that no matter how many events you play in per year you can be listed with all the other players.

    I have come up with a minus system that will take anywhere from .25% to .75% of a tournament off for each monthly tournament you DO NOT PLAY IN.

    This will keep players from hitting big early and then just not playing so their point average doesn't go down. The players who do travel will be gambling that they will at least win enough points to keep from losing their current average and maybe even ncrease their average.

    I also will be awarding the "WHINEY AWARD", this will be for the player who suffered the most bad bets throughout the year. A bad beat will be any 20 that gets bet, 21 or BJ that gets pushed.

    Along with the "Whiney" I will be awarding that player a cash prize.

    As I posted before, I will post schedules and locations for the tour once I have them signed up and not before.

    I have the online sites already to go once (for satellites) the land base casinos are ready.
  2. Joep

    Joep Active Member


    So you get points for just showing up and you lose points for not playing.

    There seems to be a flaw in this ranking system

    I believe the ranking system that Kenny Einiger,Kenny Smith,Anthony Curtis and myself have put together will be one that everyone will see is fair to all players no matter how many you play or don't play.

  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Hey TX,

    Does THIS post of Joep's qualify for a whiny point? :laugh:
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    What is your ranking system?

    Well first of all I changed the point a player would receive for showing up several months back (I guess you missed that) and secondly I believe that players should have to attend so many monthly events or be penilized (it is the only fair way I could think of).

    In other sporting events, contestants have qualifying and I feel the Tournament Blackjack Tour (TBT) should as well. Just think if a player won one tournament and never played another monthly event the rest of the year they would have a monthly tournament average of 10. Now that would be flawed system.

    Is my ranking perfect? Maybe not, but I am working on making it as fair as possible for all tournament BJ players and I'm willing listen to the players if they have a better idea or suggestion.

    I would love to see the ranking system you mentioned in your post as would all the members here (since it will effect all of us anyway). Would you post that ranking system for all of us to look at. If it is a better system than I would have no problem changing to it for the TBT.

    Whichever system the TBT uses, I want to make sure that the players know and understand how they are being ranked before the tour starts so there will be no questions. Also the ranking has to come from "OPEN" affordable events so that "ALL" the players have an equal chance at the rankings. Otherwise the system would be flawed and very unfair to the average players who don't get invites to the VIP events or can't afford a lot in monthly travel expenses.

    This is why I decided to host events around the country and not just in Las Vegas, I am trying to cut travel cost for the players and it would hurt the Vegas players to have to travel every now and then and see just how the travel expense cuts into the bankroll.

    A ranking system MUST be fair to all, not just fair to the players that can afford to play in every event.

    Like I have said several times, I want the best for "ALL" the tournament players and I am willing to modify the TBT however is needed to do that. This includes locations, affordable entry fees, quaranteed re-buys, minimum of two players advancing from every table (until the final table), online satellite events, and any other good ideas or suggestion the players have.
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Good point brought up!

    Those who want not to have their name posted in the rankings for the Tournament Blackjack Tour (TBT), they may use an assume name for their standings.
  6. Stretch

    Stretch New Member

    Rankings question

    Why does your ranking involve a momnthly average (1 win = 10 pts, no more tourneys a 10 pt average)? Why not just cumulative points, like the golf money list. a guy who wins the first tourney leads the list initially, but if he doesn't play any more he does not lead the list just because his average finish was first place.

    As your players play in more tourneys they would pass the one-timer because you are awarding points for participating as well as placing.

    I don't think you need to confuse the issue with negative points. Would someone who doesn't play until the third tourney start with negative points because he missed the first two?

  7. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Fair For All ?

    A Quote from Tex

    And it would hurt the Vegas players to have to travel every now and then and see just how the travel expense cuts into the bankroll.

    A ranking system MUST be fair to all

    Why would you want to hurt the Las Vegas player for ?

    If you system is to be called fair

    With the ranking system that we have established no VIP Invitational events will be included in the rankings only open events that all players can play in. Sorry StarBust your future tournaments will not count :joker:

    If Las Vegas is the Gambling Capital of the world and the easiest to get to from just about anywhere what are you trying to accomplish .No matter where you hold them players have to travel.

    Players would like to have the ability to do other stuff besides your tournaments and Las Vegas offers them plenty to do after their 1 hour of tournament play for the day.

  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    My Bad!

    That should read "It wouldn't hurt the Vegas players to have to travel some". Not it would hurt, sorry about that...LOL

    As far as locations for your ranking system, I thought on the radio show you mentioned the Venetian, isn't that a VIP invitational event?

    Also will all the formats and rules be the same from location to location?
    That is what I am working on so it will be the same for every player in every BJ tournament on the Tournament Blackjack Tour (TBT).

    Joep I am not saying your ranking system is not good (hell it maybe better than mine). Post it up so we can see it and let everybody decide what is the best way. After all if it is really for "ALL" the players then we all have a right to see how we are going to be ranked, at least I think so.
  9. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    To BigTex and JoeP


    Start a new thread and run a poll. Both of you each post what you think will work best for a fair ranking system and let all the members on this site vote for what they want. I really appreciate all the hard work you both put into promoting BJ tourneys.

    I would love to see something that us smaller players could be included in on. I can't afford to attend 12 UBT events at $2500 each plus expenses. I feel there are alot of folks out there that are quite good players but will never get a chance to shine if something isn't done to include everybody.

    Again, Thanks guys for fighting the good fight.
  10. elyssez

    elyssez Member

    Wow, someone actually speaking up for the majority WITHOUT having a personal agenda? Well said, Thrasht!!!
  11. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    No problem

    I have posted my format, rules, and point system before and now with the new changes I intended to post the new point system as well. I have alway run my suggestions by the players for their approval and any suggestions they may have, After all they should have a say in how they are ranked.

    As far as Joep's ranking system is concerned it might be better. I never said mine was better only that whichever one we decide to go with has to be available for "ALL" players or it is going to be flawed.

    I am all for seeing Joep's ranking system, if it is better I'll be the first one to tell him so. As far as having a poll that is fine with me, but it isn't about my system against Joep system, it should be which system works best for all of us.

    I'll post my point system (with the new changes), so that all may see my ideas and hopefully Joep will do the same.

    I'll call Joep tonight so we can work up a time to post them and set up a poll.

    Remember I have already said that I am willing to listen to new ideas and suggestions, so any positive feedback will only help both Joep and I get the best possible ranking system for all of us.

    This is not about Joep or me, but about what is best for our blackjack tournament community and I am sure both of us will be happy with whichever system y'all choose.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2006
  12. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    I Agree

    Your right BigTex about it not having to be your system vs. Joe's system. I guess I'm just used to both of you always be adversarial. This site is all about input from all BJ tourney players and I think it would great to see if anybody else comes up with a good ranking system. I really do look forward to constructive conversation on this topic and hope we can come with something fair to all.

    I think if both of you put your heads together and worked as a team it would benefit all. With input from Ken Smith and some of the other top players we could come up with one hell of a great system. And have fun and make $$$$$.
  13. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    One Big Happy Family ?

    First off this is not MY point system

    It was and is a point system that was worked on and tinkered with by Kenny Smith , Kenny Einiger , & Anthony Curtis and myself. Numerous phone calls and emails were exchanged

    It will have different points for each event as the number of players in the event will determine the number of points awarded.

    This is "Fair" as you may win one of Ricks tournaments that have 50 players and then someone wins one that has 100 players and they earn the same points this is " Not Fair"

    I have no Personal Agenda here

    I along with the above named players and others have always said there needs to be a player ranking system. With the inflated tournament results and titles that were revealed on this years WSOB is what really got the ball rolling on this subject . It was nothing personal . Sorry if a small group of you were under that impression

    For those who really know me know that I have nothing but the best interest for BJ Tournaments in my endeavors.

    I will continue in my same writing style and passion for this game that I love and this community that I'm happy to call my extended family

    Now keep in mind that there are times that you just want to throw your brother or sister off a cliff but you don't you just grind your teeth and smile at the family dinner table. :D

    So to my Brother and Sister you are safe for now ;)

  14. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Ok then can I call you Uncle Joe? :joker:
  15. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    where's the Beef?

    Hey Uncle Joep,

    Where is this magical/mystical point system anyway? :confused:

    TX posted his prospective system now lets see YOUR collaberation! Come on don't be shy!
  16. noman

    noman Top Member


    Don't go givin Joe any more phrases to list under his name. There won't be enough room for even his precise posts.

    Call him uncle joe, if you will, but leave that between you two. Just as he knows all the ugly names I call him.
  17. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Good things come to those who WAIT

  18. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Ok, you don't have to SCREAM. Geez! :rolleyes:

    So I guess you're NOT going to post your point system then?

    Come on when about now?

    .............................ok how about NOW?

  19. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Do you or don't you?

    Joep do you have (or were you a part of a group that made up) a point system?

    If so please post it so we may all see and compare. If you don't and you just wanted to see my ideas on my point system all you had to do is ask me.

    Damn Joep, you told me to put up about my "Pick 50 players" bet and I did and you didn't take it, now you challenge my point system saying the one you worked on is better (which it maybe), but we will never know if you don't post it.

    We're all waiting, mine is posted were is yours?

    If you need more time to try and get one made up just say so, I'll give you some more time...LOL

    This is funny busting Joep...LOL

    Before you get to pissed off at me, would you like to deal the BJ cruise again next year? You maybe a little slower than some of the regular dealers but I think you were the most entertaining and informative of the dealers.
  20. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    How about NOW?:laugh:

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